Endangered Species (TV series)

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Endangered Species (March 3, 2015-June 2, 2015) is a Canadian Animated television series created by Asaph Fipke for Teletoon.

Season 1


The Fast and the Furriest [1.1a]


Wish You Were Here [1.1b]


Bouncing Bunny, Hidden Squirrel [1.2a]

Tail-Fighting Squirrel: Hey! No Fair!
Gull: Then, The Villainous Tail Fighter Hung his head and cried.
Tail-Fighting Squirrel: What?! [Sobs]
Gull: He Cried...

[Tail-Fighting Squirrel Continues Sobbing While Eating]

Gull: ...And Cried...

[Tail-Fighting Squirrel Continues Sobbing While Brushing His Teeth]

Gull: ...And Cried...

[Tail-Fighting Squirrel Continues Sobbing While Sleeping]

Gull: ...And Cried!
Tail-Fighting Squirrel: You Made Me Cry!
Bouncing Bunny: Cause, I Know! I Am Sorry, but you Are The Villain, Ha ha!

Gull: Uh, So... Meanwhile... The Villain Tailfighter made The Most Powerful Tail-Fighting Tail in All The world. Then, He Accidentally Hit His Thumb!
Tail-Fighting Squirrel: [Hits His Thumb With a hammer] EEEOOOWWW!! Gull, Stop That! My Thumb, she Cannot take the Narration!
Gull: And Then, He Checked To make sure That His Awesome Stink-Fighting Tail Was, Really, Really Stinky...

[Stink-Fighting Tail Lets out a stinky gas on Tail-Fighting Squirrel]

Tail-Fighting Squirrel: UGH! Gull!
Gull: Then He Burped!

[Tail-Fighting Squirrel Burps]

Gull: Then He Farted!
Tail-Fighting Squirrel: [Farts] Narrator! This, It is enough!
Gull: [Giggles] Then, he Let-er-rip With a Kung Pao P-U!
Tail-Fighting Squirrel: [Farts] [groans] GULL!!
Gull: [Laughs] And Then, He Made a Little Squeaky Air Dumpling!

[Tail-Fighting Squirrel Does a Little Squeaky Fart Noise]

Gull: [Laughs] And Then...
Tail-Fighting Squirrel: [Continues Farting] ENOUGH!! Let us Move On!

[Bouncing Bunny Sees the Gull Lying on The ground, Pours Water On Gull To wake him up]

Bouncing Bunny: [At The Camera] What Are You Doing Narrator?! Tailfighter is Stronger Than Ever! To Defeat Him, We Must Battle Together, As One, Ha ha!
Gull: Oh, Uh, I Did Not Know That Ha ha.
Bouncing Bunny: [Talks Quietly To Gull] That's Because I just added To Speak To The Kung-Fu Story.

Innards Space [1.2b]


Raiders of the Lost Throne Room [1.3a]


Stump of Horrors [1.3b]


My Best Friend Schlitzy [1.4a]


DAWG!! [1.4b]


10 Minutes to Cookies [1.5a]

Pickle: Tell me More! Tell me More!
Future Gull: The Future is... Salty, and Tastes Like Chicken.
Pickle: I Knew it!
Merl: That is Not the Future, That is the Lunch! Time, She Does not Work That way!
Future Gull: In the future, There is no Time.
Merl: That Does not Even Make Sense!
Future Gull: In the future, We Don't Make Sense.

Merry Garbage Day! [1.5b]


[at beginning of Episode With The "Merry Garbage Day!" Title] [Merl Hums The 12 Days of Christmas Song While Sorting out his Nuts]

Pickle: [Sighs] I Hate August. [Sighs Again] Did you Hear me?
Merl: Yes? [Humming Continues]
Pickle: Don't You Wanna know Why?
Merl: Not Really, No. [Humming Continues Again]
Pickle: There's No Holidays in August! What Kind of Stupid Month Has No Holidays?! All Work And no Play Makes Pickle [In Anger While a Train Horn Sound was heard in the Background] GO CRAZY!!!

Flashloose Fever [1.6a]


Frankenstump [1.6b]


Gone Buddy Gone [1.7a]

Detective Pickle: Only If you Play Along, Ma'am. Now, We Need An Hysterical Victim.
Merl: No! This is no time to Play The Hysterical Victim! [Becomes Sad] I Will Not Get all of The Work Done in the emotional and the completely out of Control! [Whimpers] Find my Nutty Buddy! I'm Begging you! Please!
Detective Pickle: Don't Worry Ma'am. We're On The Case.

Just Us League of Heroes [1.7b]

Merl: [Facepalms] This Stump, She will never be clean!
The Avenging Pickle: Fear Not Citizen! For A Superhero Has Heard your cry For Justice! ...The Avenging Pickle!
Merl: So, You Will Help me do the Cleaning?
The Avenging Pickle: No, I'm a Superhero, Not a Maid!

