Execution of Saddam Hussein

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Following the execution of Saddam Hussein, leaders around the world issued statements, expressing various sentiments and opinions on the death penalty.


  • The (Brazilian) government does not believe carrying out this sentence will contribute to bringing peace to Iraq". — Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil
  • joined other countries in wishing a peaceful and prosperous future for Iraq.
    • Spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Reactions to the antipodes Radio Canada 30 December 2006
  • For reasons of principles the execution of ex-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and concern for the country's stability.
    • Alberto Van Klaveren Chancellor of Chile [3]
  • He deserved the maximum sentence in his country and was guilty of genocide for using chemical weapons against other peoples for their religion or their racial origin. However, García disagreed with the fact that the trial was made in an occupied country. I don’t know if he was hanged for his crimes or just by the occupying forces.
  • Bringing Saddam Hussein to justice will not end the violence in Iraq, but it is an important milestone on Iraq's course to becoming a democracy that can govern, sustain, and defend itself.
    • George W. Bush, [5]


  • Libya: Libyan declared 3 days mourning and cancelled public celebrations around the Eid religious holiday, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said that Saddam Hussein was a prisoner of war held by the US occupation forces, and as such should have been tried in the US or Britain, rather than in an Iraqi puppet regime's kangaroo court.[1][2]


  • The execution of the former Iraqi president is the work of Iraq's government. We wish the Iraqi people prosperity, happiness and success. Eid is the day of happiness, the day of goodness, the day of reconciliation, not the day of revenge.
  • Cambodia, still struggling to begin its own long-delayed trials for atrocities committed in the 1970s by the genocidal Khmer Rouge, said the execution should not have taken place. "Democracy has grown very much in Iraq, but in the end the death penalty still exists," information minister Khieu Kanharith said. "We do not support it because we have already abolished capital punishment. So we do not support the death penalty, but we support the process of finding justice for the people.
    • Khieu Kanharith, Information minister [6]
  • China said Iraqi people should decide their affairs and hoped that the strife-torn nation can realize stability and development soon.
  • India: "We had already expressed the hope that the execution would not be carried out. We are disappointed that it has been." – Minister of external affairs Pranab Mukherjee.[3]
    • Indian National Congress, the Communist Party of India and the Samajwadi Party condemned the execution.[4]
    • K. Subrahmanyam, Head of the Indian government's task force on global strategic developments, attributed the Government's official reaction to "short-sighted vote bank politics" and said that the execution "was by an Iraqi court for an Iraqi crime - for killing Iraqi Shias."
    • "Saddam deserved nothing less than death. The hanging should be seen as a victory for justice." — Mirza Mohammad Athar, President of the All India Shia Personal Law Board.[5]
  • Indonesia: The government in the world's largest Muslim nation, Indonesia, said it hoped Saddam's execution "will not further separate conflicting parties in the effort toward a national reconciliation, which is a precondition in recovering Iraqi sovereignty."
    • Fauzan Al Anshori, from the Islamic group of Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia, said Bush, too, should stand trial. "Given the crime blamed on Saddam, it is unfair if George Bush is not also put on an international tribunal," he said. "Saddam was executed for killings 148 people, Shiite Muslims, while Bush is responsible for the killing of about 600,000 Iraqis since the March 2003 invasion."[6]
  • With regard to Saddam's execution, it amounts to a victory of the Iraqi people as they were the winners of his fall [...] Saddam's regime was overthrown because the Iraqi people did not support him. It is crystal clear that the United States should not misinterpret his fall and take the credit to itself. [...] Investigation into the Iraqi invasion in Iran (1980-1988) and in Kuwait (1990) could have disclosed the US involvement in Saddam's crimes and therefore the Americans preferred to close the case earlier.
  • Israel: "Saddam Hussein brought about his own demise. This was a man who caused a great deal of harm to his people and who was a major threat to Israel,"[7] said Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
  • Japan: "We have acknowledged that the judgment has been made according to due process and pay respect to the legal procedures that the Iraqi government has taken. That said, what is most important in our view is to make this sentence not a new source of conflict but of reconciliation between the Iraqi people."[8] — Foreign Ministry Spokesman Tomohiko Taniguchi
  • Malaysia: "The international community is not in favour of the hanging and questions the due process that took place. We are surprised that the hanging went ahead notwithstanding. I think there will be repercussions. This is not the answer" - Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar [9] Former Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad said "On the Holy day of Eid, the world watched in horror at the barbaric lynching of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq, allegedly for crimes against humanity. This public murder was sanctioned by the War Criminals, President Bush and Prime Minister Blair."[10]
  • Pakistan: Pakistan's Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz termed execution of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein a "sad incident" and hoped the security situation in the country would not be further exacerbated.
  • We have no sympathy with Saddam Hussein, but we will also say that he did not get justice. The execution of Saddam Hussein will further destabilize Iraq. There will be more sectarian violence in Iraq, and we believe that the execution of Saddam Hussein is part of the American plan to disintegrate Iraq.
  • Palestinian Authority: In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the execution of Saddam Hussein sent many Palestinians into mourning. Palestinians struggled to come to terms with the demise of their steadfast ally. In the West Bank town of Bethlehem locals opened a house of condolence, where dozens of people gathered to mourn Saddam. The organizers hung Iraqi flags, pictures of Hussein and played Iraqi revolutionary songs.
  • The ruling Hamas movement in the Palestinian territories called the execution of Saddam a "political assassination." A Hamas spokesman, Fawzi Barhum, said, "Saddam Hussein was a prisoner of war. [The] hanging … is a political assassination that violates all international laws that are supposed to protect prisoners of war.
  • In Sri Lanka, a Muslim government minister also condemned the execution for offending Muslims around the start of Eid al-Adha. "As a Muslim, I feel the execution could have been avoided," said Hussein Bhaila, who declined to comment on the judgment against the former dictator. **Muslim government minster, [12]
  • Thailand: Kitti Wasinondh, a spokesman at the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said, "We are optimistic that it will not lead to any further violence." Former Thai Foreign Minister Surin Pitsuwan, a Muslim who served under the Democrat Party, said he expected the execution would increase tension in the war on terror because of Saddam's many followers.[12]


