Happy Death Day

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Happy Death Day is a 2017 American dark comedy slasher film that follows a college student who is murdered on the night of her birthday and begins reliving the day repeatedly, at which point she sets out to find the killer and stop her death.

Directed by Christopher Landon. Written by Scott Lobdell.
Get Up. Live Your Day. Get Killed. Again.taglines

Theresa 'Tree' Gelbman

  • I can't change what I've done, but I can start trying to be a better person today.
  • [to her father] It's been so much worse. All of this running and hiding has made me so miserable. And I think I finally figured it out. I mean, it took something, like, totally crazy, but... but I'm here. And I love you. And I'm so, so sorry that I hurt you.


[Theresa wakes up, confused]
Carter Davis: Oh, hey! You're up... I wasn't sure if you, you know, wanted to sleep in or not.
Tree Gelbman: Am I in a dorm room?
Carter Davis: Uh... yeah.
Tree Gelbman: Where are my clothes?
Carter Davis: On the dresser, I folded your pants last night, you know, I wasn't sure if that material gets wrinkled. Don't know if you remember my name or not... pretty wasted last night.
Tree Gelbman: Tylenol?
Carter Davis: What?
Tree Gelbman: My head is killing me, do you have any Tylenol?!
Carter Davis: Yes... Yes I do, Sorry. I'm Carter, by the way.
Tree Gelbman: Not a word of this to anyone. Got it?
Carter Davis: Yeah, sure
Ryan: [Barges into the room] Did you hit that fine vagina or wha-
[Theresa leaves room]
Carter Davis: Nice one, dickhead.

[Theresa walks outside, with a headache]
Tim: Hey!
Tree Gelbman: Hi...
Tim: You haven't returned any of my texts...
Tree Gelbman: Yeah, sorry, I've been busy.
Tim: Yeah, I can see that.
Tree Gelbman: Okay, Tim, we went on a date... one... I don't have to text you back, we're not, like, a thing.
Tim: Okay. I just...You know, I figured we had a nice time.
Tree Gelbman: You had a nice time, I was miserable. I mean, who takes their first date to Subway? It's not like you have a footlong.

Danielle Bouseman: Oh my God! You sneaky little bitch! Who was it?
Tree Gelbman: Nobody.
Danielle Bouseman: Sisters don't keep secrets.
Tree Gelbman: Seriously, it was nobody.
Danielle Bouseman: Well, I hope "nobody" used a condom We don't want somebody looking like a whore...
Tree Gelbman: Thanks, Danielle. Super helpful!
Danielle Bouseman: What are sisters for? Oh, and don't forget, house meeting at lunch.
Tree Gelbman: Living for it.

Lori Spengler: Hmm. She finally rolls in...
Tree Gelbman: Did I totally embarrass myself last night?
Lori Spengler: Not at all! Unless you consider dancing on a table, starting two fights and barfing pretzel chunks all over the bar embarassing.
Tree Gelbman: Please tell me you're kidding!
Lori Spengler: Oh, and you also rammed your tongue down Nick Sims' throat right in front of Danielle...
Tree Gelbman: [Laughs] Oh, God! But she was so nice to me this morning.
Lori Spengler: Yeah, I think she was as drunk as you last night, so consider it collective amnesia.
Tree Gelbman: Thank God for that! Oh, crap! I'm so late for class. I can't find my damn book!
Lori Spengler: [Brings Theresa a cupcake] Ha! Did you really think you could keep it a secret from me?
Tree Gelbman: How did you find out?
Lori Spengler: Driver's license. Not the best picture, I might add, I assume you changed my ringer, too?
Tree Gelbman: Who me? Never.
Lori Spengler: What did you wish for?
Tree Gelbman: A new roommate. [Throws away cupcake]
Lori Spengler: I made that from scratch!
Tree Gelbman: Sorry, too many carbs... toodles! [Exits to class]

[After class, Theresa heads outside with friends]
Promoter: Get your school spirit on before the big game! 10% off with your student ID..
Danielle Bouseman: We really need to step up our game at the Sigma parties, okay? And we still need to pick this year's charity there's no way we're doing the Special Needs Art Fair again. Totally freaked my shit out. Thoughts?
Carter Davis: [Carter brings back Theresa's bracelet, knocking over a tray, spilling contents onto her sweater]
Tree Gelbman: Oh! Asshole!
Carter Davis: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Tree.
Danielle Bouseman: Wait, you two know each other?!
Carter Davis: Yea-
Tree Gelbman: NO!
Carter Davis: ...We had a class together last year, look, I was bringing you this back... sorry, I didn't know where you lived. You know, I... Yeah. I'm sorry again about the mess.
Danielle Bouseman: What a douchebag.

