The Rookie

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The Rookie (2018–) is an American television show, airing on ABC. The series follows John Nolan, a man in his forties, who becomes the oldest rookie at the Los Angeles Police Department.

Season 1


Pilot [1.1]

Stacy: (taps on glass) Bank's open, John.
Nolan: Thanks.
[Nolan and Stacy walk toward the back of the bank. Stacy is obviously employed there.]
Stacy: So, Happy Divorce Day.
Nolan: That's not a thing.
Stacy: It should be. When mine went through, I took the boys to Disneyland.
Nolan: I'm not really feeling the Matterhorn.
Stacy: Try and look at this as an opportunity.
Nolan: Right now, I'm just trying to remember to wear pants. You know, I thought I'd be relieved. Sarah and I agreed to stay together until Henry went to college. I knew this was coming for two years.
[Stacy takes Nolan into the safe deposit vault and unlocks a box.]
Stacy: So, what have you always wanted to do?
Nolan: Uh, Chippendale's. Or the NFL. I'm not picky.
Stacy: I'm trying to help you, John.
Nolan: I bought a self-help book, but I had the cashier put it in a brown paper bag. Can't bring myself to open it. Who am I?
Stacy: I think the healthier question is "Who do you want to be?"
Nolan: When I figure it out, I'll let you know.

Crash Course [1.2]

Nolan: Six months ago, I packed everything I own into a U-Haul, moved here to become a cop.
Andersen: Cholesterol level I've never seen in a rookie.
Nolan: I'm something of a pioneer.
Grey: We got some new blood this morning. Lucy Chen, Jackson West, and John Nolan, who was born before disco died.
Bishop: I don't give a damn about your age. Show me what you got.
Grey: I hate what you represent - a walking mid-life crisis. LAPD isn't a place for you to find yourself.
Bradford: Everything is a test, Officer Chen, and you just got another "F." Show me those hands. Now!
Chen: 7-Adam-19. Officer down.
Lopez: Get out your gun and cover me! If you don't have what it takes on the streets, then you're not a cop. Freeze up again, and you're done.
Bishop: I know about you and Nolan. Break things off before it's too late.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly [1.3]

[Chen and Nolan are walking along a path on the beach. Chen is laughing.]
Nolan: It's not funny.
Chen: Yeah, sure it is. Just not to you.
Nolan: Honestly, who steals stolen money right in front of a cop?
Chen: Somebody stupid or desperate.
[West comes jogging up behind them.]
West: I thought we were here to run.
Nolan: Oh, yes, we are. We just need a little more warm-up than you do.
Chen: You look great, though.
Nolan: Yeah.
West; Okay, you think you're cute -
Chen: Mm-hmm.
West: - but the job's a marathon. And I'm not gonna be the one who falls by the wayside because I didn't train.
[West runs off.]
Nolan: Looking good! You're a beast!
Chen: We're right behind you! (to Nolan) He's right, though. Tim gets back today, and I feel like I should have prepared myself somehow for the abuse to come.
Nolan: You saved the guy's life. He's got to cut you some slack.
Chen: Does Talia ever cut you slack, or Sergeant Grey?
Nolan: It's been good knowing you.
Chen: Uh-huh. It's time to run, Officer Nolan. Let's go.
Nolan: Oh! Be right there. I'm just gonna stretch a little more.

The Switch [1.4]

[Nolan and Chen are at Nolan's house, studying the "rook book". Chen is reading and Nolan is mentally revisiting the previous arrest.
Nolan: That marriage is going to last forever, or flame out in five minutes. Either way, best proposal story ever.
Chen: O-Okay, that's wonderful, but the question I asked was, "In what circumstance can a firearm be discharged at a moving vehicle?"
Nolan: Only if the person in the vehicle is immediately threatening an officer or another person with deadly force using something other than the vehicle.
Chen: Yeah.
[They high-five.]
Nolan: I don't really have one - a good proposal story.
Chen: Yeah, well, there's always next time. (realizes what she just said) Not, uh - Not with me. I - I just meant that -
Nolan: No, and I - I wasn't fishing. I was just oversharing. I- Who knows if I'm even gonna get married again? I mean, and this whole cop thing is a legendary relationship killer. Though we seem to be navigating it fairly well, aren't we?
Chen: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, okay. List all descriptors needed for a firearm in a crime report. - Officer Nolan.
[Nolan has moved behind her and is kissing her neck and shoulders.]
Nolan: Mm-hmm. Yes?
Chen: Can you focus? We need to study.
Nolan: (still kissing) Mm-hmm.
Chen: What are the descriptors of a firearm?
Nolan: A serial number, maker's name, model, caliber or gauge, color of metal... (lasciviously, turning her to face him) Length of barrel.
Chen: Yeah?
Nolan: Oh, yeah.