  • European Union:European Commissioner for Development Aid Louis Michel stated that the execution of Saddam Hussein is against the fundamental principles of the European Union. The EU is against the death penalty, whatever are the crimes committed. "It is not a big day for democracy," Michel stated to the RTBF. "The EU is in fierce opposition to the death penalty and there is no exception to that fundamental principle. Cruelty is not to be answered with cruelty. I believe that there were other possible means to revenge the cruelties committed by Saddam. The death penalty is not the right answer." He fears that the execution of Saddam has a negative impact and that the former dictator will emerge as a martyr. "You don't fight barbarism with acts that I deem as barbaric. The death penalty is not compatible with democracy," he told Reuters.[13]
  • Austria has always campaigned against the impunity of people in the highest positions of political responsibility and supports the effort for an effective international penal jurisdiction. At the same time Austria rejects the death penalty as a matter of principle and stands for its worldwide abolition. This applies without exception and cruelty of the committed crime. Saddam Hussein's guilt in oppressing his own people, the assassination of political enemies and innocent civilians is undoubtedly documented. However, Austria's stance against the death penalty also applies in this case.
  • Belgium: The Belgian Foreign Minister, Karel De Gucht, repeated his objection to the execution and death penalty in general. He also expressed the hope that the violence in Iraq would come to an end, now that the personification of the cruel regime had died. [15]
  • Czech Republic: The Czech Foreign Ministry has welcomed the execution of the former dictator of Iraq Saddam Hussein. In a statement the Ministry said his death was an important historic milestone and represented at least partial satisfaction for the families of Saddam's victims. In the short term his killing could cause instability in Iraq, but in the long term the end of the era of Saddam Hussein will move the country closer to stability and democracy, it said. Though the death penalty contradicts European values his execution should be looked at from the perspective of Iraq today, said the Foreign Ministry.
  • Denmark: The Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said that Denmark condemned the actions of Saddam Hussein, but did not support the capital punishment. "This has been pointed out to the Iraqi government on several occasions and this is also the reason we have not aided the Iraqi Special Tribunal against him," he said in a statement. Foreign Minister Per Stig Møller said to Danish television that he would rather seen that Saddam Hussein had been tried at an international tribunal.[16] [17]
  • Even if there are no doubts that Saddam Hussein is guilty of very serious crimes against humanity, very serious comments have been made about the court process in Iraq.
    • Erkki Tuomioja, Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs, [14]
  • France calls upon all Iraqis to look towards the future and work towards reconciliation and national unity. Now more than ever, the objective should be a return to full sovereignty and stability in Iraq. France, which like the rest of its European partners advocates the universal abolition of capital punishment, notes the execution of Saddam Hussein on Saturday. That decision was made by the people and the sovereign authorities of Iraq." — French Foreign Ministry [8]
  • "Saddam Hussein was sentenced by an Iraqi court, and this verdict has been executed. We do respect this verdict. However, it is known, that the Federal Government of Germany is against capital punishment. On a day like this, my thoughts are foremost with the many innocent victims of Saddam Hussein. I do wish for the Iraqi people that it will find its way without violence and in peace." — German chancellor Angela Merkel [18]
    • "The federal government of Germany is against capital punishment, no matter where. However there is no doubt about the crimes of Saddam Hussein." — German Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gernot Erler [19]
