Talk:Amnesty International

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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Amnesty International page.

Not properly sourced quotes


The following quotes need verifiable sources.

  • Benenson’s suspicious about Amnesty’s collusion with the [UK] Foreign Office continued to fester in his mind...the Labour Party [Government’s] obvious embarrassment over the Aden issue deepened his suspicions that someone was working to keep the matter quiet. And top of his list of suspects was Robert Swann...[who] had worked for the British Foreign Office in Bangkok...Beneson began to suspect that Swann and...his colleagues were part of a British Intelligence conspiracy to subvert Amnesty... He contacted Sean MacBride [founding member of Amnesty and former Chief of Staff of the Irish Republican Army]... another bombshell exploded. An American source disclosed that CIA money was going to a US organization of jurists which in turn contributed funds to the International Commission of Jurists, of which Sean MacBride was secretary...Beneson became convinced that MacBride was tied up in a CIA network.
    • Peter Benenson was founder of AI. “Like Water on Stone: The Story of Amnesty International” by Jonathan Power. Quoted in S. Balakrishna, Seventy years of secularism. 2018.
  • Amnesty’s obsessive hatred of Israel and Israeli Jews is nothing new. Amnesty has subjected Israel to withering condemnations without a shred of evidence for years. Amnesty has blocked any debate of its hostile preconceptions of Israel. It has based its anti-Israel reports on second hand allegations published by even less credible groups, many of which have open ties to terrorist organizations.
    • Caroline Glick, Amnesty International Uses Airbnb to Push Wider Boycott
  • Amnesty International has just suspended one of its senior officers, a woman named Gita Sahgal who until recently headed the organization's "gender unit." It's fairly easy to summarize her concern in her own words. "To be appearing on platforms with Britain's most famous supporter of the Taliban, whom we treat as a human rights defender," she wrote, "is a gross error of judgment." One might think that to be an uncontroversial statement, but it led to her immediate suspension.
    • Suspension of Conscience: Christopher Hitchens, 15 February 2010, Slate. Quoted in S. Balakrishna, Seventy years of secularism. 2018.
  • No Indian government will allow Amnesty International set foot inside this country... Amnesty International ...will ask neither the Indian government for the truth, facts and figures...[but] will ask the likes of Teesta Setalvad, Harsh Mander and Kathy Sreedhar...
    • Rajan, R., Kak, K.. (2006). NGOs, activists & foreign funds: Anti-nation industry. Chennai: Vigil. Quoted in S. Balakrishna, Seventy years of secularism. 2018.
  • The world needs morally credible human-rights organizations. Amnesty too often isn't one of them.
    • Amnesty International's Jihad Problem: 27 Feb 2014, The Wall Street Journal. Quoted in S. Balakrishna, Seventy years of secularism. 2018.

– Rupert Loup 03:34, 20 April 2020 (UTC)

  • The nearly total silence manifests itself in the curiously euphemistic manner in which human rights groups report on the plight of Christians, when they notice that plight at all. For example, Amnesty International’s 2007 report on the human rights situation in Egypt dismisses the suffering of Coptic Christians in a single sentence so filled with euphemism and moral equivalence and so lacking in context that it almost erases the crime it describes... The passive voice seems to be the rule of the day where jihad violence against Christians is concerned. The 2007 Amnesty International report on Indonesia includes this line: “Minority religious groups and church buildings continued to be attacked.” By whom? AI is silent. “In Sulawesi, sporadic religious violence occurred throughout the year.”41 Who is responsible for that violence? AI doesn’t say. Amnesty International seems more concerned about protecting Islam and Islamic groups from being implicated in human rights abuses than about protecting Christians from those abuses.
    • R Spencer, Not Peace but a Sword (2013)