The Roundup [1.5]

Bradford: All right, settle down. Settle down. Listen. Everyone knows what today is, and I just want to say that Team Bradford is gonna dominate once again.
Lopez: Yeah, not this year, Blondie.
Other Cops: You're going down, man. - Yeah!
Nolan: Dominate what?
West: The Roundup. Happens every year when the rookies are a month into the job. The T.O.s sponsor a competition for the most felony arrests in one shift.
Nolan: Sounds like fun. (off his look) What?
Chen: We were both there when pub trivia almost got violent.
West: Mm-hmm.
Nolan: I like a little healthy competition.
Chen: Mm.
West: Are you kidding? You're cutthroat and relentless. Which I respect.
Grey: All right, settle down. Don't think I didn't see you up in my spot, Bradford. So, I am aware that today is the day where our T.O. units compete for most arrests. Under no circumstance does the department endorse this. Meaning I don't want to hear about your points or strategy. Am I clear, Officer Bradford?
Bradford: Yes, sir. This job isn't about winning. It's about good policing and teamwork.

The Hawke [1.6]

Hawke: Check it out. Check it out. I got a bullet in one hand, cigar in the other, and I said to the chief, I said, "You pin that medal right in the middle." Right? Hey, hey, look at that! Officer John Nolan. Oh! Grittiest recruit I've ever trained right here, man.
Nolan: Good to see you.
Hawke: You too, man.
Otto: Only long-timers allowed in here, Hawke. You know the rules.
Hawke: I never met a rule I didn't break, Otto, so go get your old ass over to the bar and get a drink. Come on. It's on the Hawke. (to Nolan) Whoo, sit down, man.
Nolan: Fun place you got here.
Hawke: It's a dump, but my credit is so good.
[Later. Hawke and Nolan are watching the guys playing darts.]
Hawke: They're like, "Oh, I don't know if I got this in me." Long time ago, man.
Nolan: Mm.
Hawke: I tell you, my talents are being wasted at the Academy. Seven years is too long to keep The Hawke cooped up. Yeah. No, I need to get back out there on the street, man. Take a real door, you know, just throw some bullets.
Nolan: I thought you were trying to get assigned to Mid-Wilshire.
Hawke: Oh, I was, but your captain, he blocked me. So, enough about me. Let's talk about you. So, tell me right now. How's the real thing compare to the Academy?
Nolan: You were right about the job. It is nothing like the Academy.
Hawke: That's right. That's why I never teach by the manual. Never.
Nolan: Well, I wouldn't have been ready if it wasn't for you. You were the only one who showed me any support at the Academy. It was - There's a whole generation of cops with the Hawke brand on them. You should be proud.
Hawke: Ah, don't be blowing smoke. I don't need you to tell me how pretty I am.
Nolan: Good, because I'm a terrible liar.
Hawke: Yes, you are. You are terrible.
Nolan: Okay, mm. I got to wrap it up. I got to get out of here.
Hawke: Mnh-mnh!
Nolan: It's a school night, and I am not good enough at this job to do it hung over.
Hawke: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Come on. Come on. Come on. You can't tap out on me tonight, no way. The night is too young, and I am in no hurry to get back to that motel, none.
Nolan: A motel?
Hawke: Yeah. Well, my wife, she, uh - Uh, she kicked me out months ago.
Nolan: No.
Hawke: Yeah. It's no big deal. It's no big deal. Marriages are tough, right? You've been there.
Hawke: I just I don't know. I just need to give her, uh, give her a little space. That's all.
Nolan: You know, look, I got a great couch. Why don't you crash at my place tonight?
Hawke: No, no. I'm all paid for the week at Travel Inn, and I have got clean sheets. I got cold pizza, premium cable. Right? Hey, if that's not living the dream, my friend -
Nolan: Yeah.
Hawke: - then I don't know what is, right? God. Give me this, pansy. (takes olan's shot and downs it.)