  • "As known, Greece, together with all member states of the European Union, has abolished the death penalty. The execution of dictator Saddam Hussein is one more dramatic moment added to the troubled history of Iraq. We hope that it is the last. We wish and hope the friendly Iraqi people will follow the route to reconciliation and ethnic unanimity. The only route that can lead to a peaceful, secure and democratic future." Dora Bakoyannis, Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs [20]
  • Iceland: Minister of foreign affairs said that the Iraqi court was legal, and that the Icelandic government accepted the sentence, however that the government of Iceland was opposed to death penalty. Additionally, she stated that all political party leaders in Iceland were afraid of the execution's consequences.[21]
  • Ireland: "We have to accept the right of the Iraqi judiciary to hand down a sentence. Ireland however, in common with its EU partners, does not approve of capital punishment. I believe Saddam Hussein should have ended his years behind bars for his heinous crimes." - Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern[22]
  • Italy: "Italy is against the death penalty and so even in such a dramatic case as Saddam Hussein, we still think that the death penalty must not be put into action." - Prime Minister Romano Prodi[9]
  • Netherlands: "It's understandable that Saddam Hussein received the most severe punishment under Iraqi law. Nevertheless, we are opposed to the death penalty, which is inhumane and barbaric; even in Hussein's case, the sentence should not have been carried out." [23]Deputy Prime Minister Gerrit Zalm
  • Norway: The Norwegian foreign minister Jonas Gahr Støre stated in a press release that "It is important that the former dictator of Iraq was brought before a court and sentenced for some of his crimes against humanity". However, "Norway opposes the use of the death penalty in principle, and therefore regrets the execution of Saddam Hussein. The execution does not solve Iraq’s political problems, including the serious security situation."[24]
  • Poland: "Justice has been meted out to a criminal who murdered thousands of people in Iraq (..)", "This should serve as a warning to all those who would like to follow in Saddam Hussein's footsteps." President Lech Kaczyński spokesman
  • Portugal: "The Portuguese Government reaffirms its total opposition to death penalty in all cases and circumstances."[25]
  • Russia: "Regrettably, repeated calls by representatives of various nations and international organizations to the Iraqi authorities to refrain from capital punishment were not heard. Saddam Hussein's execution can lead to further aggravation of the military and political situation and the growth of ethnic and confessional tensions."[26]Foreign Ministry spokesman Mikhail Kamynin
  • Serbia: "We have seen that the situation in Iraq is chaotic. I am afraid this might cause even worse consequences. Serbia strongly objects to the death penalty. Calls against execution made by non-governmental organization such as Amnesty International should have been accepted"[27]Minister of Justice Zoran Stojković
  • Sweden: "Sweden and the European Union are without exception against the death penalty. I have earlier expressed the wish for the death sentence of Saddam Hussein being commuted to life in prison."[28]Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt
  • Switzerland: "Saddam Hussein was a criminal, but the DFA disapproves of his execution. … Switzerland advocates the abolition of the death penalty in the context of both its multilateral and in its bilateral diplomacy."[29]Federal Department of Foreign Affairs press release
  • I welcome the fact that Saddam Hussein has been tried by an Iraqi court for at least some of the appalling crimes he committed against the Iraqi people. He has now been held to account [...] The British government does not support the use of the death penalty, in Iraq or anywhere else [...] We have made our position very clear to the Iraqi authorities, but we respect their decision as that of a sovereign nation.


