The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour Specials

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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius and The Fairly OddParents crossover specials

Jimmy Timmy Power Hour (2004)[edit]

Jimmy: Hey! W-who the heck are you?! (Close-up of Timmy.)
Timmy: (singing crazily) I'm loopy! I'm loopy! (Bangs head with Poofer)
Jimmy: What are you doing?! That thing's dangerous!

Cosmo: Oh, no, that kid isn't Timmy. His swirly, fudgey hair is way too perfect.
Wanda: Worse, if he finds out that we're Timmy's fairies, we'll have to go away forever.

(Jimmy looks at Timmy's fairies)

Jimmy: What are you?
Cosmo: I'm Cosmo!
Wanda: And I'm Wanda.
Both: And we're... um...
Jimmy: Holograms, of course.

(Jimmy touches Wanda)

Cosmo: Hey, hands off the wife!

Timmy: Hey, it's that kid!
Cindy: It's Neutron!
[Sheen and Carl realize Timmy is not Jimmy in disguise]
Sheen: But I thought that...
Carl: Then you're not...

Mr. Crocker:: Got you!, say good-bye, Timmy Turner.
Jimmy:: How many times do I have to tell you?, I'm not Timmy Turner!

(His head pops up at the end of a spring, revealing itself as a decoy, the trailer's curtains open revealing that Cosmo and Wanda were operating the robot the whole time)

Wanda:: Technically, he's not even Jimmy Neutron.
Cosmo:: Pay no attention to the fairies operating the fudgehead suit.

Jimmy: Jimmy Neutron, boy genius.
Timmy: Timmy Turner... (pauses) Boy!

Timmy: Thanks, boy genius.
Jimmy: Ah, don't mention it, average kid who no one understands.

Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide! (2006)[edit]

Anti-Cosmo: (grunts) I shall return, my dim beloved. This I swear!
Jorgen: (laughs) Dream on! I will buff up my security system! I will take away your ability to be invisible on Earth! And I will make this prison impregnable to anyone in Fairy World. Or Dimmsdale! Or this universe!
Anti-Cosmo: "This universe"? Hmmm... Could this mean there are other universes? (to camera) Oh, splendid! I smell a loophole! I smell a loophole! Ha ha ha!

Timmy: Hey, I bet you guys know where Cindy lives.
Jimmy: Cindy? W-W...What do you want with Cindy?
Timmy: Oh, I'm here to ask her to my Friday the 13th Dance tonight.
Jimmy: (slightly offended) Your Friday the 13th Dance?
Carl: (pushes Jimmy aside) We can show you.
Sheen: But only if you promise to get us there in an unsafe and irresponsible fashion.

Professor Calamitous: Well, back to the resumes. Finding a good collaborator is my only chance of defeating Neutron. (reading a resume) "Can also do light housework." Hmm.

Jimmy: Done. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to save Cindy from the horrors of a dumb dance date!
Libby: Yo, I told you I'm coming too. Cindy's my girl.
Sheen: And we have no lives, so count us in!

Cosmo: Finally, a llama wish!

Jorgen: At last! Complete and total lockdown! The ultimate defense against fairies, anti-fairies and even the occasional gnome! Nothing of this universe can get in or out!
Professor Calamitous: Hello, my good man!
Jorgen: Oh, hello. (beat) HEY!

Timmy: (shouts) Welcome to my other lab!
Jimmy: This isn't your lab!
Timmy: Yes, it is!
Jimmy: Then why are their pictures of your teacher everywhere? Hmm? Hmmm?
Timmy: Because... I love to learn?
Sheen: Does that explain that picture of you with a dart in it? And that sign that says, "I hate Timmy"?
Timmy: Uh, I have low self-esteem?
Sheen Me, too!
Libby: Ow!

Sheen: I just remembered: I don't have low self-esteem, I have low blood sugar!

Professor Calamitous: Sorry, girly, I can't have you avenging your boyfriends' demises. You're coming with me to Retroville!
Cindy: (screams)
Libby: Cindy!
Carl: Jimmy!
Sheen: Small-headed Timmy!
Cosmo: Milton Bimowitz! (defensive) What? He's the king of vaudeville! And he plays the spoons. Can you play the spoons?

Cindy: (gasps) Jimmy, Timmy! You're alive!
Jimmy: Cindy? You're a fish?
Timmy: I can't dance with a fish! I mean, that fiend!