The Ride Along [1.7]

Ben: So, just to be clear, since I left you three days ago, I flew to New York, went to a board meeting, two Broadway shows, a charity gala, and you haven't moved.
Nolan: [Yawning] Moving is overrated.
Ben: Huh. You said you had plans. Right? Too many to come to New York with me.
Nolan: Yeah, I lied about that. And you told me to embrace being on my own.
Ben: I didn't mean become a hermit. You need to put yourself out there, meet new people.
Nolan: I do. I meet dozens of new people, every day on patrol.
Ben: And you arrest them.
Nolan: Speaking of, I have got to get to work.
Ben: I'm just trying to look out for you.
Nolan: I know, and and I appreciate it. I just - I'm not feeling really social right now.
Ben: How many times you check Lucy's Instagram page?
Nolan: None. (a beat) Eleven.
Ben: John, L. A. is full of distractions. Find yourself one. 'Cause Lucy's not going anywhere. You need to move on.

Time of Death [1.8]

[Bishop is talking with Captain Andersen.]
Bishop: I don't know what to say.
Andersen: You worked really hard for this. You deserve it.
Bishop: Thank you. I'll sign up for the detective's exam today.
Andersen: You should thank Wolfe and Vestri. They're pulling for you.
[Andersen walks away and Lopez comes up to Bishop.
Bishop: I got the Tap.
Lopez: I heard. Congrats. Don't forget about us when you get your detective's badge.
Bishop: I'm sorry, do I know you?
Lopez: Insufferable already. You'll fit right in.
Bishop: Hey, I mean, it's not a done deal yet. I still have to take the exam.
Lopez: Well, we both know that if the detectives want you, you're in.
Bishop: Hey, are we good? I know you wanted it, too.
Lopez: Of course. I'm happy for you.
[They reach the bottom of the stairs and meet up with Bradford.]
Bradford: What's going on?
Lopez: Talia just got the Tap.
Bradford: No kidding. That's great.
[In the carport, Sgt. Grey is supervising delivery of someone in a patrol car; it's Isabel Bradford.]
Bishop: What is she doing back here?
[Tim Bradford goes over to confront Grey as Isabel is led away.]
Bradford: What the hell's going on? They were supposed to hand her to the D.A. for prosecution.
Grey: Your wife made a deal to be a confidential informant.
Bradford: What?
Grey: She has a lot of contacts on the street.
Bradford: Because she's a drug addict.
Grey: With police training.
Bradford: Which will get her killed if someone finds out.
Grey: They won't let that happen. At least this way she stays out of prison.

Standoff [1.9]

Bradford: I knew it was a mistake.
Lopez: Nothing you could've done to stop it.
Bradford: I could've blown the operation early before she went in.
Lopez: And then you would've gotten yourself fired. Torturing yourself isn't gonna help us find her.
Bradford: She's dead, Angela. Vance killed her the second they got free of our surveillance.
Lopez: You don't know that.
Bradford: Yes, I do. Just like I always knew I'd end up looking for her body.
Bishop: (on radio We found her. Alley on Crenshaw near the 10. Get here now.
[Bradford and Lopez pull up in an alley where a body is being lifted carefully out of a dumpster.]
Bishop: She's alive, but it's not good. They shot her in the head.
[Bradford rushes to the gurney where Isabel is being prepped for transport.]
Bradford: I'm he- I'm here, baby. I'm here. I'm here.

Flesh and Blood [1.10]

Grey: All right. Look alive, look alive. Officer Nolan, you ready?
Nolan: Yes, sir.
Grey: Good. Now, answer me this. What is your favorite part about the job? And don't say "To make a difference."
Nolan: I wasn't going to. But it is.
Grey: What's your least favorite?
Nolan: Oh, that's easy. Paperwork.
[Captain Andersen steps into the room; she's in a patrol uniform.]
Andersen: Imagine how I feel. [Officers Murmuring]
Lopez: All right.
Andersen: Most of what a captain does is paperwork. 'Cause of that, I feel like I've lost touch with what being a cop is really about. People. It's not only the citizens that we serve and protect. It's every single one of you in this room. So, to remedy that, I've decided Sergeant Grey and I are gonna ride patrol today.
Bradford: Together?
Andersen: No. We're each gonna ride with a rookie, and their respective T.O.s will pair up.
West: Ma'am, I'd be honored if you'd ride with me.
Andersen: That is sweet, Officer West, but today I'm riding with Officer Chen.
Nolan: Sergeant Grey, I'd be honored if you rode with Officer West today.
Grey: That's cute, Officer Nolan. But you know my heart belongs to you.
Nolan: Lucky me.