  • I believe there is something quite heroic about a country that is going through the pain and the suffering that Iraq is going through, yet still extends due process to somebody who was a tyrant and brutal suppressor and murderer of his people. That is the mark of a country that is trying against fearful odds to embrace democracy.
  • The people of Iraq now know that their brutal dictator will never come back to lead them. While many will continue to grieve over their personal loss under his rule, his death marks an important step in consigning his tyrannical regime to the judgment of history and pursuing a process of reconciliation now and in the future.
    • Alexander Downer Minster for Foreign Affairs [18]
  • Labor has a universal position of opposition to the death penalty both at home and abroad. [[..]] It is not possible in our view to be selective in the application of this policy.
    • Kevin Rudd, Leader of the Labor Party, [19]
  • New Zealand does not support the death penalty as a matter of principle. We acknowledge, however, that Saddam Hussein’s execution occurred within the framework of Iraqi law, and as a response to his crimes against humanity. New Zealand regarded the guilty verdict as appropriate. The task now is for the people of Iraq to look forward and work for a stable unified Iraqi nation.
    • Trevor Mallard, Duty Minster of New Zealand, [20]


  1. http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=548010
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6232859.stm
  3. "Disappointment, condemnation in India over Saddam hanging". India eNews. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  4. "Saddam Execution: India 'disappointed'". Business Standard. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  5. "Muslim groups divided on Saddam". IBN. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  6. "World leaders welcome, condemn Saddam's execution". The Hindu News Update Service. Saturday, December 30, 2006 : 1710 Hrs. 
  7. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named rte-reactions
  8. a b Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named international comments
  9. a b Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named BBC_execution_quotes
  10. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=4273
  11. "Saddam’s execution “sad incident” : PM". Associated Press of Pakistan. Saturday, 30 December 2006. 
  12. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named bangkokpostbreakingnews
  13. "Louis Michel vindt executie Saddam in strijd met basisprincipe EU" (in Dutch). Kanaal Z. 2006-12-30. 
  14. {{cite web| url=[1] |
  15. Mixed feelings over Saddam's execution, VRT flandersnews.be, December 30, 2006
  16. "Fogh: Vi fordømmer Hussein, men er imod dødsstraf" (in Danish). Jyllands-Posten. 2006-12-30. 
  17. "Blandede internationale reaktioner på Saddams død" (in Danish). Danmarks Radio. 2006-12-30. 
  18. "Pressestatement von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel zum Tode von Saddam Hussein" (in de). Bundesregierung. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  19. "Reaktionen aus Europa zur Hinrichtung" (in de). ARD. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  20. Εκτελέστηκε ("Executed"). Flash.gr news site. Retrieved on 2006-12-30.
  21. (Icelandic) Stjórnvöld virða niðurstöðu íraskra dómstóla. Retrieved on 2006-12-30.
  22. "Ahern: We must respect Iraqi right to hang Saddam". breakingnews.ie. 30 December 2006 14:03. 
  23. "Vice-PM Zalm in TROS Kamerbreed" (in nl). TROS. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  24. "The execution of Saddam Hussein". Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-31. 
  25. "Governo português contra execução de Saddam (Portuguese Government against Saddam execution)". Portugal Diario. 2006-12-29. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  26. "EU official condemns Saddam hanging, Russia voices concern". Al Bawaba. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  27. [[2] "Različite reakcije na smrt Huseina"]. B92. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  28. "'Regeringen beklagar Saddams avrättning'". SA. 2006-12-29. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  29. "Execution of former Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein". 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30. 
  30. a b "Comments on Death Penalty for Saddam". Associated Press. 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2006-12-30.