Tree Gelbman: [Enters hospital to meet Gregory, where he is currently having an affair with Theresa, she declines the phone call again as she nears the elevator, meeting Lori] Lori! Hi
Lori Spengler: Hi
Tree Gelbman: Um... So, I thought you only work nights?
Lori Spengler: Doing a double for Jen, she has the flu...
Tree Gelbman: That's nice of you
Lori Spengler: So, I guess I don't need to ask what you're doing here?
Tree Gelbman: Got to go!
Lori Spengler: Look, Tree, It's none of my business, but I think something like this is bound to have some pretty serious consequences...
Tree Gelbman: [smiles] You're right, It is none of your business.

[Theresa enters a spare office awaiting Gregory]
Gregory Butler: We can't do this today, there is too much going on in the building, I have patients!
Tree Gelbman: And I'm losing mine. [They both begin kissing, until his wife knocks on the door, locked, they stop at once]
Stephanie Butler: Gregory! What's with the door?
Gregory Butler: Stupid thing got jammed, Oh. Just wrapping up here... uh, Have you met my student, Theresa?
Stephanie Butler: No, I haven't.
Tree Gelbman: Hi, it's nice to meet you. Thank you so much for helping me out! [Rushes out]

Tree Gelbman: [Now, in another dorm room, panting her toenails, Danielle walks in] Is that my top?
Danielle Bouseman: How cute is it on me?
Tree Gelbman: Whatever. Just don't get anything on it, please.
Danielle Bouseman: You mean like Nick's nutter butter?
Tree Gelbman: Wow. Classy, Danielle.
Danielle Bouseman: What time are you going to the party tonight?
Tree Gelbman: I don't know. Later.
[A short, minor blackout occurs]
Danielle Bouseman: Ugh, Our tuition dollars at work! Anywho, don't be too late, or all the cute Sigma boys will be taken!
Tree Gelbman: Okay, Bye!
Danielle Bouseman: Bye!
Tree Gelbman: Crazy bitch...

[Theresa, on her way to the party for the first time, stumbles across a wind-toy playing Birthday tunes on the ground, she scrutinizes the toy while confused] Okay, you guys are hilarious! You can come out now! Losers...
Tree Gelbman: [Notices the baby-masked killer, scared slightly] Your friends went the other way... Can I... Help you?
[John Tombs stares at Theresa, without moving]
Tree Gelbman: Look, weirdo, I'm not scared... Why don't you go try this with one of the heifers at Delta Gamma? They're into cosplay!
[John Tombs stares at Theresa, without moving]
Tree Gelbman: Okay, I'm calling the cops!
[Running away, she trips over and is murdered, Tree immediately wakes up back in Carter's bed, and is unnerved to find the previous day's events repeating themselves. Baffled, she relives the day, this time eventually avoiding the tunnel and reaching the party.]

[Theresa enters Bayfield Hospital, meeting Gregory once again]
Gregory Butler: [Enters the room] I can't do this today, too much going on in the building. Tree, I... I know what you're going to say. It's normal for a young girl to have feelings for an older man. But you can't fall in love.
Tree Gelbman: I'm not falling in love with you.
Gregory Butler: You're not?

Police Officer: Ma'am, are you under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance?
Tree Gelbman: No! That is what I'm trying to... [pause] Wait. If I am, does that mean that you're going to arrest me and lock me in a jail cell?
Police Officer: That's how it usually works.
Tree Gelbman: I'm drunk!
Police Officer: You are?
Tree Gelbman: Wasted. And I'm high. You know, pills... weed... you name it, man, I'm on it!

