Odunlade Adekola

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Odunlade Jonathan Adekola (Born 31 December 1976) is a Nigerian actor, singer, film-maker, film producer and film director.He gained popularity and was widely known for his lead role in Ishola Durojaye's 2003 movie, Asiri Gomina Wa, and has acted in many Nollywood movies since then. He is the founder and CEO of the Odunlade Adekola Film Production (OAFP).


  • You may be religious yet very carnal….but once you are spiritual, you see things from divine point of view.
  • I have tried as much as possible to maintain a standard professionally. I don’t go below that standard, instead, I go higher. So with such mindset on your job, everything comes out with a different higher or better result. So it is difficult to pick.
  • The hallmark of a good leader is to groom other leaders.
    • [1]His opinion about female admirers, work,

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