Elvina Ibru

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Elvina Esewvre Ibru(22 May 1972) is a Nigerian actress and On Air Personality from Delta State.

Elvina Ibru in 2019


  • However, never say never because ultimately my destiny might not be in marriage NOW, but maybe when I’m 75yrs old. You never can tell
  • But we don’t wake up in the morning and see a bag of money waiting for us outside. I have been working since I was 17.
  • I am not worried any longer as long as I know what I am capable of doing.
  • But people who don’t do much will say they are busy. I wonder what they do.
  • My mother died when I was yet to start life. Mothers are the only persons who fight for their children.
  • Why not? Do you jump into bed with just anybody. I am not saying I am celibate for religious reasons. You don’t just jump into bed with just anybody but if I meet a nice person, why not?
  • As far as character is concerned, honesty is important no matter how much you have, if you made your money dis-honestly I no fit follow you. For instance, if you are doing 419, it won’t happen. Honesty in your relationship is important. I always tell guys, maybe they think I am joking. Try and be open. If you have been messing around as a guy, tell me. If for instance you play away match and carry something, tell me; don’t hide it and don’t deprive me of sex because you know you have something because I will begin to worry you about myself. ‘Is it that this guy does not love me anymore?’ Just tell me ‘babe, I mess up-o, see wetin happen.’ I would say ‘oya come, make we go see doctor first, let us go and look at the case’ and after that we can talk about it because what I need from a man is a best friend. You have to be my best friend and in order for that to happen you have to be open and honest with me so we understand each other. So if for instance I am dating you now and someone sees you with a girl and then she comes to me and says ‘I saw Tony the other day with a chick, I would say ‘yes, she was wearing a short red mini skirt, high heels, her hair was dread locked, any problem?’ I don’t like people being involved in my relationship but please, don’t make me look stupid so tell me first so I go know how to arrange myself when those wicked people that want to spoil the matter come around. Generosity is very important.
  • There is no easy way to losing weight. Do things the right way. Eat less and exercise more and discipline yourself. Of course, I had sugar cravings even up till now and that is the problem with weight loss. It is not losing the weight that is the challenge, but keeping it at bay. Exercise is a big part of it, because even if you eat a normal portion of food and you are not doing your exercise, you might just remain there.
  • Start with your mind. Your mind has to be in the right place. Like I said, there is no easy way to losing weight. Even if you decide that you want to go for surgery, it is not easy. So your mind has to be made up. Then your lifestyle is very important because some people spend all day sitting at a desk. Those that sit at the desk are not using up energy at all, so your lifestyle is important. And the time you eat at night is also important. You don’t have to eat late. You must eat your last meal around 7pm. I think you shouldn’t deprive yourself of anything
  • As soon as the abuse starts. When a man gives you a heavy slap and he says I am sorry, and then the next week he repeats it and says he is sorry , it is time to flee. If my man slaps me once I will take it as ‘okay, it could be his five minutes of madness’. Everybody is allowed that. But if it happens again, then it is probably in his DNA and it is all over. We all have our different situations and that is why I say to girls, use your brains and not your breasts. Go to school, be independent. Whether you are married or not, have your own thing going because a lot of women stay in abusive relationships because they have nowhere else to go. If they leave their husbands, children’s school fees will not be paid and there will be no food in the house and they can’t fend for themselves. So when you have 23-inch waist and 46 inch ‘yansh’ and there is one guy toasting you and he has all the money in the world, beware! That is not what it is all about. Because for every 23 inch waist, there is a 24 and when that man gets bored and if he is abusive, you are in big trouble. So go to school, be independent, your own woman. If you meet a good man, thank God, but if perchance you meet a monster, move on before you are killed.
  • You mustn’t be scared of what people are going to say because it is not your fault. I got a lot of snide remarks when I revealed my experience; some people said I was looking for attention. Meanwhile, it is because of talks like that, that many victims don’t report rape incidents. I wish everybody has a strong family like mine because I had people I could lean on. Unfortunately, not everybody has that kind of support system. Nevertheless, they need to find strength within themselves; otherwise, rapists would keep getting away with the dastardly act without any repercussion
  • Broadcasting has given me confidence. It helped me with my theatre and acting. This is because when you are in broadcasting, you have to be very expressive with just your voice; nobody can see your face. So, it actually helped me with my voice patterns
  • There are times that we need to up our games as actors, producers and other professions in the film making industry; we need to be professional and do things right. The fault in our movies did not just happen because we lack money, they also come with the way we handle things as professionals, though, money is also a big factor.There are other things that are attached to film making which we need to look at to move the industry forward
  • The important message is that people should not think that having a wealthy father makes one’s career easy. It is not easy for anybody. One has to be talented and hard-working. I know that one day people would start seeing that this is what I’m good at
  • Once a magazine cover says ‘yellow’ girls are fine or curvy girls are sexy, that becomes the trend and everybody starts tilting in that direction. That’s where body-shaming starts from. But the truth is that God made every individual differently and there is beauty in everybody.
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