Jack Jersawitz

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Jack Jersawitz (13 August 193412 December 2012) was an American television host who was a self-proclaimed Marxist activist. Jersawitz hosted a Public-access TV show called Brainstorms, a current events talk show on People TV, notable for live telephone calls, mostly consisting of prank calls.


  • What wonders what the size is of what's between your ears; Facing what you face in this society and this Government.
    • Brainstorms Sept 25, 2001
  • Well, we won't call them names tonight, I can't think of enough names to Call them.
    • Brainstorms 8 May, 2002
  • You know, I wish I had a way to turn his number around so you guys can call him and tell him what a Whacko he his; That is a matter of taste some times, that's the way it goes.
    • Brainstorms 8 May, 2002
  • People who get arrested for dealing guns, get kicked out of school for dealing guns, No. I do not want anything to do with them.
    • Brainstorms Nov 13, 2002
  • When the time comes for an armed revolt against this Government, the people who know how to use the weapons will come over to our side.
    • Brainstorms Dec 6, 2003
  • I have no hesitance to use the Death Penalty on Members of a Board; That take away from the Public's right, and that's not just me.
    • Brainstorms 2003
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