Timmy: I need you to create the craziest, most illogic magic you can, enough to make Jorgen furious!
Wanda:: I don't know, sweetie. I'm just not much of a loose cannon.
Cosmo: I am! (pondering) But where will we find someone as dangerously off-kilter as me?...
Sheen: Dance, Tito! Dance!

Jimmy: Time's up, Turner! I want my date back!
Timmy: Wait your turn, Baron von Boring! She's my date too!
Jimmy: But it is my turn!
Timmy: Is not!
Jimmy: Is too!
Timmy: Is not!
Jimmy: Mine!
Cindy: (Enjoying it) Boys, boys! Please! This fighting over me has got to stop.

Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinators! (2006)[edit]

Jimmy: Hold it right there, Eustace!
Eustace: James, dear boy! So good to see you again! You remember my Tripod ship… and the FEAR IT CREATES?!
Jimmy: I'm not afraid of your stupid ship!
Eustace: Oh? Well, how about now?! [presses a button, freezing Jimmy's Robo-Walker controls]
Jimmy: My controls are frozen!
Eustace: Raise Goop Launcher!
Wanda: Oh, no! Jimmy's in trouble! Timmy, do something!
Timmy: I wish Neutron's controls worked again!
[Cosmo and Wanda unfreeze the controls]
Jimmy: Thanks, Turner! Okay, Eustace… let's dance!

Jimmy: Okay, Timmy… just like we planned!
Timmy: Right! I wish the tripod ship was stuck in quicksand!
[Cosmo and Wanda poof up a quicksand under Eustace's tripod and it's legs sink quickly]
Jimmy: Setting phasers to butt whup!

[After Jimmy and Timmy defeat Eustace Strych as he's going to jail]
Timmy: Wow, that was awesome! I can't believe you used science to transmute his gasoline into sugar water, deactivate his missiles, and give him chicken pox!
Jimmy: And I can't believe you used Cosmo and Wanda to fill his cockpit with bees, turn his assistant into a pig, and fill his shorts with hot fudge!
Jimmy: [as the police car drives away] That was almost too easy.

A.J.: Well, good-bye, 21st century, with your wars, pestilence, and frozen espresso drinks. [lies down in the freezing chamber] When I wake, all of those horrible things will be a distant memory.
[A.J. falls asleep. Suddenly, Chester opens the chamber not even a few seconds later]
Chester: A.J., wake up! Timmy has a new friend!
A.J.: Wow! I'm in the future already?! And you're here, too?!
Chester: Ahem, didn't you hear me?Timmy has a new friend!
A.J.: There's no Timmy in the 24th century. Unless... society must have advanced so much that all of this familiar stuff is how my mind is processing it, so I can understand it. This room isn't actually my room. It's probably a room so advanced, my mind is processing the images so it looks like my room, which means you're not actually Chester!

[Chester and A.J. walk out of the portal, now in 3D style]
A.J.: Huh? I'm bulgy now? Is there no end to the surprises of the 21st century?
Sheen: [recognizes them] Hey, I know you guys. You're Timmy's friends.
Chester: Not anymore. He's blowing us off for your friend Jimmy.
Carl: And Jimmy blew us off with your friend Timmy.
Sheen: I hate the new Jimmy-Timmy friendship! We have to do something to break them up.

Libby: [hugs Cindy; joyfully] Cindy, you're back! [curiously] Why are you back?
Cindy: Oh. My mom had an allergic reaction to her seaweed wrap. She'll be fine once the grotesque swelling subsides. [notices Chester and A.J.] What are these two guys doing here?
A.J.: Greetings from the 21st century!
Chester: We followed Timmy to your universe. Your friend, Jimmy must've zapped him with some sort of "forget-who-your-friends-are" ray, because he's acting like we don't exist anymore.
Cindy: [excited surprised gasp] Timmy's in town?
Sheen: Yeah. And now that he and Jimmy are best buds, it's like we don't exist either!
Libby: And without Jimmy to keep them company, Needy and Needier have been sticking to me like stink on a skunk. So now that you're back, you can get Neutron and Turner fighting again so everything can go back to normal!
Cindy: Oh, you can bet they won't ignore me. I'm like catnip to those boys.
Sheen: [gasps] They poop on you in a box?!
Cindy: That's kitty litter, you idiot! Carl, give me your bag of Jimmy's hair.
Carl: What? I don't have any… [Libby takes out a paper big of Jimmy's hair from his back pocket] That's not mine. [Libby turns the bag around with words that read: "Property of C. Wheezer"] That's not me. [Libby turns the bag around again with Carl's head and words that read: "Oh, yes it is!"]

