Peter Lamborn Wilson

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For art, the intervention of capital always signals a further degree of mediation.

Peter Lamborn Wilson (pseudonym Hakim Bey; 1945 – May 22, 2022) was an American anarchist author, primarily known for advocating the concept of Temporary Autonomous Zones.



Immediatism (AK Press: 1994)

  • For art, the intervention of capital always signals a further degree of mediation. To say that art is commodified is to say that a mediation, or standing-in-between, has occurred, & that this betweenness amounts to a split, & that this split amounts to "alienation". Improv music played by friends at home is less "alienated" than music played "live" at the Met, or music played through media (whether PBS or MTV or Walkman). In fact, an argument could be made that music distributed free or at cost on cassette via mail, is less alienated than live music played at some huge We Are The World spectacle or Las Vegas niteclub, even though the latter is live music played to a live audience (or at least so it appears), while the former is recorded music consumed by distant & even anonymous listeners.
  • Everything delicate & beautiful, from Surrealism to Breakdancing, ends up as fodder for McDeath's ads; 15 minutes later, all the magic has been sucked out, & the art itself dead as a dried locust.
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