Redwood [1.11]

Nolan: (on the phone) No, no, no, I'm not upset. I'm just surprised at how fast it happened. All right, text me when you get back to campus. Love you, too. Bye.
[He ends the call just as Ben comes in.]
Ben: Hey.
Nolan: Hey!
Ben: Oh oh - I know I said Sedona had some easy hikes, but you should at least put on shoes.
Nolan: Sarah just accepted an offer on the house.
Ben: That's my girl. Well, it's a seller's market. Besides, it's not like you're going back to Foxburg. Unless the house was your safety net in case this didn't pan out.
Nolan: No.
Ben: Okay.
Nolan: I just always imagined Henry raising his own kids there, you know? Mark their height on the same doorjamb and camping in the backyard like we did.
Ben: Aww. That's sweet, Mr. Cleaver. But Henry's 18. Like, the last thing he's thinking about is inheriting your house. He's out there starting a new life. As are you. So go get dressed. We have quite an adventure ahead.
Nolan: Yes, we do. (His cell beeps; reading the screen:) "Mandatory Emergency Callback for all patrol." Huh.
Ben: What does that mean?
Nolan: It means we're having different adventures today.

Heartbreak [1.12]

[Nolan is getting breakfast when his cell rings.]
Nolan: Hello?
Dave: (on the phone) Mr. Nolan, it's Dave at Flower Town. Uh, we're having a little trouble delivering your Valentine's order of two dozen roses for your wife.
Nolan: Oh, uh, Dave. Yeah, I actually won't be needing that delivery this year.
Dave: What?
Nolan: Uh, Sarah and I got divorced. I'm living in L. A. now.
Dave: Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that. I mean, hell, your standing order is as old as my shop, 20 years.
Nolan: [Chuckles] Yeah, yeah, it was hard, but it's for the best, you know? People change. That's just human nature. It's easy to feel like you failed, but truth is, at the end of the day, we raised a great kid. I don't have to tell you, Dave. I know you have kids. Dave?
Dave: Sorry, had to put you on hold there for a sec. So, what would you like me to do with the flowers?
Nolan: You know what? Just deliver them to the hospital. I'm sure someone there would appreciate them. Thanks.
[He ends the call and hears something go Thud in the next room. Going to investigate, he finds Ben on the other side of the glass door to the patio, holding his head.]
Ben: Ohh. [Groaning] Wow!
Nolan: You okay?
[He unlocks the door and lets Ben in.]
Ben: I hit my head. You locked the door.
Nolan: Weirdest thing. This guy keeps wandering into my house. (pointedly) Uninvited.
Ben: You know it's Valentine's Day.
Nolan: Yes, I was just reminded.
Ben: It's your first one alone. Ever. So I thought maybe we could do something after your shift. You know, help get your mind off it.
Nolan: Like?
Ben: You can invite some friends over. I'll cater it. (to himself) Yeah. Wolfgang owes me a favor.
Nolan: Yeah!
Ben: Yes?
Nolan: Yeah, that sounds like fun! [Laughs] That's awesome! Okay, good. Now get out.

Caught Stealing [1.13]

[Nolan encounters Chen as she comes in for her shift.]
Nolan: Hey. Happy to be back on days?
Chen: God, yes. I don't know if you heard, but it was -
[Nolan pulls his shirt open to reveal a t-shirt under it with Chen’s image on it, the photo Bradford took.
Nolan: Tim had shirts made.
Chen: Of course he did. Well, you know, just wait until it's your turn, Officer In Bed By Ten.
Nolan: What can I say: I'm a morning person.
Chen: Mm-hmm.
[They walk down a hallway and encounter West already in uniform.]
West: Good morning.
Nolan: You're here bright and early.
West: Hey, if you're not early, you're late.
Chen: That's a stupid saying.
West: What's her problem?
Nolan: Uh - (shows off the t-shirt)
West: I wore mine in too!
Chen: It's not the t-shirt, although it is annoying. I can't find a place to live.
West: You could always move back home.
Chen: No, I really can't.
West: Or you can bunk up with Nolan. He lives in a mansion.
Nolan: Hey, it's not a mansion. It's a guest house of a mansion. But you're welcome to crash on the couch if you need to.
Chen: Yeah, thanks. But I am determined to find a nice, clean, affordable place to live, even if it kills me.
Nolan: (to West) It's not a mansion.

