Skunk Fu!

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Skunk Fu! is an Irish-British animated television series showing the adventures of young Skunk helping to protect the valley by using martial arts.



The Art of Stickiness / The Art of Rivalry

Killer Bees: Who slammed into our tree?! And who stole our honey?! And which one of you punks called our honey, "tree sap?!"
Skunk: Uh… They did.

Skunk: Man, what a downer.
Snake: Downer? I found the love of my life was a belt, and then I was mistaken for a belt. I wish I was a belt then I could marry her.
Skunk: She wasn't your type anyway.

The Art of Leaving Them Laughing / The Art of Monkeying Around


The Art of Attitude / The Art of Revenge

[After a ninja monkey destroys Skunk's green tea cake, Skunk threateningly vows revenge]
Skunk: Why?! Why did he do this to you?! [gets up on his feet; enraged] This is not over! REVENGE!!!!! [echoes]
Rabbit: [wakes up from his nap] Somebody wants revenge? Sweet!

The Art of Tunneling / The Art of Conkering

Skunk: Hey, Rabbit. We're digging under the lake!
Rabbit: What's with the unauthorized break?
Skunk: What?! One more scoop and we'll drown! You had me digging in the wrong direction!

Rabbit: Rule 54: No disparaging the rules.
Skunk: This is so stupid! We're supposed to be partners. I didn't sign up to be your slave! I mean, whoever heard of a rabbit who doesn't dig his own tunnels?! This is totally absolutely…
Rabbit: Rule 12: No lip! No, Skunk, not in my tunnel. That's rule 5.
Skunk: [having enough; agitatedly fed up] That's it! I quit!

Rabbit: Rule 75: You can't quit until I tell you you can quit.
Skunk: You're not the boss of me!
Rabbit: [takes out his rules list] Oh, yes I am. That was rule #1. [Skunk angrily rips up the list] Oh! My rules!

The Art of No Mind / The Art of Kung Fruit


The Art of Darkness / The Art of Dream Control


The Art of Responsibility / The Art of Stealing


The Art of Brain Washing / The Art of Turtle Watching


The Art of Truffling / The Art of Patience


The Art of Being a Pebble / The Art of Passing the Buck


The Art of Giggling / The Art of Getting Stuck

Frog: Behold, your giggle fit has stopped. [Skunk cries sorrowfully] It seems tears accomplish, but, exhaustion could not.
Skunk: [walks away, sadly] You cured me, Master Frog. This is the happiest day of my life.

Panda: Why are you crying, little Skunk?
Skunk: [tearfully] To keep me from laughing, so my mind can be still.
Panda: But your mind cannot be still by thinking upsetting thoughts either.
Skunk: I can't laugh? I can't cry? What can I do? [throws the archery bow to the ground and runs away, sobbing]

Rabbit: Skunk?! What the…?! [his face turns red with rage] You took my monkey head!

The Art of the Touch / The Art of Hospitality


The Art of Luck / The Art of Endurance


The Art of Lightning / The Art of the Double Cross


The Art of Nose Blow / The Art of the Crush

Crane: [sees Skunk approaching and tells everyone to be quiet] Shh! Here he comes, now.
Skunk: [sees everyone smiling at him; surprised] What?! [gulps shyly] Okay. Before you say anything, I just wanna say that I didn't do it.
Crane: Really? Did you or did you not just face off with Baboon on the pond?

Skunk: I don't need to cool off. I am cool.
Rabbit: [grabs him by the ankle and ropes him into his rabbit hole] Ah, Mr. Skunk, we meet again.
Skunk: Oh, man. I hate it when you do that.

Rabbit: You know, you're not supposed to be on this mission. It's too dangerous.
Fox: Too dangerous? I'll show you too dangerous! [grabs Rabbit and tackles him onto the ground]

The Art of Small Victories / The Art of Influence


The Art of Kiting / The Art of Being Lazy

Skunk: [rolls up the chores list; annoyed] Aw, come on! I'm so sick of these stupid chores. Hmm. [gets a mischievous idea by pretending to be sick] Oh, I'm so sick and weak. [no one responds; shouting] I said, I'm so sick and weak!
Fox: [runs up to him] Skunk! [Skunk fake-clutches his gut while making painful sounds] I'll get help! [runs off as Skunk sits up, grinning mischievously]
[Later, Turtle uses a fetal stethoscope to check Skunk's heart rate]
Ox: [worried] Poor little dude.
Skunk: [faking weakly] Panda gave me a list. [sits up] I have lots of chores. [fake coughs]
Turtle: Oh, dear. [lays Skunk back down]

Rabbit: Ugh. You little faker.
[Fox and Duck gasp offensively]
Fox: How can you say that?! Just look at him.
[Skunk makes big sad puppy eyes]
Rabbit: [scoffs] The little sneak is playing it all for suckers! Only thing wrong with him is a bad case of lazy.
Duck: Don't let Rabbit bother you, sweetie.

The Art of the Stink / The Art of Fan Fan


The Art of the Dizzy Master / The Art of Dim Sum Fu


The Art of Strategy / The Art of Being Heavy


The Art of Wushu / The Art of the Tea Ceremony


The Art of Initiation / The Art of Art

Skunk: Oh! Sorry, Tiger. I was practicing a move Panda taught me-- the Butt Buster!
Tiger: [in denial] I wasn't scared. What you learned at the dojo is just…kid stuff!
Skunk: [offended] "Kid stuff?!"

Skunk: Ignore the pain, Skunk. [groans] A true artist must suffer for his heart. [sobs] Who am I kidding?! I can't take this anymore! Those monkeys have pounded me so hard. [starts acting all maniacally] I'm going insane.

The Art of Monkeying Around / The Art of Sneaking

Bird: Great work, Skunk. The monkeys are doing what they want. And what they want to do, is do nothing. In other words, they're doing my job! I hate to say it, but we gotta do something! I think I'm gonna be sick.
Skunk: Okay, you're right. I never thought I'd say this, but we got to get Baboon to take the monkeys back.
Bird: How?
Skunk: We gotta show Baboon he was wrong to fire them, that he needs them.
Bird: Uh-huh.

Skunk: Snake, I've got it! I got Turtle's notebook back! It was easy!
Snake: Yeah, too easy.
Skunk: What do you mean?
Snake: You think that was the real notebook? It was a decoy.
Skunk: [opens the notebook] Wha…?! [flips through the pages of drawings of Baboon blowing raspberry] Oh, man! [throws the fake notebook on the ground in frustration]
Snake: This is where Panda sent me, not you. Now go on home, kid.
Skunk: But you can't send me home. Let me go with you, please? Come on, I made it this far that's got to count for something.
Snake: [sighs] Fine. But you're gonna have to learn a thing or two about this panache.

The Art of Seeing Blind / The Art of Monkey Love


The Art of No Lung Fu / The Art of Destiny Swapping


The Art of Remembering



  • Jules de Jongh - Skunk, Duck, Crane
  • Paul Tylak - Panda, Rabbit, Snake
  • Rod Goodall - Dragon, Tiger
  • Paul McLoone - Baboon
  • Patricia Rodriguez - Fox
  • Tony Acworth - Ninja Monkeys, Pig, Ox, Bird, Turtle, Frog, Killer Bees, Mantis, Fish