The Avenging Pickle: [Hi Fives] WooHoo! We're a Dynamic Duo!
Merl: OK... Three Can be in the Duo, Yes?
The Avenging Pickle: Uh... [Thinks] Hmm, Not exactly. But OK.
Merl: Then Prepare to Face The Hypoallergenic SuperPowers of... [Disguises As El' Sanitario] ...El' Sanitario!
The Avenging Pickle: The "Who" What?
El' Sanitario: El' Sanitario, The World's Cleanest SuperHero, Dedicated To Visual, The Justice, and the Anti-Bacteria Way!

The Avenging Pickle: Just Showing off The 37-Ultra-Unique and Incredibly Random SuperPowers of... ...The Avenging Pickle! So What Does Your SuperGuide do?
El' Sanitario: El' Sanitario? Why, He Keeps The World Safe By Keeping It Clean. Starting with the Sofa. [Gives The Avenging Pickle And The Hug The Cleaning Things] Join Me, Yes? As We Go On The Glorious Mission of The Tidiness!
The Avenging Pickle: [Sighs] If I Didn't Know Better, I'd Say El' Sanitarium was Just Trying to Trick us into Cleaning Stuff up.

Collecting Merl [1.8a]

Pickle: Wow, Gull, We Need To impreservate The integrity of your collection!
Gull: In-Tegri-ty?
Merl: Alright, Look, Give My Back My- [Steps on a Whoopee Cushion And Thinking That He has to go to the Bathroom]

[Pickle And Gull Laugh At Merl Being Pranked by a Whoopee Cushion]

Merl: Uh, I Must Uh... [Rushes To The Bathroom]
Pickle: You Still Got It, Whoopee Cushion!
Gull: I Don't Know, Pickle. Maybe I should Give Merl His Stuff Back.
Pickle: Giving Stuff Back's The Total Opposite of Collecting!
Gull: Yeah!... Wait. no. uh, yes?
Pickle: We Need To Display Your Collection All Proper-Like, Gull! [Gets an idea] [Gasps] oh! We Need To make a Merl-Museum!
Gull: Yeah! We're Gonna make Merl So Happy!
Merl: Ah, This makes me happy. [Puts on a bib] I tie the bib, I eat the Cake.

[Gull Cuts a hole in the table With a Sharp Cutting Saw And takes Merl's Cake]

Merl: WHAT?!

[Gull Takes Merl's bib And giggles While Stealing merl's Cake]

Merl: Hey! Where are you going with my Lunchie?! [Opens The Door And sees Merl-Museum With his Stuff And Gets Shocked] What is This?
Gull: It's my Collection Of... ...Merl-O-Bilia!
Pickle: Welcome To The Merl-Museum!
Merl: [Gets Angry And Sees His Stuff That Was Stolen By Gull] OK, You 2 Have had The fun, but You Must Stop This Stealing of my Stuff! You will take no more!
Pickle: [Gasps] You Know What that means?!
Gull: No I Do not! [Blinks]
Pickle: Merl-Relics Have Just Became Really Rare!

[Gull Gets Surprised]

Pickle: Better Increase Security!
Merl: [Gets Escorted Out of The Merl-O-Bilia Museum By Pickle, Becomes Really Angry And Opens The Door And Sees The Merl-O-Bilia Meseum With His Stuff And Gets Surprised] The Velvet Ropes, They Are Everywhere. Who Put all this stuff Around My Bed?
Pickle: [Shouting In a Megaphone] No Touching The Exhibit Please!
Merl: That is No Exhibit! It is My Bed!
Gull: And We're Gonna Keep it Just Like It was The Last time You've Slept in It!
Pickle: Sorry, we have to Leave Now. The Museum's Closed. [Takes Merl Out of the Merl Museum]
Merl: But This is My Room! Where Am I Supposed to Sleep?!

[Door Closes]

Merl: [Grunts And Sees The Blinking Light of The Merl Museum And Grunts again while sleeping on the Couch] No Touching The Exhibit... That's No Exhibit, That's My Bed... [Grunts Again] That Blinky Light, It Makes it Too hard to Sleep! Aww, And I Can't Get To Sleep Without My Stuffy Nutty Buddy! [Groans] That Is It! I Am going to Get my Nutty Buddy Back! [Opens the Museum Door and Gets Shocked while hearing a siren]
Pickle: Uh, Sorry Ma'am, But The Merl Museum is Closed.
Merl: [Grunts While Turning On The Light] But I Can't get to sleep Without my Stuffy Nutty Buddy!
Pickle: Merl, That's a Museum, Not a Library.
Gull: Yeah, Merl, I Mean... A'Doiey!
Merl: Then Why do Both of you get to sleep in your Beds?!
Pickle: Cause We're The Museum Night Guards!
Gull: Sorry, Merl, But The Merl Museum Will be Open Again in The morning.
Merl: [Being Dragged By Pickle And Gull] Nutty Buddy! [Gets Escorted Out of The Merl Museum]

[Door Closes Again]

Merl: [Groans In Anger] That is It! They Have Pushed Merl Too far With This Collecting! I Will Break Into my own Museum! Uh, I Mean, Bedroom, [his eyes well with tears] and get Back My Nutty Buddy...