Plain Clothes Day [1.14]

[Bishop and Nolan are called to the scene of an accident. Both parties are out of their vehicles, arguing.]
Krissy: He swooped in like a bat out of hell and crashed into my car.
Dale: You hit me.
Nolan: Whoa, whoa. Let's just start at the beginning, starting with you.
[He points at the man. Camera pulls back to reveal a damaged helicopter which apparently landed partly on a car.]
Dale: I had engine trouble. And if I wasn't such a good pilot, I would've crashed instead of making a controlled emergency landing, so I deserve a little more gratitude than attitude.
Bishop: Sir, can you step over here, please? Those look like bullet holes.
Dale: What? No, those are, uh, those are bird strikes.
Bishop: Oh, let me guess, the elusive brass-jacketed hollow point?
Nolan: Is that why you had engine trouble, sir? Because someone was shooting at you?
Dale: Why would anyone do that?
[Nolan looks into the helicopter cargo area and spots some paper money being blown around by the breeze. Finding the source of the bills, he checks the bag and finds the words “Orange County Savings & Loan” printed on it.
Nolan: Control, 7-Adam-15, check in with OCPD and see if they have a 211 at Orange County Savings and Loan.
Dispatch: 7-Adam-15, be advised the bank was robbed an hour ago. Suspect escaped in a blue helicopter.
[Nolan turns to look at the man, who seems resigned.]
Dale: So, hands behind my head, then?
Nolan: Yep. Hands behind your head.

Manhunt [1.15]

[Out of her vest and in street clothes, Russo addresses the cops.]
Russo: Okay, so what did you all do wrong? Officer West started mansplaining. Officer Chen wasted time by introducing herself. And Officer Bradford decided to skip words altogether.
Bradford: They're overrated. If I'd been a hair quicker, you'd be singing my praises.
Russo: But you weren't. So that means you fall into the fail category with everybody else except Officer Nolan. What did he do right?
Bishop: He expressed empathy.
Bradford: You mean he faked it.
Russo: It doesn't matter if it was real. The only thing that matters is how it comes across.
Nolan: Active listening plus empathy leads to a rapport, which leads to influence and ultimately behavioral change.
Russo: Wow, you read my book.
Nolan': Twice.
Russo: Oh. Okay, well, I read your file. Actually, I read all of your files, but, um, nothing in your past indicates an ability to communicate with people like that. So why do you think that you're so good at it?
Nolan: Because of the training I received from Officer Bishop and Sergeant Grey.
Russo: Boom. (making a button-pushing gesture) You just betrayed our trust by giving me a political answer. Our rapport is ruined, and this room is now a horror movie.

Greenlight [1.16]

[Nolan stands near his truck, surrounded by busy police officers. Chen and West come up to him.]
Chen: Hey. So, they canvassed the area. No one saw the shooter.
Nolan: He fired a couple hundred rounds.
Chen: Yeah, no one's admitting they saw him.
West: Yeah, patrol found the car he escaped in. It was reported stolen this afternoon. SID is all over it.
[Bishop and Bradford, in street clothes, join the group.]
Bishop: Who'd you piss off?
Bradford: Clearly someone with access to heavy weaponry.
Nolan: I didn't recognize the guy.
[Andersen and Grey show up.]
Andersen: According to intelligence, you've been greenlit by Southern Front.
Nolan: Greenlit?
Grey: Means they put a hit on you.
Bradford: How's a rookie get greenlit before me? I gotta step up my game.
Bishop: It's not a badge of honor.
Lopez: Violent white supremacist gang wants you dead, you're doing something right.
Nolan: I-I'm sorry, white supremacy gang and greenlit? W-Wh What the hell is going on?
Grey: Normally, gangs don't target cops more trouble than it's worth. Unless a cop disrespects a gang member, then all bets are off.
Andersen: You arrested a woman today. Astrid Heisserer.
Nolan: Her dress broke. I-I embarrassed her. I thought she was IA.
Andersen: She's not. She's the baby mama of the leader of Southern Front, one of the most violent criminal enterprises in the country.
Grey: And because of how you treated her, he authorized everyone in the gang to kill you.
Bradford: What about Talia?
Bishop: Yeah, what about me?
Andersen: Nolan is the one who put hands on her. He's the one they're after.
Chen: How many Southern Front members are there?
Andersen: In the greater Los Angeles area? Several thousand.
Grey: And protecting you will be our number-one priority.
Andersen: Step one is to get you off the streets. Come with me, Nolan. I'm gonna escort you home.

