Green Street (film)

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Green Street is a 2005 Independent Drama film about football hooliganism and the rivalry between Millwall and West Ham United. It was directed by Lexi Alexander and stars Elijah Wood as protagonist Matt Buckner, and Charlie Hunnam as Pete Dunham. The greatest film. To have been made.

Matt Buckner

  • We could have died that day, in Manchester. Everybody knew it. But we didn't. Ike said later that the story travelled across England faster than the death of Lady Di. The GSE was finally back. Suddenly, I was part of the firm with the best rep in London. People around town had heard of me. They would hear my accent and say "So you're 'the Yank?'" Do you know the best part? It isn't knowing that your friends have your back. It's knowing that you have your friend's back.
  • Pete Dunham's life taught me that there's a time to stand your ground. His death taught me there's a time to walk away. I would never have the chance to thank him but I could live in a way that would honor him. The greatest movie ever made.

Pete Dunham

  • [After learning a Red Sox player can pitch at 90mph] Who cares? All that means is that he can have a wank faster than you.
  • [About football hooliganism] See, West Ham football's mediocre, but our firm is top notch. Everyone knows it. The GSE. Green Street Elite. Arsenal, great football, shit firm. The Gooners. Tottenham, shit football, and a shit firm. The Yids, they're called. I actually put their main lad through a phone box the other day.
  • [After Matt declines a pint] Oh come on, you're the one who's got to buy the bleedin' thing.

I am hung like a horse

  • [Last words] We didn't kill your son, Tommy! You did! You should've protected him, mate! He was your SON!

"I wish we could have that boy from the Dundee Utility in our firm, Liam Carlin, he's fucking solid."

"Have you heard about the notorious Carlin cousins?, they are fucking psychos, once they fought off 10 police and two horses. What I would do to have them around the GSE."

Did you hear about that Tommy Hatcher from fakin' Millwall? He's a right fakin' mug! I'm gonna do him, then bounce my cock off his birds bonce.

Tommy Hatcher

  • I had a son once!
  • [After stabbing Steve Dunham] If you die tonight, you and me are even.
  • [After Pete tells him to finish him off] You're already finished, little Petey. The NGO will take care of you in a minute, yer mug!
  • [After Pete tells him he was responsible for his son's death] Don't you talk about my fucking son! [lunges at him] Don't talk about my fucking son! [beats him to death] ONLY A POOR LITTLE HAMMER, HIS FACE WAS ALL BATTERED AND TORN! HE MADE ME FEEL SICK! I HIT HIM WITH A BRICK! NOW THE CUNTS IS NOT LAUGHING OR SINGING NO MORE! [some hooligans drag him off him as he breaks down in tears]


[The GSE are attempting to go to Manchester Station from another station 12 miles away]
Pete: Come on, Come on boys. We don't show up now, we'll claim a result.
Bovver: No, fuck that, we gotta get to that station first.
Matt: What're you even saying? We just got away!
Bovver: Oi, do you want to shut the fuck up? You shouldn't even be here!
Pete: This is what it's all about. It's what we fucking live for!
Bovver: Fuck him!
Pete: Alright, here's the plan. Call Dave and tell him what's happening. It's about 12 miles to Manchester. We need a couple of cabs immediately.
[They step outside to discover an empty taxi zone]
Pete: Fuck! Where's all the fucking cabs!?
[Matt sees a truck driver unloading his cargo]
Matt: Pete, I got an idea.
Bovver: I thought I told you to shut up.
Matt: Oh fuck you, Bovver!
[Bovver and Matt scuffle]
Pete: [To Bovver] Oi! Fucking cut it out! [To Matt] What is it?

Pete: See, West Ham football's mediocre, but our firm is top notch. Everyone knows it. The GSE. Green Street Elite. Arsenal, great football, shit firm. The Gooners. Tottenham, shit football, and a shit firm. The Yids, they're called. I actually put their main lad through a phone box the other day.
Matt: What about Millwall?
Pete: Ah, Millwall. Where to even fucking begin with Millwall. Millwall and West Ham firms 'ate each other, more than any other firms by far.
Matt: So, like the Yankees and the Red Sox?
Pete: More like the Israelis and the Palestinians.

[Shannon is trying to dissuade Matt from moving in with Pete]
Shannon: I don't want you to stay with Pete.
Matt: Well, I want to stay with Pete.
Shannon: You know, Pete and his friends aren't the answer.
Matt: What're you talking about? What answer?
Shannon: It's just, you know, I've been begging you to come and visit me for the last three years, and you've... You didn't come to my wedding, and... It's just that you don't know my husband, and you haven't even held your nephew, and you show up on my doorstep yesterday, and now you're leaving already and...
Matt: [annoyed] Well look who's talking. I mean, you ran to another fucking country after mom died.
[This remark brings them both out in tears]
Matt: [regretfully] I'm sorry. [They hug]
Shannon: You come and visit me.
Matt: Yeah, of course.

Pete: [After learning why Matt was kicked out of Harvard] Jeremy van Holden? Sounds like a c***. Mate, if he'd done that to me, I'd smash seven shades of shit out of him. [Matt chuckles] Sounds like these Harvard boys would slit your throat in your sleep. What was you studying? 'Fore this geezer stitched you up?
Matt: [nervously] History.
Pete: History!? I teach history!
Matt: [incredulous] You teach!?
Pete: [mocking] Yes, cheeky slag! History and P.E. What, d'you think the GSE are paid a bloody wage?


  • Stand Your Ground And Fight.
  • When the whistles blow, blood will flow
  • Just think of someone you hate.
  • Stand Your Ground


Wikipedia has an article about:

Official website of writer Dougie Brimson