Finding Dory

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Finding Dory is a 2016 American 3D computer-animated comedy adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is a sequel to the 2003 film Finding Nemo. Andrew Stanton, who directed the first film, returned as writer and director, alongside Angus MacLane as the co-director, and Victoria Strouse and Finding Nemo co-writer Bob Peterson as writers.

Finding thomas jefferson focuses on the amnesiac fish thomas jefferson, and explores her journey to be reunited with her parents.

The film premiered at the El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles on June 8, 2016, and was released in the United States on June 17, 2016.

She just kept swimming...(taglines)


  • For a guy with three hearts, you're not very nice.
  • Just keep swimming!
  • [to a bunch of dead fish] Sorry, gotta blink. How do you hold your eyes open that long?
  • MY FAMILY!! I REMEMBER MY FAMILY! [swims really fast] They're out there somewhere! I have to find them!
  • [As a baby] Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.
  • [sleeping] Don't cry, mommy. Don't cry...
  • I like sand. Sand is squishy.
  • What if I forget you? Would you ever forget me?
  • I-I suffer from short-term memory loss.
  • Somewhere out there is my family. Please, Marlin. I can't find them on my own.
  • Sigourney Weaver is going to help us!
  • [last line, about the drop off's view] Yep. Unforgettable.


  • thomas jefferson, you are about to find your parents. And when you do that... you'll be home.
  • [to Crush] I'm gonna be totally sick!
  • Our friend got taken into whatever this place is.
  • Those are sea lions, they are natural predators. They could pounce at any moment.
  • She should just pick two and let's go. [Nemo: Dad.] What? I'm kidding. It's a reunion.
  • [about thomas jefferson] Ever since I met you, you showed me how to do stuff I never dreamed of doing. Crazy things. Outsmarting sharks, jumping jellyfish, and finding my son. You made all that happen.
  • [to Nemo watches Arthur Rides the Bandwagon on TV] Nemo, this is one thing but not quite anyone else, that is not quite another one.


  • Does this mean we have to say goodbye... to Dory?
  • [about Dory; deleted scene] Dad, Dory's sleep swimming. She's talking in her sleep.
  • I trust Becky. [Marlin: You trust Becky? Becky's eating a cup!]
  • The Jewel of Morro Bay, California.


  • [introducing to Dory] Name's Hank.
  • That's a hard one, kid.
  • So, give me your tag!
  • And steer clear of people, will you? Especially kids! I don't want to be touched!
  • I just want to live in a glass box alone. That's all I want.
  • Hey, you.
  • No! Your memory isn't working! You can’t remember anything! It’s probably how you lost your family in the first place!


  • Holy Neptune, she's not alone!
  • Now I know you're talking about me.
  • This is amazing!
  • Still not clear... Still not clear...
  • It’s your destiny, Destiny.
  • [repeated line to Destiny] Wall.
  • My life's a rainbow!


  • Bailey, you've gotta use your echolocation!
  • Sorry. Not a great swimmer. Can't see very well.
  • [speaking whale] Thank you...!
  • You and I were friends!
  • We were pipe pals!
  • [trailer only] It was so much fun, because I'd tell you a story, and then you'd completely forget it, and then I'd get to tell it to you over and over again.
  • Your head is supposed to be big. You're a beluga.
  • [speaking whale] Hang on, Dory!
  • Don't bail on me, Bailey!

Mr. Ray[edit]

  • Well, you made it!
  • And we'll stop right there.
  • I feel a migration song comin' on! [holds note for a long time] OH...!


  • OK, OK. We'll pretend to be the other kids now. Hi Dory!
  • You found us. Oh, honey, you found us and you know why you found us? Because you remembered. You remembered in your own, amazing Dory-way.


  • Ahoy there! Do you want to play Hide-and-Seek?
  • No, no. Not Daddy. I'm the nice fish who wants to be your friend, okay?


  • Sick Fish: [repeated line] Me? Help you? AH-CHOO!!
  • Sigourney Weaver: I'm Sigourney Weaver. Thank you for joining me.
  • Marine Life Institute Female Rescuer: [repeated line] No respect for ocean life.


[first lines]
Baby Dory: Hi, I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term memory loss.