The Shake Up [1.17]

[Nolan is walking on the beach with Jessica Russo.]
Russo: Oh, I could get used to this.
Nolan: Right? [Chuckles] They don't have this in D. C.
Russo: Nope. Just an equal amount of self-absorbed people.
Nolan: Mm-hmm. Only they're far more pale.
Russo: Yes. [Laughs]
Nolan: Which is why you should spend more than a few days a month down here with me.
Russo: Oh, I wish I could. But I landed this big security contract in Virginia.
Nolan: Nice.
Russo: Which reminds me. Um, there's this thing that I heard about that I think you should volunteer for.
Nolan: I love volunteering for things. What's the thing?
Russo: Well, uh, a friend of mine is an ADA out here, and he mentioned that he's gonna be reaching out to your station for manpower for a protection detail. Some high-powered witness in a safe house.
Nolan: Sounds like fun.
Russo: And some valuable experience.
Nolan: How can I ever thank you?
Russo: Oh, I'm sure I will think of a few ways.
Nolan: I'm sure you will. [Laughs] We're talking about sex, though, right?
Russ: [Laughing] Yeah.

Homefront [1.18]

[The rookies and their T.O.s are headed for the briefing room.]
Lopez: Hey. Heard you're officially a cop now. Got hit with your first lawsuit.
Nolan: Oh, it's ridiculous. This guy says I dislocated his shoulder pushing past him in a pursuit. I-I don't think I even touched him. And now he wants fifty thousand to settle.
Bradford: Don't take it personally. Being sued's part of the job.
Lopez: It's why we're required to have liability insurance.
Bradford: Union assign a lawyer yet?
Nolan: Yeah. Some guy named Simon Parks.
Lopez: You're lucky. Guy's a legend.
Bradford: Saved my ass a couple times. He's a cranky old S. O. B., but he gets the job done. You've got nothing to worry about.
[They enter the briefing room, where everyone seems to be looking up at the landing.]
Nolan: What's going on?
Bishop: IA arrested Jenkins.
[A man is being escorted down the stairs by two officers.]
West: The Robbery Homicide detective?
Bradford: Yeah.
Chen: Why?
[Grey enters the room, followed by Cmdr Percy West, and everyone moves to sit down.]
Grey: All right. Grab a seat. [Sighs] See, look, it's never a good day when one of your own gets arrested. I'm sure you have questions. Commander West from IA is here to answer. Commander?
Percy: Thank you, Sergeant. After an extensive investigation, we found clear evidence that, ten years ago, Detective Jenkins lied on the witness stand. Because of his lies, an innocent woman was convicted of murder in the first.
Chen: She's been in jail this whole time?
Percy: Yes. Samantha Bennett. She was released two days ago. In addition to charging Jenkins with perjury, we've placed him on the Brady List.
Nolan: Uh, what is the Brady List?
West: Uh, it's a record of law enforcement officers who've withheld exculpatory evidence.
Bishop: It's a list of dirty cops.
Percy: IA has reviewed all of Jenkins' past convictions. Of them, three others were deemed suspect enough to warrant the release of those felons.
Bradford: But you're not sure those three are innocent.
Percy: No, but their convictions were overturned.
Lopez: When this gets out, every lawyer in town is gonna want to get a Jenkins conviction overturned.
Grey: That's tomorrow's problem. Today, protocol dictates that we make voluntary contact with these released felons. So, Lopez and West, you will talk to Samantha Bennett. Bradford, Chen, you got Max Kegel, who was doing 25 to life for drug trafficking. And, Bishop and Nolan, take Terry Wright, who was in for armed robbery and attempted murder. If you observe anything actionable, send it up to Major Crimes.
Bishop: And what if we don't see anything actionable?
Grey: Leave it alone. Observe, report. That's it. All right. Be safe out there.

The Checklist [1.19]

Nolan: Police! (sees something out a back window that makes him do a double take.) Bishop?
[Nolan and Bishop walk out into the back yard, where there is a man whose parachute is caught in a tree, stranding him in mid-air.]
Ellis Hey! Hi. Oh, thank God. I've been stuck up here for almost an hour.
Bishop: (into radio) Control, send LAFD to our location. We got a guy in a tree.
Nolan: I have so many questions, starting with "How?" and ending with "Why?"
Ellis: I missed the landing zone.
Nolan: That's obvious.
[A man comes out of the house. It’s famous musician Nolan does another double take and nudges Bishop.] Excuse me. What are you guys doing on my property? Do you guys have a warrant?
Bishop: We got a call. Uh, silent alarm. And what are you doing in my tree, bro?
Nolan: He missed the landing zone. Yeah, that's obvious.
Ellis: Actually, I was aiming for Selena Gomez's house. Uh, Selena Gomez doesn't live here. She li- (catches himself) I-I can't tell you - where Selena Gomez lives.
Bishop: Wait. Are you stalking Selena?
Ellis: Stalking's such an ugly word. Parachuting into somebody's backyard is, like, kind of psycho, bro. You need to check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Nolan: (to Does that mean you don't want to press charges? Nah. Just get him off my property A.S.A.P. (walks back in the house.)
Nolan: You got it. [whispering] Oh, my God, that's! (Bishop gestures for him to chill.) That's so cool.

