Star Wars: Yoda Stories

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Star Wars: Yoda Stories is a 1997 computer game based on Star Wars franchise developed by LucasArts. It was preceded by Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures, and no further Desktop Adventures title were released. In the Star Wars timeline, Yoda Stories is placed between Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, where Luke Skywalker is completing his training with Jedi Master Yoda.

Luke Skywalker

  • Dagobah! Yoda must be around here somewhere. I better find him and see what's on his mind...
  • Artoo! What are you doing here?
  • It feels strange here. I sense a tremor in the Force...
  • Ben, is that you?
  • I'm not ready for a swim... how am I going to get that thing?
  • (After completing five missions) Come on, Artoo...
  • Wait...! You can't take Yoda! Bring him back!
  • I don't believe it! No one can kidnap Yoda! But even if it is true, I'll bet he left me a sign...
  • Umm... I'm not sure how to help this guy. He obviously comes from a primitive world. Better take him home.
  • Sure. By the way, did anyone ever tell you that you look a lot like my friend, Han Solo...?
  • (responds to Bug-Eyes' flying saucer) Wait. What about me?


  • Weary I am, Luke… I feel an imbalance in the Force… a CLONING MACHINE there is, survivor of the Clone Wars, guarded by adherents of the old ways, mmm? I see it, buried under a mountain of snow and ice, but where to find it, I know not!

Follow your feelings you must! Find your own way you must… but be warned: your greatest enemy is YOURSELF! Take this and leave me alone… help you further, I cannot!

  • There you are, Luke! Heard my call you did, yes! GENERAL MARUTZ, a leader of the Rebellion, has been kidnapped by stormtroopers. Danger there is, mmm? Fly you must to the frigid snow planet Etorasp, and RESCUE the general…before Vader tortures the Rebel battle plans out of him! Here! Take this… help you it will!
  • Luke! Time it is for your training to advance a step… The Empire has set up a HIDDEN FACTORY in the snowy wastes of planet Neshtab, where they are building stormtrooper droids. These robots could tip the balance against the Rebel Alliance. Find this factory you must! Destroy it you must! Here! Help you finish what you start, this will…
  • It's nice to be home.
  • Luke! Great danger there is! The Imperial fleet has learned of the HIDDEN REBEL BASE on icy planet Thaldo. Attack is their plan! You must WARN the Rebels, Luke! Only this I can give you…
  • Welcome, Luke! Heard my call you did! Long, long ago, the Sith made an AMULET that can be focus the FORCE for good or evil. Powerful it is… dangerous, mmm?

When the Sith fell, the amulet was lost. Now a tremor in the Force warns me… the amulet has been found on the desert world of Bakkah! Imperial troops have it now. Soon in Vader’s hands it will be, unless you find it first! Here, take this object… small though it is, you’ll need it on your quest…

  • Mmm! Opportunity do I sense for a young jedi-in-training… Your friend Han, even more impetuous than yourself, has been frozen in carbonite, as he probably deserves. But now Jabba the Hutt has foolishly relaxed his vigilance. A chance to free Solo there is, yes! Fly to Tattooine [sic] you must! Take advantage of the moment, yes! Mmm, nearly forgot! Take this! Help you it will…
  • Hello, Luke! Troubled I am. Interrupt your training we must! Your mercenary friend, HAN SOLO, knows little about the Force. Yet vital to the Rebellion have he and his ship become. Why this is so is beyond a Jedi Master’s understanding.

No matter! Jabba’s agents have impounded the MILENNIUM FALCON on Tatooine… again! Rescue him you must, and free the Falcon! Here’s something that will help you complete the task…

  • There you are! Once again your Rebel friends are in trouble… this time it is THREEPIO. While operating as an agent in the desert wastes of Tozeer, he was captured by Sand People. Dismantled him and scattered the parts they have! Tread carefully! Jawas have scrounged at least one of the pieces. They are the only ones on Tozeer who can put him back together again. Take this with you. Perhaps your quest it will help…
  • Luke! Again the Dark Side threatens… At the Imperial Base in the sands of planet Argavat toils a brave officer who is secretly a Rebel spy. Ensign Waldron is his name. Stolen the IMPERIAL BATTLE CODE has he! Fly to this desert world and relieve him of his burden you must… before Vader finds him! Take this! Without it, you cannot succeed…
  • Hello again, Luke… The day will come when our friends the Ewoks will turn the tide of battle… it is their destiny! Now I learn they have lost their LANTERN OF SACRED LIGHT. Without it their spirits are confused… and destiny they cannot fulfill, mmm? Fly you must to the forest moon of Endor and find the Lantern!

Here! May this guide you…

  • Luke! A great disturbance in the Force there is… Princess Leia is MISSING! Her ship has been shot down on the forest planet Nibiru. Only you can save her! This you will need…
  • Another ripple in the Force, Luke… Tireless are the minions of the Emperor, mmm? On the forest moon of Tarsa, a RELAY STATION have they erected. The Rebel cause cannot prevail while it remains in place. Find it you must and destroy it!

This will help you…

  • Ahh, there you are, Luke! The dark side never rests… Although the Death Star is no more, already the Empire has built another tool of terror and destruction on the airless moon of Varn. To destroy this new BATTLE STATION is your task…

Take this, it will help you…


  • Wheeoo... bzzt... I'm here to HELP! Take me along, then drop me on anything you find confusing, and I'll give you some hints!
  • This is a MEDICAL DROID. Visit him whenever you're seriously hurt, and he'll restore your health.
  • This JAWA is a friendly creature. It won't hurt you.
  • This EWOK is a friendly creature. It won't hurt you.
  • This is a friendly DROID. It won't hurt you.
  • This CHARACTER may be important to your mission. To find out what's on his (or her, or its) he'll TALK to you.
  • Watch out! This is a dangerous ENEMY. To defend yourself, you must ready a WEAPON. Select your lightsaber, a blaster or the Force from inventory with your mouse pointer, then click on Luke or the READY WEAPON DISPLAY. Remember, all weapons except the lightsaber gradually run out of power. Collect as many new ones as you can.
  • This is a WEAPON. Pick it up!

Obi-Wan Kenobi

  • Hello, Luke. You seem to be doing well in the world. May the FORCE be with you...!
  • The FORCE is already strong with you, Luke! You don't need my help now...
  • Caution, Luke... Areas such as this, whirlpools in the ocean of the Force, send foolhardy souls on unpredictable voyages...

Boba Fett

  • Ha! We've taken your Master! Too bad... I guess your training is finished...

Darth Vader

  • You're too late, young Rebel. General Marutz has kindly agreed to tell me where to find your base!

Medical Droid

  • Try to find a LOCATOR, sir! WEAPONS too! In the long run, they'll help you more than I can!


  • Welcome to Planet Xantar! There's someone here I'd like you to meet... he's kind of lonely and depressed...
  • ...he's also somewhat cynical. I thought your youthful enthusiasm might be just the tonic to cheer him up!
  • Perhaps you're right. I may have made a mistake.