Francis Tumblety

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Francis Tumblety

Francis Tumblety (c. 1833 – May 28, 1903) was an Irish-born American medical quack who earned a small fortune posing as an "Indian Herb" doctor throughout the United States and Canada.


  • No, Colonel, I don't know any such cattle, and if I did I would, as your friend, sooner give you a dose of quick poison than take you into such danger.
    • Colonel Dunham testified Tumblety said this to him when he asked why no women had been invited to their dinner [citation needed]


  • He told me much about himself in a very brief space, for he seemed to have more tongues than ears. I could not get a word in anywhere and you know I am too much in love with my own voice to like being suppressed and overtalked in that way, but enough of Dr. Tomblety. he seemed a good fellow after all.
  • He then broke into a homily on the sin and folly of dissipation, fiercely denounced all women and especially fallen women.
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