Shark Bait

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Shark Bait (The Reef: Shark Bait in the UK, Australia and North America, Pi's Story in South Korea) is a 2006 computer animated film. The plot revolves around Pi and his attempt to win the heart of Cordelia while dealing with a tiger shark that is terrorizing him and the reef's inhabitants. The film was a commercial failure. It was largely criticised for borrowing heavily from other films such as Disney/Pixar's Finding Nemo, DreamWorks' Shark Tale, and Walt Disney's The Little Mermaid (and at one point, a reference to Star Wars and The Karate Kid), and despite the talented actors and comedians involved in the voiceover work, was a box-office bomb.

Directed by Howard E. Baker and John Fox. Written by Scott Clevenger, Chris Denk, Anurag Mehta and Timothy Wayne Peternel.


[Sharp-toothed baddie sidekick is imitating Darth Vader from Star Wars V]
Sharp-toothed baddie sidekick: I am your father. Come to the dark side. Oh wait - you can't come to the dark side because you're not evil enough.

Voice cast

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