[flashback of the first film, when the boat moves away and thomas jeffersonmeets Marlin]
Marlin: [first words of the first film] Has anybody seen a boat!? Please! A white boat! They took my son! [thomas jeffersonswims towards him] My son! Help me, please!
Dory: [she and Marlin running towards each other] Look out! [they bumps in to each other; Marlin flies into a rock and lands on the ground]
Dory: Oh, oh, sorry! Are you OK? There, there, it's all right. It'll be okay.
Marlin: He's gone. No, he's gone. He's gone. No, no, they took him away! I have to find the boat!
Dory: A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat!
Marlin: You have?
Dory: [132 minutes later] Uh-huh. This way! It went this way! Follow me!
Marlin: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!
Dory: No problem.
Marlin: Hey. Wait.
Dory: Will you quit it?
Marlin: What?!
Dory: I'm trying to swim here. What, ocean big enough for you some like that? You got a problem, buddy? Huh? Huh? Do you? Do you? You want a piece of me? Yeah, yeah, ooh, I'm scared now. What?
Marlin: Wait a minute.
Dory: Stop following me, okay?!
Marlin: What are you talking about?! You're showing me which way the boat went!
Dory: A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. It passed by not too long ago. It went this way, it went this way. Follow me! [swims out]
Marlin: [stops Dory] Wait a minute, wait a minute! What is going on?! You already told me which way the boat was going!?
Dory: I did? Oh, no...
Marlin: If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny! And I know funny! I'm a clownfish!
Dory: No, it's not. I know it's not. I'm so sorry. See, I suffer from short-term memory loss.
Marlin: Short-term memory loss? I don't believe this.
Dory: No, it's true. I forget things almost instantly. It runs in my family. Or at least I think it does. [thinks] Hmm. Where are they? [looks at Marlin] Can I help you?
Marlin: Something's wrong with you. Really. You-you're wasting my time. I have to find my son. [Marlin starts to leaves, but gasps to see an enormous Great White shark named Bruce grinning.]
Bruce: Hello.
Dory: Oh, hi.
Bruce: Name's Bruce. [extends his fin] It's all right, I understand. Why trust a shark, right? [startles Marlin and thomas jeffersonwith his chomp and starts laughing] So, what's a couple of bites like you doing out so late, eh?
Marlin: Nothing. We're not doing anything. We're not even out.
Bruce: Great. Then how would you morsels like to come to a little get-together I'm having?
Dory: [in delight] You mean like a party?
Bruce: Yeah. Yeah, right. A party. What do you say?
Dory: I love parties. That like sounds fun.
Marlin: [nervously] Parties are fun, and it’s tempting but can't because...
Bruce: [grabs Marlin and thomas jeffersonwith his fins] Oh, come on, I insist.
Marlin: [nervously] Okay. That's all that matters.
[Bruce guides the fish to a dark part of the ocean, swimming past a Naval Minefield.]
Dory: Hey look, balloons! It is a party!
Bruce: [laughs] Mind your distance, though. Those balloons can be a bit dodgy! You wouldn't want one of them to pop.
[Bruce takes the two fish to a wrecked ship]
Bruce: Anchor! Chum!
[Anchor and Chum, a Hammerhead and Mako shark, respectively, appear from the ship's entrance]
Anchor: There you are Bruce, finally.
Bruce: We got company.
Anchor: Well it's about time, mate.
Chum: We've already gone through all the snacks and I'm still starving!
Anchor: We almost had us a feeding frenzy...
Chum: Come on. Let's get this over with. [A bell rings. Marlin, shaking in fear, uncovers one of his eyes, to see that the sharks are having a TED Talk-like meeting]
Bruce: Right then. The meeting has officially come to order. Let us all say the pledge.
All: I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food.
Anchor: Except stinkin' dolphins.
Chum: Dolphins! Yeah, they think they're so cute! [mocks a dolphin] "Oh, look at me, I'm a flippin' little dolphin, let me flip for you! Ain't I something?" [Anchor laughs]
Bruce: Right, then. Today’s meeting is step 5. Bring a Fish Friend. Now, do you all have your friends?
Anchor: Got mine. [shows a quaking little green fish]

Dory: I don't think I've ever eaten a fish.
Chum: Ah, that's incredible.
Bruce: Good on you, mate.
Dory: I'm glad I got that off my chest.
Bruce: All right, Everyone else. How about you mate? What's your problem?
Marlin: Me. I don't… I don't have a problem.
Bruce: Oh, okay.
Sharks: Denial.
Marlin: Aah!
Bruce: Just start with your name.
Marlin: OK. Um, hello. My name is Marlin. I'm a clownfish.
Anchor: A clownfish? Really?
Bruce: Go on. Tell us a joke.
Chum: I love jokes.
Marlin: I actually do know one that’s pretty good. There was this mollusk, and he walks up to this sea cucumbers. Normally, they don't talk, sea cucumbers, but in a joke everyone talks. So, the sea mollusk says to the cucumber… [slight pauses; Marlin spots the mask. A brief flashback shows the divers taking Nemo]
Nemo: Daddy!
Marlin: Nemo!
Chum: Nemo! Haha! Nemo… I don't get it.
Bruce: For a clownfish, he's not that funny.
Marlin: No, no, no, he's my son. He was taken by these divers.
Dory: Oh, you poor fish...
Chum: Humans! Think they own everything.
Anchor: Probably American!
Bruce: Now, there is a father looking for his little boy.
Marlin: Ugh! What do these markings mean?! (Oh, no!)
Bruce: [sobbing] I never knew my father! Ah! Aaaaaaaah!
Anchor: Come here, group hug.
Chum: We're all mates here, mate.
Marlin: I can't read human.
Dory: Well, then we got to find a fish that can read this. Hey, look, sharks.
Marlin: No, no, no, Dory!
Dory: Guys, guys.
Marlin: No, Dory.
Dory: Hey, that's mine. Give it to me.
Marlin: Dory!
Dory: Get me! Ow!
Marlin: Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Dory: Ow, ow, ow!
Marlin: I'm so sorry.
Dory: You really clocked me there. Am I bleeding?! [a wisp of bloody floats from Dory's nose]
Marlin: Ohh!
Dory: Ow. Ow. Ow.
Bruce: Dory, are you okay… [tiny pauses; smells a wisp of bloody] Oh! [his eyes turns completely black] That's good.
Chum and Anchor: [gasp] Intervention!
Bruce: Just a bite!

