Irving Fiske

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Irving Fiske (5 March 190825 April 1990), born Irving Fishman in Brooklyn, New York, was a playwright, inventor, freelance writer, speaker, and the co-founder of Quarry Hill Creative Center. He was the author of Hamlet in Modern English and Bernard Shaw's Debt to William Blake.


  • We're free and easy. We're not very authoritative. We have no doctrine, no dogma. It is a community of mostly people who are interested in the arts, literature, photography, music.

"'Hitting a child is worse than MURDER!"

Irving Fiske said this every time he gave a talk on childhood and children. He was a children's rights activist ahead of his time. I'll try to find you a published source, but it was one of his most frequently spoken expressions. Often said to people who were hitting their kids. -- Isabella Fiske McFarlin

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