Franco Frattini

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The free circulation of citizens, which is sacrosanct, cannot become the free circulation of criminals.

Franco Frattini (14 March 195724 December 2022) was an Italian politician. He was Italy's Foreign Minister, 2008–11, and before that was European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security.


  • The free circulation of citizens, which is sacrosanct, cannot become the free circulation of criminals.
    • Interview by La Stampa, (23 April 2008)
  • [for indicted foreigners] simple expulsion is not enough (...) they must be arrested immediately, tried using a fast-track procedure, and then expelled to serve their sentences in the countries they came from, (...) it isn’t right that foreign criminals are being housed in our [Italian] jails.
    • Interview by Il Giornale (28 April 2008)
  • Italy as you know is the closest neighbour of both Tunisia and Libya so we are extremely concerned about the repercussions on the migratory situation in the southern Mediterranean.
    • EU Observer (21 February 2011)
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