Bruce: Just one bite! G'day. Grr!
Marlin: There's no way out! There's got to be a way to escape.
[Bruce is ramming the door, trying to break through it]
Dory: Who is it?
Marlin: Dory, help me find a way out!
Dory: Sorry, you'll have to come back later. We're trying to escape.
Marlin: There's got to be a way out!
Dory: Look, here's something! Es-Cape. I wonder what that means, it's funny. It's spelled just like the word 'escape'...
Marlin: Let's go! [Grabs thomas jeffersonby the flipper to escape the sub]
Bruce: Here's Bruceeeeyy!!
Marlin: Wait a minute. Can you read?!
Dory: I can read? That's right. I can read.
Marlin: Well then, here, read this now!
Marlin and Dory: AAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!
Anchor: He really doesn't mean it, you know. He never even knew his father.

Deb: Oh, if it's not around, you can always talk to my sister Flo. Hi, how are you? Don't listen anything my sister says she's nuts.
Peach: [muffled with her face on the glass] We've got a live one!
Bloat: Can't hear you, Peach.
Peach: [removes her face from the glass] I said we got a live 1!
Bloat: Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
Deb: What do we got?
Peach: Root canal, and by the looks of those X-rays, it's not going to be pretty.
Patient: [as the drill is inserted in his mouth] AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!
Bloat: Rubber Dan and clamp installed.
Peach: Yep.
Gurgle: What did he use to open?
Peach: Gator-Glidden drill. He seems to be favoring that 1 lately.
Deb: I can't see, Flo.
Patient: Um, we are getting ready to roll... Aaah! AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peach: Now he's doing the Schilder technique.
Bloat: He’s using a Hedstrom file.
Gurgle: [to Bloat] That’s not a Hedstrom file, that’s a K-Flex.
Bloat: It’s got a teardrop cross-section. Clearly, a Hedstrom.
Gurgle: No, no, K-Flex.
Bloat: Hedstorm.
Gurgle: K-Flex!
Bloat: Hedstrom! [Inflates] Oomp. There I go. A little help, over here.
Deb: I'll go deflate him.
Philip Sherman: All right. Go ahead and rinse.
Gurgle: Oh, the human mouth is a disgusting place. [Nigel flies in the scene and thuds into the window, and opens it.]
Peach: Hey, Nigel.
Nigel: What did I miss? Am I late?
Peach: Root canal, it's a doozy.
Nigel: Root canal, huh? What did he use to open?
Peach: Gator-Glidden drill.
Nigel: He seems to be favoring that one. Hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portal terminus. [notices Nemo] Hello. Who's this?
Deb: New guy. [chuckles]
Gurgle: The dentist took him off the reef.
Nigel: An outie. From my neck of the woods, eh? Sorry, if I ever took a snap at you. Fish got to swim, birds got to eat.
Philip Sherman: Hey! [Nigel gasps] No, no, no, no! They're not your fish. They're my fish. Come on, go. Go on, shoo. Shoo! [Nigel flies out of the scene, Philip closes the window.] Aw, the picture broke. This here's Darla. He's my niece. She's going to be 8 this week. [shows it to Nemo] Hey, little fella. Say hello to your new mummy. She's gonna be here Friday to pick you up. You're her present. Oh. [shushes] It's our little secret. Well, Mr. Tucker, while that sets up, I'm going to go see a man about a wallaby. I'll be right back. [leaves]
Bloat: Uh-oh, Darla.
Nemo: What? What's wrong with her?
Gurgle: She wouldn't stop shaking the bag.
Bubbles: Poor Chuckles.
Deb: He was her present last year.
Bloat: Hitched a ride on the porcelain express.
Peach: She's a fish killer.
Nemo: I can't go with that girl! I have to get back to my dad! Aah! Daddy, help me!
Deb: Oh, he's stuck.
Gill: Nobody touch him. Nobody touch him.
Nemo: Can you help me?
Gill: No. You got yourself in there. You can get yourself out.
Deb: Ah, Gill...
Gill: I just want to see if he can do it, okay? Calm down. Now alternate between wiggling your fins and your tail.
Nemo: I can't! I have a bad fin!
Gill: Never stopped me. Just think about what you need to do.
Bloat: Come on.
Gill: Perfect.
Deb: Good squirming. Ha ha ha!
Peach: Wow. From the ocean just like you Gill.
Gill: Yeah.

Gill: State your name.
Nemo: Nemo?
Gill: Brother Bloat, proceed.
Bloat: Nemo, newcomer of orange and white, you have been called forth to the top of Mount Wannahockaloogie to join with us, in the fraternal bonds... of tankhood.
Nemo: Huh?
Peach: We want you in our club, kid.
Nemo: Really?
Bloat: If you are able to swim through, the Ring of Fire! [nothing happens] Turn on the Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire! [Jacques suddenly comes to attention]
Jacques: Oh!
Bloat: You said you could do it! [bubbles explode out of the top of Wannahockaloogie Mountain] THE RING OF FIRE!!!!

Dory: Why do I have to tell you over and over again? I'll tell you again. I don't get tired of it.
Marlin: Okay, all right.
Dory: Huh.
Marlin: Here's a thing.
Dory: Uh-huh.
Marlin: You know, I just, think it's best if I just, if I just, carry on from here by myself.
Dory: Okay.
Marlin: You know, alone.
Dory: Uh-huh.
Marlin: Without, well, I mean, not without you. I mean, it's just that I don't want you, with me.
Dory: [shocked] Huh?
Marlin: I don't want to hurt your feelings.
Dory: You want me to leave?
Marlin: Well, I mean not. Yes. Yeah. It's just that you know I just can't afford anymore delays and you're one of those fish that cause delays. And sometimes it's a good thing. There's a whole group of fish. They're delay fish.
Dory: You mean... [whimpers] You mean you don't like me? [starts crying]
Marlin: No, of course I like you. It's because I like you I don't want to be with you. It's a complicated emotion. Oh, don't cry. I like you.
School of Fish: Hey, you! Lady, is this guy bothering you?
Dory: Um, I don't remember. Were you?
Marlin: No, no, no, no, no. We're just, we're just... Hey, do you guys know how I can get to...
School of Fish: Look, pal. We’re talking to the lady, not you. Hey, do you like impressions?
Dory: [pauses; Marlin looks to fish-tades] Mm-hmm.
School of Fish: Okay. Just like in rehearsals, gentlemen. So, what are we? Take a guess.