Free Fall [1.20]

[Nolan is quizzing Chen and West on penal codes.]
Nolan: What's a 314?
West: Uh, indecent exposure.
Nolan: Nice. A 273g?
Chen: Being intoxicated in the presence of a child.
Nolan: Well done. Reminds me of a funny story...
Chen: Mm, mm-hmm, uh-uh.
Nolan: Which is for later. How about a 237?
Chen: False imprisonment.
Nolan: Nicely done, and a personal favorite of mine, a 597h.
Chen and West: (together) Unlawfully attaching a propeller to an animal so that dogs may chase it.
Nolan: Well done. That's 500 penal codes down, 1,000 to go. Curly fries?
West: Yes.
Chen: Definitely.

Season 2


Impact [2.1]

Wesley: This is only going to work if we talk to each other, you know that, right?
Angela: I’ve never lived with anyone before. I’ve never been in love like this and I’m scared I’m going to screw it up.
Wesley: You won’t. I won’t let you.
Angela: Good, because we’re getting a maid.

The Night General [2.2]

Grey: You ever heard of a Night General?
Nolan: No, Sir.
Grey: Night general detectives. They respond to any crime scene after normal business hours. They work the case until it’s assigned. They have to be a master at everything because they see everything.
Nolan: Sound impressive.
Grey: It is and most of them got the attitude to go with it.

The Bet [2.3]

Grey: Is there a problem, Smitty?
Smitty: Oh no, sir. I just love playing Whack-a-mole.
Grey: It’s true. Knockdown a problem spot it can pop back up anywhere but that’s the job, right? And since you’re so excited about doing it, I think you should share your excitement with Officer West out there today.
Smitty: Seriously?
West: Seriously?
Grey: Yeah, seriously.

Warriors and Guardians [2.4]

Nolan: Because when people are having their worst day I want to be there to try and help make it right.
Nyla: Oh God, you’re one of those.
Nolan: One of what?
Nyla: A guardian. There are two kinds of cops, Officer Nolan. Warriors and guardians. One’s a hunter, the other’s a nurturer. One is only alive when they’re in the fight, the other is happy to clock out after twelve. One is worth my time, the other is not.

Tough Love [2.5]

Grey: Officer Lopez, is this how you train your rookies, to ignore the orders of federal agents?
Lopez: Pretty much, sir.
Grey: Any day we can remind our federal brethren that we are their equals is a day worth living.

Fallout [2.6]

Nyla: I have been lost and I am trying to find my way back and I am going to make mistakes and I am going to fall on my face a lot but when that alert came in the only thing I could think about was making sure that she was safe. It’s the only thing that matters to me now.

Safety [2.7]

Nyla: If you are going to survive on these streets as a 5’6” woman, and one of color no less, you better learn what these boys don’t know to teach.

Clean Cut [2.8]

Nyla: You know, I’ve wanted to say you did a great job with your daughter.
Grey: Yeah, the fact she wants to move across the country speaks volumes.
Nyla: Actually it does. It says that she’s brave and confident. You gave her a home, a safe place to launch from and retreat to, same way you do for us. I hope I can become half the parent you are.
Grey: Laying it on pretty thick, aren’t you?
Nyla: Yes, Sir.

Breaking Point [2.9]

Lopez: You want to talk about anything?
Wesley: No.
Lopez: We're going to get through this.
Wesley: Yeah, I know.

The Dark Side [2.10]

Nolan: Any advice on how to deal with her?
Nick: Don’t try to figure her out?
Nolan: Because I’m not qualified.
Nick: There in lies the madness. Is there any real rationale why someone would take off a person’s hands or pour boiling oil down someone’s throat? There’s this morbid curiosity to ask why. Don’t. You don’t want to know what’s in her head and you sure as hell don’t want her in yours.

Day of Death [2.11]

Wesley: Can I help?
Bradford: What’s your tolerance for cranks and asshats wasting your time?
Wesley: I’m a Public Defender.
Bradford: Have at it.