Cosmo: Um, are you sure this isn't gonna hurt?
Timmy: Hit it!
[Jimmy presses a button; Cosmo and Wanda get electrocuted]
Cosmo: You said it wouldn't hurt!
Jimmy: No, I didn't. I specifically ignored the question because I didn't think you'd like the answer.
[Shirley comes to life]
Shirley: My soul purpose to hunt you down!

Cindy: Lemme in, Neutron! Lemme in!
Carl: Hey, look, they're not in there, they're in here.

Cindy: Timmy? Where are you?
Carl: Oh, Jimmy!
A.J.: Future boys.
Cindy: Oh, forget it. They're obviously just avoiding us.
Libby: I don't get it, Cindy. What's the big deal?
Cindy: Don't you understand, Libby? I've been doubly rejected!
Libby: So, there'll be other boys.
Cindy: Oh, please. When am I ever gonna have a science genius and a sweet but clueless yats fighting over me again?
A.J.: This must a booster rocket.
Chester: Dude, that's a soup can.
Cindy: Perhaps, I spoke too soon. [sprays herself with perfume] Hey, boys.
A.J.: Soup can?
Carl and Sheen: Hi, Libby.
Libby: Oh, Cindy's coming back, you guys. Cindy, tell them you're coming back!

Shirley: You ditched me, treated me like dirt!
Wanda: Run, you idiots!

Jimmy: Your name is Shirley.
Timmy: That's the dumbest name ever!

Shirley: [captures Jimmy and Timmy] You think you're so special; well, what if I took away what makes you so special, like your genius?
Jimmy: And how do you propose to do that?! [Shirley drains Jimmy's brainpower away while gripping him with his tentacles] Uh...
Shirley: Einstein's Theory of Relativity describes that energy equals mass times times the square root of the speed of light. The P in 'pneumonia' is silent, and all-day soccer rounds last about 22.3 hours. I AM a genius! [hurls Jimmy away]
Jimmy: 1 jails to make ball scale arts…. Well, now you're in for it. I have my tools right here, so I can build something to- [notices a monster trucks ad] Monster Truck Rally! Oh, no! My brainpower is almost gone. But who cares? The big trucks is gonna eat the little trucks!
Wanda: Now, he's a villain and a genius!
Cosmo: Just like Dr. Phil.

Carl: You guys are cool. AJ, you're like Jimmy without the goofy hair.
Sheen: Yeah! And Chester here knows everything there is about roadkill.
Chester: Now, remember, that meat is more sweet, when it's flatten on the street.
A.J.: As for me, I love that even though you're both from the future, I'm much smarter than both of you.
Timmy: [runs up with his fairies and Jimmy, panicked] Guys, guys! We need your help! The villain we invited stole Jimmy's genius.
Jimmy: And de-powered... Name?
Timmy: Timmy!
Jimmy: And de-powered Timmy!
Cindy: Beat it, you guys!
Libby: Yeah, take a hike, chumps!
Timmy: No, we're serious! There's a crazy, dimentional monster on the loose and we need your help!
[AJ, Chester, Sheen, Carl, Libby, and Cindy all just walk away, having to be ignored by Jimmy and Timmy earlier]
Carl: Uh, yeah, whatever. See ya.
Cindy and Libby: Not my problem.
Sheen: Yeah, right, dude!
Timmy: Well, that could've gone better.
Wanda: Well, I'm not surprised. You weren't very nice to them, you know?
Jimmy and Timmy: We weren't?
Cosmo: What did I tell ya? Idiots!

[Shirley is in Retroville trying to grab the people's attention]
Shirley: Excuse me, have you seen-?
Sam: Outta my way, freak boy!
Shirley: Ma'am, if I can just ask you, a moment of your time! [uses his powers to suck everyone over to him] Where are the ones called Jimmy and Timmy?!
Hugh: Never heard of 'em! Uh, we don't even have a son named Jimmy, if that's what you're thinking.
Shirley: Very well. If you won't bring them forth, I'll make 'em come to me! [poofs all the Retroville citizens into his dimension, all flat in 2D style]
Hugh: Hey, look, honey, I've lost weight! And depth.
Shirley: Ahh. This is better. Welcome to your new home. I call it, "RetroDimmsdaleville!" This is just like the place where I was born. But here, I make the rules! [the citizens of Retroville scream and start to run away] Hey, where are you guys going?
Sam: Nowhere.
Hugh: We weren't trying to ditch you if that's what you were thinking.
Judy: Yes, we were. You specifically said, "Let's ditch the villain."
Shirley: You humans are all alike. Thinking you can bend a person's feelings, crumple them up when you're done with them. [bends Judy as she screams] Well, how do you like being bent? [picks up Corky Shimatzu] How do you like being crumpled up? [crumples him up]
Corky: This is not super fantastic.
Shirley: Well, get used to it. You humans are gonna be my playthings for a change. Now, let's see. What else of Jimmy and Timmy's will I take to play with? I'll take this tree. Oh! A school! [poofs a tree, Lindbergh Elementary School, and Jimmy's lab from Jimmy's dimension and into his] It's coming along nicely, but it still needs a little something.