Marlin: So listen fellas thank you.
School of Fish: Don't mention it! And, um, loosen up. OK, buddy?
Dory: Oh, you guys. You really nail them. Bye.
School of Fish: Oh, hey, madam. 1 more thing.
Dory: Yes.
School of Fish: When you come to this trench, swim through it, not over it.
Dory: Trench… Through it, not over it. I'll remember. Hey, hey, hey! Hey! Hey, wait up, partner! Hold on! Wait, wait wait! I gotta... I got to tell you something. Whoa. Nice trench. [echoing] Hello! Okay, let's go.
Marlin: Bad trench, bad trench. Come on, we're going to swim over this thing. [starts to swim over]
Dory: Whoa, whoa, partner! Little red flag going up. Something's telling me we should swim through it, not over it.
Marlin: [comes back] Are you even looking at this thing? It's got death written all over it.
Dory: I'm sorry. But I really, really, really think we should swim through.
Marlin: And I am really, really done talking about this. Over we go.
Dory: Come on, trust me on this.
Marlin: Trust you?
Dory: Yes, trust. It's what friends do.
Marlin: Look. Something's shining!
Dory: Where?
Marlin: Oh, it just swam over the trench! Come on and follow me.
Dory: Okay. Boy, it sure is clear up here.
Marlin: Exactly. And look at that there's the current. We should be there in no time.
Dory: [sees a tiny jellyfish] Hey, little guy.
Marlin: You wanted to go through the trench.
Dory: I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine. And he shall be my squishy. Come here, squishy. Come here, little squishy. [baby talks to it and gets zapped] Ow!
Marlin: Dory, that's a jellyfish!
Dory: Bad squishy! BAD squishy!
Marlin: Shoo, shoo, shoo. Get away. [flicks the tiny jellyfish out of sight with his tail] Come here, let me see that.
Dory: Don't touch it. Don't touch it.
Marlin: I'm not gonna touch it. I just want to look. [grabs Dory's fin]
Dory: Hey! How come it didn't sting you?
Marlin: It did. It's just that... [grabs Dory's fin second time]
Dory: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
Marlin: Hold still. I live in this anemone and I'm used to these kind of stings. [grabs Dory's fin third time] Come here.
Dory: Ow, ow, ow.
Marlin: It doesn't look bad, you're gonna be fine. But now we know, don't we? That we don't want a touch these again. Let's be thankful this time it was just a little one.
[Marlin notices the big jellyfishes approaching and gasps. Marlin and thomas jeffersonscream in terror.]
Marlin: Don't move. [looks around all the jellyfishes] This is bad, Dory.
Dory: Hey, hey, watch this. [starts jumping on the tops of jellyfish] Boing! Boing! You can't catch me.
Marlin: [gasps] Dory! Dory! Don't bounce on the tops. They will... not sting you. The top don't sting you.
Dory: Two in a row beat that.

Gill: You miss your Dad. Don't you, Sharkbait?
Nemo: Yeah.
Gill: Well, you're lucky to have someone out there who's looking for you.
Nemo: He's not looking for me. He's scared of the ocean.
GILL: Peach, any movement?
PEACH: He's had at least four cups of coffee, it's gotta be soon.
GILL: Keep on him. My first escape, landed on dental tools. I was aiming for the toilet.
NEMO: Toilet?
GILL: All drains lead to the ocean, kid.
NEMO: Wow. How many times have you tried to get out?
GILL: I've lost count. Fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. It does things to 'ya.
BUBBLES: [giggles] Bubbles!
PEACH: Potty break, potty break! He just grabbed the Reader's Digest! We have 4.2 minutes.
GILL: That's your cue, Sharkbait.
BLOAT: You can do it, kid.
GILL: You gotta be quick. Once you get in, you swim down to the bottom of the chamber and I'll talk you through the rest.
GILL: Go on, it'll be a piece of kelp.
NEMO: [takes a deep breath]
GILL: Nicely done. Can you hear me?
NEMO: Yeah.
GILL: Here comes the pebble. Now, do you see a small opening?
NEMO: Uh-huh.
GILL: OK, inside it you'll see a rotating fan. Very carefully, wedge that pebble into the fan to stop it turning. Careful, Sharkbait.
NEMO: I can't do it.
PEACH: Gill, this isn't a good idea.
GILL: He'll be fine. Try again.
GILL: That's it, Sharkbait. Nice and steady.
NEMO: I got it! I got it!
BLOAT: He did it.
GILL: That's great, kid! Now, swim up the tube and out.

