Frank Gillette

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Frank Gillette (born 1941) is an American video artist and installation artist, whose work incorporate empirical observations of nature.


  • The antithesis of 10th St. Howard was, at first, like a pariah uptown. He was very midwestern and his gallery had wall-to-wall carpeting.
    • Frank Gillette, interview with Marita Sturken, Nov. 11, 1983, cited in: Afterimage, May 1984; About the arrival of Howard Wise in the art community

Quotes about Frank Gillette

  • Merging a rich visual sensibility with an almost scientific engagement with taxonomy and ecological systems, Frank Gillette is a video pioneer whose multi-channel installations and tapes focus on empirical observations of natural phenomena. An early theorist of video's formal and aesthetic parameters, in 1969 he was a founding member and president of the influential video collective Raindance. With influences ranging from cybernetics to painting, Gillette was an innovator of the multi-channel installation form, experimenting with image feedback, time-delay and closed-circuit systems. His seminal installation Wipe Cycle (1969), produced in collaboration with Ira Schneider, was included in the landmark 1969 exhibition TV As A Creative Medium at the Howard Wise Gallery in New York.
    • in: Electronic Arts Intermix Catalogue, cited in: Frank Gillette at utah,edu, 2015.
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