Pearl Farmer Richardson

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Pearl Farmer Richardson in 1918

Ellen Pearl Farmer Richardson (July 25, 1891 – May 9, 1980) was an American clubwoman and pacifist. She worked on the Speakers Research Committee of the United Nations, and represented the General Federation of Wonen's Clubs as an observer at the United Nations.


  • I am a person who applies the United Nations to community life and daily living. It is not enough to hope that the United Nations succeeds. To make it work, people must do something about it.
  • The charter of the U.N. is in reality an amplification of the admonition mankind was given centuries ago, 'Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.'
    • Pearl Farmer Richardson, Your Community United Nations (American Book Company 1956).
    • Quoted in Eleanor Roosevelt, "My Day" (January 10, 1957).
    • The quoted passage includes a quote from the New Testament, specifically Matthew 7:12 (often known as the Golden Rule).
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