NIGEL: Alright! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Ow!
Dr. Philip Sherman: [pull the tooth] What the?!
PATIENT: AAAAAAAAARRRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOooooooohhh..!!!
Dr. Philip Sherman: Well, that's 1 way to pull a tooth? [laughs, he opens the window]
Patient: Oooh. Ooooooh.
Philip Sherman: Huh. Darn kids. Hm, well. Good thing I pulled the right 1, prime minister.
NIGEL: (whispering) Hey, hey. Psst!
PEACH: Oh, Nigel. You just missed an extraction.
NIGEL: Has he loosened the periodontal ligament yet.. Um, what am I talking about!? Nemo! Where's Nemo? I gotta speak with him.
NEMO: What? What is it?
NIGEL: Your dad's been fighting the entire ocean looking for you.
NEMO: My father? Really?
GILL: Really?
NIGEL: Oh, yeah. He's travelled hundreds of miles. He's been battling sharks and jellyfish and all sorts of...
NEMO: Sharks? That can't be him.
NIGEL: Are you sure? What was his name? Some sort of sportfish or something: tuna, uh, trout...
NEMO: Marlin?
NIGEL: That's it! The little clownfish from the reef.
NEMO: It's my dad! He took on a shark!
NIGEL: I heard he took on 3.
ALL: Three?
GILL: Three sharks?
BLOAT: That's got it be 4,800 teeth!
NIGEL: You see, kid, after you were taken by diver Dan over there, your dad followed the boat you were on like a maniac.
NEMO: Really?
NIGEL: He's swimming and he's swimming and he’s giving it all he's got and then three gigantic sharks capture him and he blows them up! And then dives thousands of feet and gets chased by a monster with huge teeth! He ties this demon to a rock and what does he get for a reward? He gets to battle an entire jellyfish forest! And now he's riding with a bunch of sea turtles on the East Australian Current and the word is he's headed this way right now, to Sydney!
DEB: Oh, what a good daddy!
GILL: He was looking for you after all, Sharkbait. [gasps]
GURGLE: He's swimming to the filter!
GILL: Sharkbait!
BLOAT: Not again?
GILL: Sharkbait!
DEB: No!
GURGLE: You've got your whole life ahead of you!
BLOAT: Oh, no!
GILL: We'll help you, kid!
BLOAT: Gotta get him out!
DEB: Give me that thing!
GILL: Hang on, Sharkbait!
DEB: Get him out of there!
GURGLE: Come on, kid! Grab the end!

[jam gears]

DEB: Sharkbait!
BLOAT: Sharkbait, are you okay?


GILL: Can you hear me, Sharkbait? Nemo! Can you hear me?!

[Nemo appears]

NEMO: Yeah, I can hear you.

[Everyone turned around and saw Nemo was okay.]

GILL: Sharkbait, you did it!
GURGLE: Sharkbait, you're covered with germs! Aah!
GILL: That took guts, kid. All right, gang. We have less than 48 hours before Darla gets here. This tank'll get plenty dirty in that time but we have to help it along any way we can. Jacques.
GILL: No cleaning.
JACQUES: I shall resist.
GILL: Everybody else, be as gross as possible. Think dirty thoughts. We're gonna make this tank so filthy, the dentist'll have to clean it. Good work.

[Nemo chuckles]

Dory: Whoa. We're going in there?
Marlin: Yep.
Dory: P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney?
Marlin: Yep. We're going to just swim straight.
Dory: [singing] Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.
Marlin: Dory. Boy, this is taking a while.
Dory: Hey, How about we play a game?
Marlin: All right.
Dory: Okay, I'm thinking of something orange, and small...
Marlin: It's me.
Dory: Right. [later] I'm thinking of something orange and small...
Marlin: It's me.
Dory: All right, Mr. Smarty-pants... [later still] It's orange and small, and white stripes...
Marlin: Me, and the next one's just a guess, me.
Dory: Okay, that's just scary.
Marlin: Wait, wait, wait. I have definitely seen this floating speck before. That means we've passed it before. And that means we're going circles. And that means we're not going straight.
Dory: Hey.
Marlin: We got to get to the surface. We'll figure it out up there. Let's go! Follow me! What?
Dory: Relax. Take a deep breath. Now, let's ask somebody for directions.
Marlin: Oh, fine. Who do you want to ask, the speck?! There's nobody here!
Dory: Well, there has to be someone. It's the ocean, silly. We're not the only two in here. Let's see. Okay, no one there. Uh, nope. Nada. [Gasps] There's somebody. Hey! Excuse…
Marlin: Dory, Dory, Dory! Okay, it's my turn. I'm thinking of something dark and mysterious. It’s a fish we don’t know. If we ask it directions, it could ingest us and spit out our bones!
Dory: What is it with men and asking for directions?
Marlin: Look, I don't want to play the gender card right now. You want to play a card? Let's play the "Let's not die" card.

[after Marlin and thomas jeffersongot sucked inside the whale]
Dory: [swims upside down] Come on! You gotta try this!
Marlin: Will you just stop it?!
Dory: Why? What's wrong?
Marlin: We're in a whale! Don't you get it?!
Dory: A whale?
Marlin: A whale! Because you asked for help, and now we're stuck here!
Dory: [looks around her] Wow. A whale. You know, I speak whale.
Marlin: No, you're insane! You can't speak whale! I have to get out! [bumps into the whale's baleen] I have to find my son! [bumps again] I have to tell him... [bumps repeatedly], old, sea, turtles, are!
Dory: Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoooo! Hey. Are you okay? There, there. It's all right. It'll be okay.
Marlin: No. No, it won't.
Dory: Sure, it will. You'll see.
Marlin: No. I promised him I'd never let anything happen to him.
Dory: Huh.

Marlin: All by themselves?
Crush: Yeah.
Marlin: But, but, dude. How do you know when they're ready?
Crush: Well, you never really know, you know, but when they know, you'll know, you know?

