DJ Cuppy

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DJ Cuppy

Florence Ifeoluwa Otedola (born 11 November 1992), professionally known as DJ Cuppy, or simply Cuppy, is a Nigerian disc jockey and producer.


  • "I really think I have to find a partner that compliments me but still pushes me and is better at some things than I am, so they can inspire me to improve myself as a person."
  • "So Neo-Afrobeats is basically a fusion of Afrobeats with different elements. So it can be Hip Hop, it can be House, it can be Pop."
  • "I’ve had quite a number of career highlights for which I feel truly blessed that my hard work has met with success. I’m so proud of my African heritage and always have a sense of fulfillment when I’m given the opportunity to serve."
  • "Covid-19 definitely threw a wrench in plans made for 2020. Nobody envisaged a pandemic of this magnitude when setting goals for the year. The need to limit all forms of physical contact has definitely shifted the perspective. We’ve had to adjust to the current reality and shift solely to virtual gatherings."
  • "I’ve grown from being a young girl with dreams to a woman with a global vision. My talent is a platform for more things to come and everyday the Cuppy mission gets even bigger. I have the most supportive fans, friends and family rooting for me and I’m very determined not to let them down. Their love spurs me on and motivates me to keep pushing no matter how rough or tough things get."
  • "With dating you have to be open-minded; I actually enjoy dating. When you go on a date, it is about talking and getting to know each other. I am ‘super open’, I want to be dating and that is why I met the bus driver."
  • "Well, Cuppy comes from cupcakes. I was obsessed with baking when I was younger and let’s just say, I had cheeks like cupcakes. I was really cheerful and I just loved anything sugary so people used to call me cupcake."
  • "So I feel like I’m a bit of a, you know, oxymoron in my environment, I feel like I’m a contradiction. And so for me, it was about finding a name that represented me going against the grain."
  • Inspiration behind the Original Copy debut album (20 November 2020)
  • "Best believe Tobi IS going to school and the @CuppyFoundation will provide EVERY she needs until she graduates!"
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