Modupeola Fadugba

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Modupeola Fadugba (born 1985, Togo) is a self-taught Nigerian multi-media artist, living and working in Nigeria. Modupeola Fadugba studied engineering, economics, and education. She has received an MA in Economics from the University of Delaware, and holds an MEd from Harvard University. Her parents were Nigerian Diplomats, and the artist spent most of her youth in England and the United States. She is a self-taught artist. Her series Dreams from the Deep End, which she developed during a residency at the International Studio and Curatorial Program in New York, was included in a solo exhibit at Gallery 1957.


  • "An artist's creation is an extension of themselves, thus their artworks mirror their inner workings, desires and fears. When someone commits money to buy art, it is an indication, that they were moved by an aspect of the work."
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