Marie Immaculée Ingabire

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Ingabire Marie Immaculée in 2021

Marie Immaculée Ingabire is a Rwandan feminist and human rights activist, a dedicated gender and social justice advocate who has spent all her career in advancing women's rights in Rwanda and in the Region. She has led Rwandan delegations and represented Rwandan in different high level forum and movement such as the Fourth World Conference on Women 1995 in Beijing and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, where she was the chairperson of the Regional Women Forum.



I believe that we can heal Rwanda - and our world - by healing one heart at a time. To me, I think justice is part of forgiving, if it is well done with love.

Forgiving the men who killed my parents and brother was a process, a journey into deeper and deeper prayer.

  • od examples, they ignore family responsibilities and are not strict enough with their children the way parents were in the past.
  • I love the American dream. I feel this is the place I was supposed to be in. It's beautiful. I love it.
  • “This vice is like a pest. It’s never that obvious and by the time you see it, so much has been damaged. We need to fight corruption at all levels, without leaving any type behind. We may assume that we have gotten somewhere when there are some aspects that are blocking our country from progressing,
  • "It is sad to see that people are more scared of police than they are of Covid-19, which kills! It seems like we have abandoned the government to fight this battle alone,"
  • Women should be confident because they are capable, and the country needs them. They should do all they can such as study University, show that they can also manage to do things and are also talented.
  • We know the role of taxes, we also know that developed countries were able to achieve that status as a result of the taxes paid by their citizens... But, in taxation policy, you also consider the taxpayers' financial means
    • [1]. Rwanda: Civil Society Seek More Citizen Participation in Setting Tax. NOVEMBER 30,2022
  • There is a saying that many or high taxes spoil taxation. What this means is that if you ask people for taxes that are within their means, you will encourage more people to honour their duties. It is always better to increase gradually
  • Traffic police officers these days tell car drivers to go and pretend to urinate in a nearby place, then put the bribe where they can see so that they come and continue the journey. The Police officer goes and pick it later.
  • If a person wants to give a bribe to a given official, they go through a chain of people whose network is difficult to link. For instance, a person wanted to offer bribe [via mobile money] to a prosecutor and passed it through [the phone number of] their former house servant.
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