Carl: [to Shirley] What are you gonna do with them?
Shirley: Giving them a front row seat to the destruction of both of their universes! [casually] You have two days to live; enjoy yourselves and have a blast! Oh, and here's a portal in case you want to save yourselves and come hang with me. [poofs up a portal to his dimension]
Wanda: Oh, no! He's gonna destroy everything.
Cosmo: I wanna go home!
A.J.: I wanna go back to the 21st Century; where I'll still have 200 years to live.
Sheen: I wanna see the monster trucks! The big trucks is gonna eat the little trucks!
Chester: Sorry, dude. That's three days from now. The universe will be gone by then.
[Sheen cries out in agony]
Shirley: Oops, almost forgot! [poofs the sign for Dimmsdale into his dimension, and laughs menacingly]

A.J.: But I'm sure your future technology has something that can deal with this.
Libby: Hey, short, shiny and delusional! You're not in the future! You never left the 21st century! Got it?
A.J.: You mean, this is actually happening?!
[A.J. cries out in agony]
Sheen: Hey! Hands off!

Hugh: Well, I kinda like it. Look at me, I'm as limber as a schoolgirl!
Mr. Turner: Did you know you have a mole on your ankle?
Judy: [offended] Do I know you?
Mr. Turner: Why don't you have a mole on your ankle?
Mrs. Turner: I demand to speak to the person in charge!
[Shirley drops down in front]
Shirley: You rang?
Hugh: Uh, yes. We were all sort of hoping we could go home now.
Shirley: Well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news: your worlds are falling apart, even as we speak. But the good news is… [grows bigger] YOUR ALL CONDEMNED TO LIVE OUT YOUR LIVES AS MY PLAYTHINGS! [stomps his foot]
[Mr. and Mrs. Turner scream in terror and hug each other]
Hugh: Er, what exactly does that entail? Ahhh! The pain! (Beat) Hold on... I missed the heel. Ahhh!

Carl: I suppose I could live here. I like my new trimmed figure.
Cindy: We're not living here, we just have to get the villain to listen to reason.
Mr. Crocker: Why won't you listen to reason?!
Shirley: [holding him, Mr. Turner, and Judy as playing cards] It's my universe, I don't have to. Crazy teacher, crazy teacher. Dad, dad. Mom, mom. I win again!
Cindy: Uh, on second thought, we might wanna start coming up with a plan.
Shirley: Oh, I'm bored. Time to play Cards Screaming in Terror!
Sheen: Look out! It's raining authority figures I don't respect!

Timmy: Aw, man! Because of us, he's probably hurting our friends and families right now!
Jimmy: I know. No matter what happens to us, we've got to fix this!
Cindy: Wow, they really do care.
Chester: We should have accepted their apology when they hit 500.

Timmy: Cosmo, you idiot! I'm sorry, force of habit. JIMMY, YOU IDIOT! RUN!!!

Jimmy: Thanks for the save, but what are you guys doing here?
Libby: We heard you saying how sorry you were, and we've decided to let you help us save our universes.
Timmy: Well, it won't be easy. Every time you throw something at him, he adapts!
Cindy: I've got an idea. Carl, turn around.
Carl: Why? [yelps as Cindy wedgies his underwear over his head]
Cindy: [draws a sketch image of Shirley on Carl's underwear with a marker] Okay, look. We know he's big, we know he has super powers, and we know he has weapons.
Cosmo: [draws a sun] And look, here's the sun! And he's smiling!
Cindy: What we have to do is trick the villain into adapting away those three things. Agreed, Jimmy?

Cindy: Say it again.
Jimmy: You're smarter than me.
Cindy: Again.
Jimmy: You're smarter than me.
Cindy: No. Say IT again.
Jimmy: [chuckles] That's the pretty girl…
Cindy: Okay. Give him his brain back.


External links[edit]

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