Now and Then [2.12]

Nolan: You love her but you’re rooting against her all because you can’t handle the idea of her being in danger.
Henry: Okay, Dad, that’s not fair. I’m trying to protect her.
Nolan: Deciding what’s best for her is not protecting her, that’s controlling her and you’re better than that.

Follow-Up Day [2.13]

Lucy: What do we do now?
Bradford: I don’t know. We made our play and we failed.
Lucy: Wow. I never thought I’d see you give up that easily.
Bradford: If you’ve got a path to victory, Boot, I’m all ears.
Lucy: I don’t but you’re the king of subversive tests and tricks. There’s got to be some way to win by coming at this sideways.

Casualties [2.14]

Nolan: So why come for me?
Jengus: Because you’re the weak link. Bradford served two tours in-country, Harper’s taken on cartels, and Chen’s survived a serial killer. You build houses, and you always push on the weak link so I’m pushing on you.

Hand-Off [2.15]

Nolan: It seems strange to thank you for returning money that you stole from me.
Jordan: It’s been that kind of a day.

The Overnight [2.16]

Lopez: I am tired, stressed, and emotional. If you make me chase your ass through this hotel, believe me, you will pay.
Jackson: I thought you were scary during the day shift.

Control [2.17]

Bradford: The last time I gave you romantic advice I pushed you towards Caleb and you almost died.
Lucy: That’s ridiculous. There was no reason to suspect anything. What happened…what happened wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t mine either. Look, I wouldn’t ask your advice if I didn’t value your opinion.

Under the Gun [2.18]

Lopez: Grey just wants me to play nice but how I act isn’t going to matter to a geek who only looks at numbers. I have to convince him that there’s data he’s not factoring into his algorithm.
West: And if he gets caught in the crossfire?
Lopez: Problem solved.

The Q Word [2.19]

Nyla: Did you really just say the Q word in my shop?
Nolan: What, quiet?
Nyla: Ah, ah, ah, stop! You do not under any circumstance ever use the Q word while on duty. That is like saying Macbeth in theater or talking about a no-hitter in the dugout.
Nolan: Okay, I had no idea you were superstitious.
Nyla: That is not superstitious, that’s fact.
Nolan: Where are you going?
Nyla: I’m going to get the trauma plate for my vest because I have a feeling I'm going to need it.

The Hunt [2.20]

Chen: I still can’t believe karaoke bars are covers for brothels.
Bradford: Everywhere is a cover for a brothel.
Chen: That’s depressing.

Season 3


Consequences [3.1]

Nolan: The truth is on my side.
Wesley: And you think that means something? If you were any other defendant…
Nolan: What?
Wesley: Never mind.
Nolan: No, I want to know. If I was any other defendant, what?
Wesley: You are a white man, a cop. You have already been treated with a level of deference my other clients would never get. If you were black or brown the police would have created exigent circumstances and kicked the door in, shot you if they thought you reacted aggressively. Arrested you if you surrendered, confident that the DA would bully you into a plea deal.

In Justice [3.2]

Bradford: Congratulations.
Chen: On what?
Bradford: On your first puppy. Every rookie adopts a puppy at some point. Someone they think they can save. Honestly, I’m surprised it took you this long.
Chen: Did you have a puppy?
Bradford: That’s not relevant here.

La Fiera [3.3]

Grey: When I joined the department I told myself to do whatever you need to do to survive, get a promotion, then make some real change.
Luna: And now you're about to retire.
Grey: And I didn't change a damn thing.
Luna: Okay. What are you gonna do about it?

Sabotage [3.4]

Nolan: I didn't know you could do that?
Harper: Do what?
Nolan: Giggle.

Lockdown [3.5]

Jackson: Who knew that getting my ass kicked would get this thing done?
Grey: You could have died.
Jackson: Yeah, well, it was worth it to get the needle moving in the right direction.
Grey: You shouldn’t have to risk your life to get a bad cop fired.

Revelations [3.6]

Nolan: Tell me the truth. Did working the convention as a patrol officer feel like a demotion?
Harper: At first, yes, but then I got a contact anxiety high. I do not miss the constant fear and the lying so much you don’t know what the truth is.

True Crime [3.7]

Nolan: Your job as a parent is to protect your children as much as you can, but that also means teaching them right from wrong. There has to be consequences. It doesn’t mean you love them any less; it just means parenting is hard.

Bad Blood [3.8]

Nolan: I’m guessing your conflict of interest is that he stabbed your fiancé.
Angela: Technically, my conflict is my desire to kill him for that.
Nolan: But you wouldn’t really.
Angela: I’m pregnant. Don’t try me.