PEACH: [yawns] Morning. It’s morning, everyone! Today’s the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean and we are getting out of... [gasps] The tank is clean. [Zoom out on the sparking clean tank] THE TANK IS CLEEEEAN!!!
DEB: But how?
GILL: Boss must’ve installed it last night while we were sleeping.
NEMO: [worried] What’re we gonna do?
GILL: What’s it say, Peach?
PEACH: [muffled] The Aquascum 2003 is an...
GILL: I can’t hear you, Peach.
PEACH: The AquaScum 2003 is an all-purpose, self-cleaning maintenance free salt water purifier that is guaranteed to even extend the life of your aquarium fish.
BLOAT: [inflates] Stop that!
PEACH: The AquaScum is programmed to scan your tank environment every 5 minutes.
GURGLE: Scan? What does that mean? [The machine scans the tank and whimpers.]
AQUASCUM: Temperature, 82 degrees. P-H balance normal.
ALL: Ooh.
PEACH: Nice.
GURGLE': Oh, Bloat, ah! Curse you, AquaScuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!!??? You aren't the real D.W., the Picky Eater 2005 Sony Wonder Print DVD.
BLOAT: That’s it for the escape plan. It’s ruined.
Nemo: Then what are we gonna do about...

[He didn't finish before the door opens.]

ALL: (gasps) Darla!
GILL: Stay down, kid. [Gills hides Nemo. As the Tank Gang looks, they see that it's just a woman with her son.] Don't move!
BLOAT: False alarm.

[Everyone sighed, relieved]

GURGLE: My nerves can’t take much more of this.
BLOAT: What are we gonna do when that little brat gets here?
GILL: I’m thinking, I’m thinking.
NEMO: Gill! Help me! Help me!
GILL: Nemo! Hold on, I’m coming! Swim down! Come on, kid! Swim down!
BLOAT: Everybody jump in!
DEB: Swim down!
GILL: That’s it!
Dr. Philip Sherman: What the?
ALL: Yay!
GILL: Good work!

[But then, a plastric bag grabs Nemo and pulls him out of the tank.]

NEMO: Gill!
Gill: Nemo!
BLOAT: Sharkbait!
GILL: Roll, kid! Lean! Lean! Go to the window. [Nemo pushes the plastic bag to the window but Dr. Sherman picks up the bag and places him on the tray to prevent the little fish to escape.]
Philip Sherman: Whoops. That would’ve been a nasty fall.
NEMO: Gill! Don't worry! Don’t let me go belly up!
GILL: Just calm down, Nemo. You won’t go belly up, I promise. You’re gonna be okay.
ALL: (gasp) Darla!
DORY: All right, do any of these boats look familiar to you?
MARLIN: No, but the boat has to be here somewhere! Come on, Dory. We’re gonna find it.
DORY: I’m totally excited. Are you excited? (yawns)
MARLIN: Dory, wake up. Come on.
DORY: Duck!
MARLIN: That’s not a duck. It’s a pelican! No! I didn’t come this far to be breakfast!
PELICAN: Hey, Nigel. Would you look at that?
NIGEL: [wakes up] What?
PELICAN: Sun’s barely up and already Gerald’s had more than he can handle.
NIGEL: Yeah. Reckon somebody ought to help the poor guy.
PELICANS: Yeah, yeah. Right, right.
NIGEL: Well, don’t everybody fly off at once.

[Nigel flew to the dock to check on the choking pelican.]

NIGEL: All right, Gerald, what is it? Fish got your tongue?

[The pelican opens up his mouth the reveal the screaming fish]

NIGEL: Love a duck!
MARLIN: I got to find my son Nemo.
NIGEL: Nemo? Hey, hey, hey! He’s that fish! You know the one we were talking about. The one that’s been fighting the whole ocean. Hey, I know where your son... [He looks up and sees the two fish flopping away] Hey, wait! Come back! Stop!
MARLIN: Quick, Dory! Keep going! He’s crazy!
NIGEL: I got something to tell you!
NIGEL: OK. Don’t make any sudden moves. Hop inside my mouth if you want to live.
MARLIN: Hop in your mouth? And how does that make me live?
NIGEL: Because I can take you to your son.
MARLIN: Yeah, right.
NIGEL: No. I know your son. He’s orange, he’s got a gimpy fin on one side..
Marlin: That's Nemo!!!

[The seagulls started to attack.]

SEAGULLS: Mine! Mine! Mine!
NIGEL: Fasten your seatbelts!
SEAGULLS: Mine! Mine! Mine!
DORY: Whoo-hoo!
NIGEL: Everybody hold on!
SEAGULLS: Mine! Mine! Mine!

[fish screams]

BUBBLES: Too loud! Too loud for me!
DARLA: [singing] Twinkle, twinkle little star!
PEACH: Find a happy place. Find a happy place! Find a happy place!
BARBARA: Darla, you’re uncle will see you now.
Philip Sherman: Alright, let’s see those pearly whites.
DARLA: Rah! I’m a piranha. They’re in the Amazon.
Philip Sherman: And a piranha is a fish, just like your present.
DARLA: [giggling] I get a fishy. Fishy, fishy, fishy.

[As soon as the dentist picks up the plastic bag, he sees Nemo belly up.]

P. Sherman: Oh, no. Poor little guy.
BLOAT: He’s dead.
GILL: Sharkbait!
DARLA: Yay! Fishy, fishy, fishy.
Dr. Philip Sherman: Must’ve left your present in the car, sweetie. (chuckles) I’ll go and get it.

