Dr. Terror's House of Horrors

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Dr. Terror's House of Horrors is a 1965 anthology horror film about a mysterious fortune teller who uses tarot cards to read the futures of five fellow passengers.

Directed by Freddie Francis. Written by Milton Subotsky.
Acclaimed as "THE FEAR OF THE YEAR"  (taglines)


  • There's one thing that every intelligent thing is afraid of - fire! If a species ever develops that isn't, it could be the end of the world.
  • This town isn't big enough for two doctors... or two vampires.
  • Plant like that... could take over the world.


  • Dr. Blake: This town isn't big enough for two doctors... or two vampires.


Jim Dawson: Schreck? That's a German word isn't it? Means fear or horror.
Dr. Schreck: A more exact translation would be terror. An unfortunate misnomer for I am the mildest of men.

Bill Rogers: All of us?
Jim Dawson: We're all together in this carriage. And none of us has a future.
Biff Bailey: It's the train!
Bill Rogers: It's going to crash!
Franklyn Marsh: What are you doing?
Jim Dawson: I'm going to pull the communication cord!
Franklyn Marsh: Don't be such a fool. It's the one way you might cause an accident! Sit down!
Bill Rogers: We can't just sit here and wait. [to Schreck] Why are you doing this? What do you want? Who are you?
Dr. Schreck: Have you not guessed?

Vrim: You wrote down the sacred music of the great God Dambala!
Biff Bailey: It could be a hit... make a fortune. If you wrote it, we could go 50-50?
Vrim: It belongs to the God, Dambala! Known only to his own people for centuries!
Biff Bailey: Oh well, if it's that old then it's out of copyright...


  • Acclaimed as "THE FEAR OF THE YEAR"


Creeping Vine
Disembodied Hand
