The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb

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The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb is a 1964 film about a mummy that rises after being shipped to London.

Directed and written by Michael Carreras.
Half bone, half bandage...all blood-curdling terror!  (taglines)

Alexander King

  • I must take you into my confidence and warn you. There is a curse which says that all persons present at the opening of a Pharaoh's coffin and who gaze at the face of the mummy therein, shall die. You have been Warned!
  • You ever learn to do that to ragtime, give me a call... we'll make a fortune!

Hashmi Bey

  • We're all doomed to die for this act of desecration.


  • It Lives Again To Kill Again!
  • 5,000 year-old monster on the rampage!
  • Out of ancient Pharaoh's tomb stalks a monster-of-monsters with a lust for vengeance and a thirst for terror!
  • Half bone, half bandage...all blood-curdling terror!