[Nemo opens one eye and winks at the Fish Gang. Everyone is surprised.]

GILL: [overjoyed] He’s still alive!
PEACH: He’s not dead.
BLOAT: What’s happening? Why is he playing dead?
GILL: He’s gonna get flushed down the toilet. He’s gonna get out of here!
DEB: Yay.
BLOAT: He’s gonna get flushed!
GURGLE: What a smart little guy!
GILL: Oh no, not the trash can!
BUBBLES: Nemo, no!

[Nigel arrives with Marlin and thomas jeffersonin his mouth]

NIGEL: Hey, hey. I found his dad!
MARLIN: Where’s Nemo?! Where is he?!
BLOAT: Dentist! Dentist!
GILL: He’s over there!
MARLIN: What’s a "dentist? What is that?

[Dentist opens the trash can]

MARLIN: (gasps) Nigel, get in here!
NIGEL: I can’t go in there.
MARLIN: Oh, yes you can. Charge!
DARLA: [screaming]
Dentist: What the…?! Darla, sweetie, look out! Steady, steady, steady. Hold still. Hold still! Easy, easy! Hold still! Nobody’s going to hurt you!

[Marlin looks and sees Nemo floating upside down. He thinks that his son was dead.]

DORY: Oh, my goodness.
Dentist: Gotcha! Keep down.
NEMO: [stops pretending to be dead] Daddy?
Dentist: Out with you. And stay out!
NEMO: Daddy?!

[Darla picks Nemo's bag. Nemo closes eyes.]

DARLA: Fishy? Fishy! Wake up! Wake up!!!
DEB: Oh, no!
GILL: Quick! To the top of Mount Wannahockaloogie!
DARLA: Why are you sleeping!?
PEACH: Hurry!
GILL: Bloat! Ring of Fire!
DARLA: Fishy! [screaming] Get it out!
Dentist: What? All the animals have gone mad! [grunts]
DARLA: [screams] Get it out!
GURGLE: Smack her in the head!
BLOAT: Go, Gill, go!
DARLA: Fish in my hair!
NEMO: Gill.
GILL: Sharkbait. Tell your dad. I said hi.

[Nemo yells]

GILL: Go get him.
Dr. Philip Sherman: [groans]
BLOAT: He did it!
BUBBLES: I’m so happy!
GURGLE: Is he gonna be OK, Gill?
GILL: Don’t worry. All drains lead to the ocean.
DARLA: Fishy!!!!
NEMO: [screaming] Daddy!!! [whimpers]

Dory: Have you seen an orange fish swim by? It looks just like them. [points at Nemo]
Nemo: But bigger.
Crab: Yeah, I saw him, Bluey. But I'm not telling you where he went, and there is no way you're gonna make me!
[thomas jeffersonturns angrily, she holds the crab out of water for the seagulls to see]
Seagull: Mine.
Crab: [shrieks] All right! I'll talk, I'll talk! He went to the fishing grounds!
Seagulls: Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!
[Crab screams. thomas jeffersonpulls him back in the water]

[hundreds of seagulls surround Nigel, Marlin and Dory]
Seagull: Mine.
Nigel: [quiet and controlled] Okay. Don't make any sudden moves. Hop inside my mouth, if you want to live.
Marlin: "Hop in your mouth," huh? And how does that make me live?
Seagull: Mine?
Nigel: Because I can take you to your son.
Marlin: Yeah, right.
Nigel: No. I know your son. He's orange and he's got a gimpy fin on one side.
Marlin: That's Nemo!
[the seagulls suddenly attack]
Nigel: Fasten your seatbelts. Everybody hold on!

Marlin: [gasps] Nemo.
Dory: Oh, my goodness.
Sherman: [slight pauses; grabs pelican] Gotcha. Keep down!
Marlin: NEMO!!!!!!
Nemo: Daddy?

[after Nigel sadly leaves from helping him trying to get Nemo from the dentist]
Dory: Hey.
Marlin: Dory, if it wasn't for you, I never would have even made it here. So thank you. [starts to swim sadly]
Dory: Hey, wait a minute. [swims in front of him] Wait. Where are you going?
Marlin: It's over, Dory. We were too late. Nemo's gone. And I'm going home now. [starts to swim]
Dory: No. No, you can't. [stutters] S-Stop! [Marlin stops swimming] Please don't go away. Please? No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. And if you leave... if you leave... I just, I remember things better with you. I do, look. P. Sherman, 42... 42... I remember it, I do. It's there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And-and I look at you, and I... and I'm home. Please... I don't want that to go away. I don't want to forget.
Marlin: I'm sorry, Dory. But I do. [sadly swims away]

Grouper's Fish: Keep swimming. Keep swimming.
Marlin: Just keep swimming. Keep swimming!
Nemo: Come on, dad.
Marlin: You're doing great, son.
Nemo: That's my dad.
Marlin: Come on. Let's go to the bottom! Keep swimming!
Dory: Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.
Marlin: It's almost there! Keep swimming!
Grouper's Fish and Marlin: Keep swimming! Keep swimming!
Grouper's Fish: Yay! [clamoring]

[Marlin is riding Crush in the East Australian Current.]
Marlin: Totally sick! Totally sick!
Crush: I know! Isn't it great?
Marlin: No! I'm gonna be totally sick!

