Muhammad Aufi

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Sadīd ud-Dīn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad 'Aufī Bukhārī (1171 - 1242) (Persian: سدید الدین محمد عوفی‎), also known under the laqab Nour ud-Dīn, was a Persian historian, philologist, and author.


  • The epigraph reminds us of a well-known incident described by the Muslim chroniclers, e.g. Muhammad Awfi, observing that “he never heard a story to be compared with this’. During the reign of Rai Jaising (i.e., the Chaulukya king Jayasitnha Siddharaja, 1094-1144 A.D.), there was a mosque and a minaret at the city of Khambiyat on the sea-shore (i.e. at Cambay in the Kaira District of Bombay State). The Parsi settlers of the locality instigated the local Hindus to attack the Musalmans of Khambayat and the minaret was destroyed and the mosque burnt, eighty Musalmans being killed in the course of the incident. A Muhammadan named Khatib “Ali, who was the Khatib or reader of Khutba at the Khambiyat mosque, escaped and reached Nahrwala (ie. Anahillapataka) with a view to put up his case before the judicial officers of the king. The king's courtiers were, hqwever, inclined to screen the culprits of the incident at Khambayat. But, once when the king was going out ahunting. Khatib “Ali drew his attention and had the opportunity of placing in the king’s hands a Kasia in which he had stated the whole case in Hindi verse. As the king felt that Khatib “Ali might not get justice from his judges since “a difference of religion was involved in the case ', he himself visited Khambayat in the guise of a tradesman and learnt all about the incident. He then punished two leading men from each of the non-Muslim classes such as Brahmanas, Fire-worshippers (Pirsis) and others, and gave to the Muhammadans of Khambayat a lakh of Balotras (silver coins) to enable them to rebuild the mosque and minaret. Khatib “Ali was favoured with a present of four articles of dress. Indeed, instances of such religious toleration are rare in the history of the world.
    • M. Ufi, as quoted in "epigraphia-indica" Vol 34. [1]
  • The chiefs had been informed that in India drugs were procurable which possessed the property of prolonging human life, by the use of which the kings of India attained to a very great age. The Rais were careful in the preservation of their health, and the chiefs of Turkistan begged that some of this medicine might be sent to them, and also information as to the method by which the Rais preserved their health so long. The ambassadors having reached Hindustan, delivered the letters entrusted to them. The Rai of Hind having read them, ordered the ambassadors to be taken to the top of an excessively lofty mountain [to obtain it].
    • Jamiul Hikayat by Muhammad Ufi. Quoted from Lal, K. S. (1992). The legacy of Muslim rule in India. New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan. Chapter 1.
  • It is related that Amrû Lais conferred the governorship of Zãbulistãn on Fardaghãn and sent him there at the head of four thousand horse. There was a large Hindu place of worship in that country, which was called Sakãwand, and people used to come on pilgrimage from the most remote parts of Hindustãn to the idols of that place. When Fardaghãn arrived in Zãbulistãn he led his army against it, took the temple, broke the idols in pieces and overthrew the idolaters…
    • Muhammad Aufi,Jãmiu’l-Hikãyãt. ‘Amrû bin Laith (AD 879-900) Sakawand (Afghanistan) Elliot and Dowson, , Vol. I. pp. 172




  • Deep in the desert of Thy love uncrossed
    Wander like me a thousand wretches lost.
    Love to their anguish myriad guises lends,
    Anguish their souls in myriad pieces rends.
    Thy beauty is the medicine of their care,
    Union with Thee their hope that kills despair.
    Unless with loving hand Thou lead them on,
    Their souls will go the way their hearts have gone.
    Where Thou art throned above our human fate,
    Fraud and religion bear an equal rate;
    Milk of Thy grace the wise old man, world-soiled,
    Tastes and becomes again a new-born child.
    • Lubab ul-Albab: vol. 2, p. 164, quoted in Islamic Poetry and Mysticism, p. 27
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