Cowboys & Aliens

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Cowboys & Aliens is a 2011 American science fiction Western film starring Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, and Olivia Wilde. The film, directed by Jon Favreau, is based on the 2006 graphic novel of the same name created by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg. Cowboys & Aliens was released in the United States and Canada on July 29, 2011 and in other countries on ensuing weekends.

Col. Woodrow Dolarhyde


[from trailer] [sees a spaceship for the first time]

  • What the hell?

[from trailer] [shouts while turning his horse around]

  • They're coming back! They're coming back!

[from trailer]

  • I want that man! You give him to me now, or I'm going to take him!

[from trailer]

  • Get off my plains!



[from trailer] [to Jake] You don't remember anything?



The cast includes the following:

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