Raw Toonage

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Disney's Raw Toonage is a half-hour Disney animated cartoon series that aired on CBS from September 19 to December 5, 1992. It is hosted by various Disney characters. It features three segment series: He's Bonkers, Totally Tasteless Video, and Marsupilami.



Someone's in the Kitchen with Mars

Marsupilami: Mother always told me: "Look, don't touch!" Of course, I always prefer to touch and not look.

Romancing the Clone

Marsupilami: HOUBA! Love is most definitely in the air. And I think I have spring fever (He sneezes) Well, Of course it could be hazy fever!

Bathtime for Maurice

Marsupilami: Aw, what do you know, Playful Piranhas? Hello, fellas.

A Fear of Kites

Marsupilami: Make a note, we are here to get the kite. No stopping for room service.

Norman: What about my autograph?
Marsupilami: Sorry, Elvis has just left the building!

Jungle Fever

Marsupilami: Well, buddy boy. I am no doctor, but something tells me you got a cold. (Puts on his doctor headband) Open, please!
[Maurice tongue sticks out of his mouth with dry sizzling sound]
Marsupilami: Ooh, doggy. Nice breath. Close, please!
[Maurice closes his mouth and Marsupilami uses his tail to wrap around Maurice's left arm]
Marsupilami: (While pumping his tail as a blood pressure pumper and checking his watch) Hmm, it might be safer to check your blood pressure!
[Whistle sounds]
Marsupilami: Looks normal, for you.

Prime Mates Forever

Marsupilami: No, Maurice. Those flowers were for your lady, not for your lunch. Now, what are you going to give her?
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