Family Fun Day [1.8b]


Borderline Nuts [1.9a]

Pickle: Cuz' You're a Big Meanie!
Merl: Because I Care! My Space, My Rules!

Gull in Tights [1.9b]


Mosquitoes...Mo' Problems [1.10a]


[Episode Starts When a Mosquito Is Buzzing]

Merl: [Sips His Coffee] Ahh, my favourite time of the day, el brekko de cafe mundo.

[Mosquito Keeps Buzzing]

Merl: Ugh!

[Mosquito Lands On Merl Forehead, Causing Merl To Get Shocked, and merl got angry at The Mosquito]

Merl: [Hits Ths Mosquito With his magazine, But Hits Him In The fore head instead] oi! Ayayay! adios, mosquito! [Goes Berserks Over a Mosquito Bugging Him]
Gull: Merl did you get a paper cut again? It's not the magazines fault.
Pickle: Well if it ain't a old fashioned down hold magazine swinging, woo hoo! Me next! (Laughs)

Merl's Birthday Blues [1.10b]


Speechless [1.11a]


Rear WindOW [1.11b]


Muck Raking [1.12a]


Size Matters, Yes [1.12b]


Walk Around in Each Other's Paws [1.13a]


Hotel Merl [1.13b]


Quality Time [1.14a]


Pickle Says... Relax! [1.14b]


The Basement [1.15a]

Merl: Pickle? What is this you do?
Pickle: Oh...I thought it would be nice to have some company down here. In the dark, with the monsters.

[Merl and Pickle Screams]

Merl: The stairs, where did she go?
Pickle: Don't know. But there's a light over there! Follow me!
Merl: No, it is not safe! Nothing is safe! Do you understand Pickle, Yes? I Shake you out to make you understand!
Pickle: Uh, That's not Me You're Shaking.

[Merl Screams]

Pickle: Hurry, Merl, Before the Darkness Gets Ya!

Gull to Sleep! [1.15b]


Flying Squirrel [1.16a]


E.A.T.Y [1.16b]


Hinden Stump [1.17a]


Pickle Productions [1.17b]


Dilly Comes to Town [1.18a]


Beard Goggles [1.18b]


Gull-Patterned Baldness [1.19a]


Fame and Fortune [1.19b]

Pickle: We'd be So Rare, We'd Become Rich and Famous!
Merl: No No No, Merl is Beneato with the rich and the famous [Screams in pain while getting his foot caught by a mouse trap, and then started whimpering] it Hurts too much, yes?... [Whimpers Sadly]
Gull: Then We All Lived Happily ever afters.

[Merl Screams In Pain]

Nutty Buddy Goes Nuts [1.20a]


The Fable [1.20b]


Locked Out [1.21a]


Where No Stump Has Gone Before! [1.21b]


Pillow Fight of the Century [1.22a]


Gull Proof [1.22b]


Family Puzzle Night [1.23a]


Tub of Troubles [1.23b]


What a Long, Strange Camping Trip It's Been [1.24a]


Cage Match [1.24b]


Disaster Drill Disaster [1.25a]


Gull Goes to the Moon [1.25b]


Squirrel Plague!! [1.26a]


Cliffhanger [1.26b]


[Last lines of this series]

Gull: What?
Crowd (offscreen): Awww!



Charades In A Bottle




Knock Knock


Modesty, Yes?

Merl: Ayayay! The Underwear of Me, she has gone down in the disposal of the trash!
Pickle: aw, Don't worry merl, only thing folks need Undies forth to keep them from being naked when they got no clothes on!
Merl: I am naked!
Pickle: you're not naked, we're aminals! We got fur!
Merl: with naked fur?! [Screams And Gets His metal Pan as his Modesty]
Gull: [Rubs The Metal Pan With his Index Finger] Hmm...

[Merl Hits Gull's Index Finger With a Metal Pan But Failed]

Pickle: Merl, Keep Your Fur On And You'll Be Fine!
Merl: No! I Must Do The Covering up of the naked body Of me Without The Clothes! [Looks For his Modesty And Grabs The lamp as his Modesty] The Modesty, Yes?

Planet Of The Ants


Weather Report
