Ruth Gordon

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Ruth Gordon 1946

Ruth Gordon Jones (October 30, 1896 – August 28, 1985) was an American actress, screenwriter, and playwright. She began her career performing on Broadway at age 19.


  • I can’t tell you how encouraging a thing like this is. The first film that I was ever in was in 1915, and here we are, and it’s 1969. Actually, I don’t know why it took me so long, though I don’t think, you know, that I’m backward. Anyway, thank you Bill, thank you Bob, thank you Roman and thank you Mia, and thank all of you who voted for me.
    • [1] Ruth speech when she won oscar award in 1969.
  • Work on yourself. Believe in yourself. Show up! Support others! The bounty of the world will open up for you.
    • [2] Ruth in an interview in 1984.
  • The biggest limitations are the ones we place on ourselves, and opportunities rise up to meet the unique offerings of people.
    • [3] Ruth speak on limitations in 1984.
  • I wipe away all the unpleasantness of the day, of the people, of the city, whatever. We have it in our power to overcome assholes, and I think we have them thrown into our path to see if we have the chops to handle them.
    • [4] Ruth speak on challenges in 1984.
  • I was amazed the way Garson could take these teams and make me want to see their pictures all over again.
    • [5] Ruth speak about her husband in 1985.
  • Don't be helpless, don't give up, don't kill yourself, don't look for trouble. Stuff gets in your way, kick it under the rug. Stay well, stay with it, make it come out...
    • [6] Ruth speak on not giving up in 1985

Quotes about Gordon

  • Her strength was always tremendous, tremendous theatrical expertise. She knew more about the theater than anybody that I ever encountered in my life. And she, being a very great actress, could recognize the strengths and the weaknesses in a role, so that she wouldn't allow a part in any of our films to be anything less than a wonderful acting part.
  • [7] Kanin, Ruth's husband describe her role as an actress in 1837.
  • Ruth exulted in life, Her blazing professionalism and generosity of spirit made it obvious to me that we had in our midst one of the greatest of them all.
    • [8] Actress Glenn speak on Ruth professionalism in 1895.
  • Her warmth and humanity shone like the first patch of sun on a dark and wintry day, The world will be a colder place without her enthusiastic, elegant and adorable countenance.
    • [9] Bud Cort speak on the demise of the actress in 1895.
  • At this time it's being considered as a natural death,she was always around town, She always stopped and talked to people. She was very pleasant.
    • [10] Searle speak about the humility of the actress after her demise in 1895.
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