Scarlett Johansson

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I am very independent.

Scarlett Ingrid Johansson is an American actress and singer born on November 22, 1984. She is the highest paid actress in the world since 2018 and has made several appearances in the Forbes Celebrity 100. Her films have grossed more than $ 14.3 billion in the world, making Scarlett Johansson the third star in the world. She has received numerous awards, including a Tony Award and a British Academy Film Award.Manhattan, New York and Beverly Hills,california.
Born and raised in Manhattan, New York, Johansson aspired to be an actress from an early age and appeared for the first time on stage in an Off-Broadway play as a child. She made her film debut in the fantasy comedy North (1994) and was soon recognized for her roles in Manny & Lo (1996).
As a public figure, Johansson is a well-known brand advocate and supports various charities. She has been described as a Hollywood sex symbol by various media. She was married to Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds from 2008 to 2011 and the French businessman Romain Dauriac, with whom she had a child, from 2014 to 2017.


I can look after myself but I still need a lot of love and care.
  • I read a lot of things about myself that aren't true … I've read that I've been with people I've never met. It's nice not to have any attachment, but, likewise, it's nice to have a boyfriend. I'm open to that. But it's hard, when you're working constantly, to spend enough time with someone.
  • Well you know, I don’t think I have never really seen a film of this genre, where the female characters' sex appeal sort of came second. I mean of course they’re sexy characters. When you have a sexy secretary, or a girl swinging around by her ankles in a cat suit, you know that’s innately sexy, but the fact is that these characters are intelligent. They’re ambitious. They’re motivated and calculated to some degree.
  • I am very independent. I can look after myself but I still need a lot of love and care.
    • As quoted in Wise Women : Wit and Wisdom from Some of the World’s Most Extraordinary Women (2013) by Carole McKenzie, p. 137
  • If you love something, you have to set it free!

Black Widow interview

  • “It's important not to lose who you are in a relationship just because it's nice to cuddle with somebody.”
  •  "When we live our lives every day, we're met by opportunities, and most of us don't even recognize them."
  •  “Everything you do is different, and you find different chords in every character that you play that strike true with you.” 
  •  "A great woman needs a man who will love her and treat her with dignity, but she is so impatient that she gives in to the first man who knocks on her door without caring so much about his attitude towards her"
  • “I believe that luck is opportunity meeting preparation.” 
  • Just because you're in the spotlight, or just because you're an actor or making films or whatever, doesn't mean that you're not entitled to your own personal privacy. I think no matter what the context, if that is besieged in some way, it feels unjust. It feels wrong.
  • "It's important to figure out your own life before involving someone else." 
  • "It is important to remind young people that peace is the only victory."
  • “Powerful women often get concerned with this idea that they’re going to be seen in this unforgiving light. Screw that. It’s so old-fashioned… It’s so uninspired and actually really cowardly.”
  • “I always come back to the fact that my own instinct is better than something I build in my mind.”
  • Fitness is such an important part of my mental wellness. 

Quotes about Johansson

  • I think Scarlett Johansson is going to become our new alien overlord — of Earth, and life as we know it — based on Her, in which she plays a sentient computer system that ends up expanding to fill the universe, based on Under the Skin in which she plays an extraterrestrial creature attached to some sort of hive-mind, and definitely based on Lucy, Luc Besson's new movie. … She plays the sort of average American dimwitted student in Taiwan who accidentally ingests a new drug that allows her to access a hundred percent of her brain — which turns her into, by the end of the movie — I don't want to give too much away, but basically — she's God, by the end of the movie.
  • I don’t know any other movie star going where Johansson has gone lately — certainly among the crop that sells magazine covers — and it’s probably beside the point asking whether she’s tired of the standard roles offered to pillow-lipped young actresses or is actively engaged in exploring the outer limits of power and perception. Of classic stars it was said “They had faces then.” Well, Johansson has a brain, and it appears to be expanding at an alarming rate. Somebody call the professor.
  • Scarlett Johansson thought she had the fame game sussed. On the eve of what was to be her breakout role in Lost In Translation, the actress had a solution to control her expected burgeoning stardom.
    "I'll just walk around with a big pair of sunglasses and continue to eat at McDonald's," she quipped the first time we met. At the time, the then 18-year-old probably didn't fully appreciate what was in store for her. … Robert Redford declared, when he directed her seven years ago in The Horse Whisperer, that she was "13 going on 30". Despite her undoubted intelligence and level-headiness (she worked on the jury at last year's Venice Film Festival), you wouldn't blame her for getting swept away with such exposure. The young actress, though, insists she has a grip on the situation.
    "I don't know if I've got swept up," she said. "It's so shocking when you hear that Calvin Klein wants you for their new campaign. You're like, 'Who? Me?' I guess you have to decide where you draw the line between you saying, this is fun, pretty and fabulous, and being overexposed."
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