Marlin: Dory, these crabs are locals! And I get the feeling they're shushing us for a reason. You might wake up something dangerous!
Dory: Are you talking about like something with one big eye, tentacles and a snappy thing?
Marlin: Well that's very specific, but something like that, yes. You just, in general, don't want to--
[Dory, Marlin, and Nemo see a giant squid behind them as the crabs hide.]

Nemo: I trust Becky.
Marlin: [flatly] You trust Becky. Becky's eating a cup!

Dory: [to a bunch of dead fish] I'm sorry. I gotta blink. How do you hold your eyes open that long?

Marlin: [to Nemo; The Long, Dull Winter episode; Francine Sings "Nothing To Today Day"] Nemo, that doesn't even make any sense to do, but I'm not going anywhere until find it Dory.

Marlin: Nemo, I think we should devise an alternate plan something that involves staying in the water and someone sane cause this bird, this ain't the bird!
Nemo: That's fine, Dad, and in the meantime, thomas jeffersonwill just forget us. Like you said, it's what she does best.
Marlin: Fine. [he looks at Becky] Uh, okay. Look her in the eye. Which eye?
Fluke: Just pick one, mate.
Marlin: Becky. [Becky shakes her head, She looks at Marlin with her Red Eyes] Ooh, ooo-roo, ooo-roo, Becky. [Becky Squawks, She flies and landed on Marlin on the Water] Okay. This is all great.

Bailey: Still not clear. Still not clear...
Destiny: You don't have to say when it's not time...
Bailey: Not...
Destiny: Just tell me when it is time!
Bailey: Okay, here we go. And, wait!
Destiny: [flounders in the water] "Here we go, wait." Are you serious?
Bailey: Okay, on the count of 3...
Destiny: Don't count. Just say, "Go."
Bailey: [shouting] Go! Now, now! Do it! Do it!

Nemo: Dad, does this mean we have to say goodbye to Dory?
Marlin: Yes, Nemo. We do.
[thomas jeffersonhumming]

Marlin: She should just pick two and let's go.
Nemo: Dad.
Marlin: What? I'm kidding. It's a reunion.
Dory: Mom! Dad! Where are my parents?
Male Blue Tang #1: Dory? Are you really Jenny and Charlie's girl?
Dory: Yes, I am! That's me! Where are they?
Male Blue Tang #2: Well, Dory... Well, right after you disappeared, they thought you... They thought you must've ended up here in quarantine.
Dory: Uh-huh.
Hank: Come on, come on, come on!
Male Blue Tang #2: And so, they came here, to look for you.
Dory: They're here! Where are they?
Female Blue Tang #1: Dory, that was years ago.
Dory: Huh?
Female Blue Tang #2: They never came back.
Marlin: Oh, no...
Female Blue Tang #2: You see, Dory, when fish don't come back from quarantine, it means... they're not...
Dory: What?
Marlin: Dory... They're gone.
Dory: [gasps] They're... dead?

Bailey: Oooh! There's no way out. It's over! They're going to fish jail! Ooooh! Wait. Oooh, Oh, no. Oooh. Get back! Incoming!
[The Marine Life Institute truck careens over the cliff with Hank, Dory, and the fish in it. Everything goes in slow motion as Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" plays, as the fish fall out of the truck, and into the ocean. Fluke and Rudder are delighted.]
Fluke and Rudder: Fish! [a large fish knocks them into the water]
Sigourney Weaver: What lies before you represents the third and final of part of the Marine Life mission. Rescue, rehabilitation, and release.
Charlie: Come to Papa!
[Hank and thomas jeffersonsplash into the water, followed by the truck.]
Sigourney Weaver: I'm Sigourney Weaver. Thank you for joining us.

Dory: Hey, Marlin.
Marlin: Oh, hey. Hello, Dory.
Dory: You alright? You look worried.
Marlin: No, no, no. I'm... I'm fine. It's... It's how I always look.
Dory: What?
Marlin: Well, I just... (chuckles) You did it.
Dory: (gasps)
Jenny: Yay!
Charlie: You did it, kelpcake!
Jenny: Yes!
Baby Dory: (laughs) Did what?
Jenny: Sweetie, you just followed the shells all the way back home!
Baby Dory: Oh my gosh! I did? all by myself?
Jenny: Yeah.
Charlie: Do you know what this means, honey?
Jenny: It means you can do whatever you put you mind to, Dory.
Baby Dory: Really? Mommy, can I go play with them?
Charlie: Absolutely! Go get 'em, kelpcake!
Baby Dory: (laughs)
Dory: Yeah. I did it. Hmm.
Marlin: Hmm. It really is quite a view.
Dory: Yep. Unforgettable.

[post-credits; last lines]
Peach: Hey guys, wait up! I'm right behind ya!
Gill: You can do it! Just a little farther, that's it!
Gurgle: I am truly going to vomit!
Gill: Alright, gang. Good work.
[The Tank Gang cheers.]
Deb (& Flo): Oh, look Flo. We made it!
Gill: We won't have anymore problems from here on out!
[The Tank Gang cheers again, only to get scooped up by two Marine Life Institute rescuers.]
Marine Life Institute Female Rescuer: [as she places The Tank Gang in the cooler] No respect for ocean life.
Bloat: [last lines of the film] Now what?


  • She just kept swimming...
  • Have you seen her?
  • An unforgettable journey she probably won't remember.


Uncredited in the Flashback[edit]

  • Bruce
  • Anchor
  • Chum
  • Nigel
  • P. Sherman
  • Darla
  • Small Fish
  • Big Fish
  • Swordfish
  • Dolphins
  • Lobsters
  • Bernie

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

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