Carter Davis: I was never close to my dad. Can't even remember the last time he called me on my birthday. He kinda always forgets.
Tree Gelbman: Yeah. I'm supposed to be with mine. I don't know, I couldn't bear the thought of sitting through another uncomfortable celebration while we both pretend that everything is awesome.
Carter Davis: Are you closer with your mom?
Tree Gelbman: Was.
Carter Davis: What happened?
[Tree doesn't answer, just looks sad]
Carter Davis: Oh, she...
Tree Gelbman: Yeah. Three years ago.
Carter Davis: I'm sorry. That-that sucks.
Tree Gelbman: Yeah. We actually share the same birthday, though.
Carter Davis: [smiles] Seriously? That's crazy.
Tree Gelbman: [smiles] You know, when I was a kid, I always got to skip school. We'd go to the beach. My dad would buy us this like huge birthday cake. And put just one candle on it. We'd blow it out together.
Carter Davis: I bet you miss her.
Tree Gelbman: [nods] Yeah. [pause] You know, it's funny, you relive the same day over and over again, you kind of start to see who you really are. If my mom saw me now, and who I've become, I don't think she'd be very proud.
Carter Davis: Don't say that.
Tree Gelbman: [sharply] It's true. I'm not a good person, Carter. Maybe it's karma, maybe I deserve it.
[Tree lowers her eyes, saddened]
Carter Davis: Well, look, I don't know you all that well, but... it's never too late to change. I mean, especially if what you're saying is true, each new day is... it's a chance to be somebody better.

Lori Spengler: [contemptuously] You stupid little whore.
Tree Gelbman: I know I've been a bad roommate, but... isn't this a bit much? What the hell?
Lori Spengler: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you wouldn't stop sleeping with him.
Tree Gelbman: What? Gregory?
Lori Spengler: But he just kept choosing you over me. I guess all he wanted was a cheap slut like you!
Tree Gelbman: Wait, you've been killing me over some stupid guy?
Lori Spengler: Oh, that's not the only reason. You're a dumb bitch, too! What I really want to know is, how did you figure it out?
Tree Gelbman: Because you've killed me before.
Lori Spengler: Then I guess I'm just gonna have to do it again.

Danielle Bouseman: [being interviewed on TV] I just knew there was something wrong with Lori. She never wore make up, never posted any cute selfies, and she literally owned a pair of crocs. All the signs of a psycho killer would... [angrily, Danielle turns to Emily] Hello? I'm trying to get interviewed here!
[Becky and Emily go away]
Tree Gelbman: [watching this on TV] Oh my God, she is such a tool.
Danielle Bouseman: Anyhoo, Lori's little plot was super lame. Poisoning a cupcake? Really? We're Kappas. We don't eat cupcakes. Is this local or national?

Carter Davis: Oh, hey, you're up.
[Tree rises, uncertain whether the time-loop stopped]
Carter Davis: I wasn't sure if you wanted to, uh, sleep in or not.
[Tree's heart freezes as she hears the familiar sentence, thinking she is still stuck in the time-loop. She stares at Carter in horror]
Carter Davis: [smiles] I'm kidding. It was... [Carter shows Tree his cellphone] It was me. I just called your phone.
Tree Gelbman: What?
Carter Davis: It's Tuesday, the 19th. You made it.
Tree Gelbman: [relieved] Oh, my God. You are such a jerk!
[Tree stands up, pretends to be angry. She grabs a pillow and playfully beats Carter with it]
Tree Gelbman: I'm gonna kill you!
Carter Davis: Hey, that's not fair.
Tree Gelbman: What is wrong with you? That was not funny! You are such a punk! I hate y...
[they both laugh. Tree lies back in the bed. Carter bends over her, about to kiss her. The door opens. Ryan enters the room]
Ryan Phan: [sighs] She's back?
Carter Davis: Out.
Ryan Phan: [irritated] I'm not sleeping in my car again. It smells like Hot Pockets and feet.
Carter Davis: Get out!
Ryan Phan: I just want clean underwear!


  • Get Up. Live Your Day. Get Killed. Again.
  • Make Every Death Count.
  • Worst. Birthday. Ever!
  • Unlimited amount of lives, unlimited amount of chances to find the killer
  • Die. Repeat.
  • How will you die?
  • Find your killer, or die trying.


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