Lisa Folawiyo

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Lisa Folawiyo Designer in 2017

Lisa Folawiyo (born 1976) is a Nigerian fashion designer.




  • I was stepping into land unknown. But for my love for fashion and a passion for what I was about to venture into, I really knew nothing. I had no formal training or experience in the industry. It was my love for it, my determination to see it through and I guess my ‘naïveté’ that spurred me on.
    • [1]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview reminiscing on how she first started out.
  • Life experiences, my age, my outlook on life, my constant changing needs and wants have seen me do just that. And of course it reflects in everything I do. In addition to this, as a designer, I must move with the times and society’s ever changing fashion needs and desires.
    • [2]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview on why it is important for her to keep growing and evolving.
  • When you know your vision is not seen through, when there is so much to achieve, when inspiration catches you unawares sometimes, when you know those that rely on the success of the business, when you know what gives you an adrenalin rush more than many other things, how do you stop? You can’t.
    • [3]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview on moments she felt like throwing in the towel.
  • Have your vision, know your truth, stick to it and run with it.
    • [4]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview encouraging young burgeoning female fashion entrepreneurs.


  • A lot of people up till date feel like it is an easy cop out. They say “so she’s lazy, she may not have done well enough or she’s spoilt.” Those who have just come out of school, people we say “oh her parents probably have too much money she can do whatever she wants.” Or “her husband has too much money, it’s a hobby.” A lot of people have said that and still say that. It is changing because perhaps Nigerians are seeing the potential in it.
    • [5]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview on Nigerian society being somewhat judgmental about young girls who choose to be designers.
  • Fashion design is a profession and an industry on its own. As a designer, you run your own business and you’re in control. It is honestly one of the most difficult things anyone can take on and should never ever be disregarded.
    • [6]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview on the potential of the fashion industry.
  • I feel like you can be schizophrenic with style, some days I want to look a certain way and you see me the next day, I could be completely different.
    • [7]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview on being stylish.
  • I am grateful for the platforms that have helped raised the brand and open doors for us. If not for these platforms I probably wouldn’t be where I am today and probably not have as much exposure.
    • [8]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview crediting Lagos Fashion and Design Week for raising the bar for fashion designers.


  • Every collection designed is a modern interpretation of a part of our culture, our history or traditions. As a designer, I am intentional that in every design, the Nigerian or African woman is able to see herself and her own experiences and know to be proud of and celebrate where she is from.
    • [9]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview on if she is inspired by her tribal heritage or by Nigerian and African women.
  • The modern woman today is whomever she wants to be. And she can wear whatever she chooses to. Her fashion choices are not determined or restricted to a time frame or by trends. She can decide to look one way today and look another tomorrow. She is self-aware, she is empowered, and confident. Mostly, she is free.
    • [10]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview on the place of the modern woman in Nigeria.
  • Fashion is a universal language and should have no geographical boundaries.
    • [11]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview on African designers being sufficiently recognized in the global fashion industry.
  • Despite still being limited by infrastructural challenges such as power supply, a lack of adequate fashion training and educational facilities, and not enough financial aid and support from our government, the industry still forges ahead strongly.
    • [12]
    • A Quote extracted from her interview on the challenges in the Nigerian fashion industry that persist but make the industry stronger.
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