Jacky Rosen

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Jacky Rosen in 2017

Jacklyn Sheryl Rosen (née Spektor; born August 2, 1957) is an American politician serving as the junior United States senator from Nevada since 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, she was the U.S. representative for Nevada's 3rd congressional district from 2017 to 2019.


  • I think it's not just an act of public health and safety, but really an act of kindness to the people that you love, our friends and our neighbors
    • [1] Jacky on the Covid vaccine
  • To strengthen our capabilities in emerging technologies, we must invest in long-term workforce development and research.
  • Tourism is important. It's a key economic driver for every state in this nation
  • If eliminating the filibuster is what it takes to get it done, then we must protect our democracy at all costs.
  • Every one of us, everyone who's running, everyone who cared, all of these stories, each and every one of us has a story that brought us here today, but it's our shared values and our shared commitment to social justice and social action and what's good and right and kind that brought us here to this point
    • [5]Rosen tells a packed crowd of Democrats at a Carson City wine bar
  • If you’re working on membership and you’re talking to people who want to join or you’re working at the preschool, the religious school, people just start talking to you, good and bad, about what they think, what their desires are, what their hopes, what they’re worried about
  • So for me, the people that I worked with, even though I worked with the majority of men in one area, and in tech support of the gas company, all men, you are respected because of your work … I mean, there’s still corporate politics and other things that all women deal with generally, but the guys that I worked with, you’re as good as your code
    • [7] on her job as a programmer
  • For my generation, you would think you’d have to be on a particular trajectory to do something and then you would have to check those boxes off and once you were on a path you were kind of on a path, right
  • A man will say, ‘Oh, there’s that job, I’m going for it.’ A woman says, ‘Well, geez, maybe I need three more classes in college.’ Right? A woman is always worried that they’re not prepared enough and men just go for it
  • The more life you live, the more experiences you have, and they do shape and inform you in really important ways. What you do for a career is one part of who you are, but it’s not all of who you are
  • It’s really hard to run for Senate. It’s a very important job and you have to be 100 percent sure that you know, in your heart, why you’re doing it, what it means to you, because that’s the only way you can really commit to the hard work that it takes
  • There’s lots of kinds of experiences that people have in life, just because someone’s been in the political arena for a lot of years doesn’t give them the exclusive right to talk about people’s experience
  • We make the joke we’re like Noah’s Ark, you have to join two by two, so you get Republicans and Democrats to stay equal
  • Sen. Heller has been in public office around Nevada for nearly 30 years, so he’s been around Nevada, but it’s difficult to point to any legislation that’s passed with his name on it, he’s going to have to stand on his record, he’s going to have to shine a spotlight on what he’s been doing and what he stands for
    • [14] On senator Heller
  • What he needs to do is be a real leader and stand up and have empathy and try to talk to people in a way that honors the loss of lives, the loss of their loved ones, their memories
    • [15]Rosen said on Trump
  • It was so devastating to me as a Jewish woman, as an American, as a person of faith, somewhere that you think is a sanctuary and worship, you should feel safe there
    • [16]she is dismayed on the massacre that took place in Pittsburgh
  • Whether it's churches, synagogues or mosques, our schools, our movie theaters, a concert on a nice fall night, people should feel safe and not feel under attack. And so I'm concerned by the rhetoric. We can disagree on policy, that doesn't mean we have to be disrespectful, and it doesn't mean we should be ramping up this divisiveness that's going on
    • [17] on massacre took place in Pittsburgh

Quotes about her

  • She never met a person she didn’t know. She’s very outgoing, friendly, loves to connect people one to another. That just comes naturally
    • [18]Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, who has led the congregation for the last 30 years and is also friends with Rosen
  • I assured her from the beginning that she most certainly could, that she not only had the internal tools necessary to do the job, but that she had the personality, the characteristics that would make her an outstanding congresswoman
    • [19] Berkley said, the former congresswoman,who thinks Rosen’s concerns are the product of the confidence gap between men and women
  • Whatever issue I've ever had to discuss with her whether it is on legislation or party politics or even literally, like, child rearing, she's very upfront and she doesn't try to say something that sounds flowery. She just is very direct and gives you the truth and really gives good advice
    • [20]says Democratic National Committee Vice Chair and Rep. Grace Meng, D-NY
  • From our perspective it’s branding and working to define her statewide that Rosen would go from a clone of Nancy Pelosi to a clone of Elizabeth Warren
    • [21] Rick Gorka, a Republican National Committee spokesman said
  • Maybe we do need new people, who worked in business, people who aren’t tainted by Washington, to get in there and actually figure out ways to solve problems, I think people like Heller are in Washington for so long it becomes ‘What can I do to stay in office’ instead of ‘What can I do that supports the people in Nevada
    • [22] said Laura Martin, the associate director of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
  • Even though she’s fresh and doesn’t have a record, I don’t know if she’ll be tough enough to beat Heller, I don’t think she’s ever really taken a punch. We don’t know if she has a glass jaw or not
    • [23]said Chuck Muth, a former GOP party official in Nevada
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