Birds of Prey (2020 film)

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) is a 2020 American superhero action film based on the DC Comics superhero team, Birds of Prey, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is the eighth installment in the DC Extended Universe.

Directed by Cathy Yan. Written by Christina Hodson, based on the DC Comics superhero team of the same name.
Mind Over Mayhem(taglines)
  • [Narrating an animated/live action flashback of her origins] They say "If you want to tell a story right, you gotta start at the beginning". [A sperm cell penetrates an oval cell] Too far? Fine. This is me, Harleen Quinzel. When I was a kid, my dad traded me for a six-pack of beer, but however many times he tried to ditch me, I kept coming back. Eventually, he found me a new home; the good sisters of St. Bernadette's taught me a lot. But I was never an "establishment" kinda gal. All things considered, I did good. I even went to college, got my Ph.D., Had my heart broken once or twice; finding love, it's not easy. So I threw myself into my work, became a psychiatrist. That's when I met him – Mister J, my Joker! Oh, I fell hard – like "out of a plane without a parachute, right on your dumb fucking face" kinda hard! I lost all sense of who I was, I only had eyes for Puddin’. We all know the saying: "Behind every successful man, there's a badass broad". Well, that was me! I was the brains behind some of Mister J's greatest stunts! Not that he let anyone know it. I guess all good things have to come to an end. So... we broke up.
  • Number one, no one is like me. If you wanted to even come close, you would have to go to medical school. Become a psychiatrist, work in an asylum. Fall in love with your patient, break said patient out of said asylum. Begin a life of crime. Jump into a vat of chemicals to prove yourself to a madman. Get arrested by the Batman. Go back to jail, get out of jail with a bomb on your neck. Save the world, go back to jail, and break out of jail before breaking up with the before mentioned madman and going out on your own. Number two... Six bucks for tap water with a fucking cucumber stick in it? That's crazy. I'm not shopping at this store. I'm robbing this store. Consider this your first lesson. Paying is for dummies.
  • I know the East End better than anybody. You want this diamond back? I'm your gal. Mister J once lost a rare photograph of a nude Eleanor Roosevelt, and I found it in a bird's nest in Robinson Park!
  • He's after all of us! [Cassandra states] The kid just robbed him! [To Canary] You betrayed him! [To Huntress] You killed his BFF! [To Montoya] And you're dumb enough to be building a case against him! So, unless we all want to die very unpleasant deaths, and let Roman go finger-fishing through the kid's intestinal tract, we're going to have to work together!
  • Aren't you glad you wore that? Sexy and bulletproof!
  • [After Dinah uses her Canary Cry to defeat Sionis' mobsters and help Harley give a speed boost to catch up with Sionis' car, before fainting from using her power] Told you she had a killer voice.
  • Here's the thing, Romy, baby. Your "protection" is based on the fact that people are scared of you. Just like they're scared of Mister J. But I'm the one they should be scared of. Not you! Not Mister J! Because I'm Harley fucking Quinn!
  • I want to kill you, because without the Joker around... I can. For all your noise and bluster, you're just a silly little girl with no one around to protect her.
  • Friends! Brothers! Men of Gotham! I have funded you. I have protected you. I've scratched your backs and kept you out of jail. Well, now it's time to say thank you. Go show those little bitches you don't mess with Roman Sionis!
  • [when picking up a grenade from Harley's chest of weapons] Dope.
  • [to Harley, during the scene where she was held hostage by Black Mask, before revealing she put a grenade on him with the pin she held on her finger] I took your ring!


[Dinah Lance walks into apartment complex coming across Cassandra sitting on steps looking dejected]
Distant man: You're the one who wanted the kid! I never wanted her!
Dinah Lance: Let me guess. Parents?
Cassandra Cain: Foster parents.
Dinah Lance: Right. Sorry, kid.
Cassandra Cain: Sorry about your face. Shit, you do have something on your face.
Dinah Lance: You should've seen the other guy. Uh...
Distant man: I want that kid out of my fucking house!
Dinah Lance: You know, kid, not every day is gonna be like this. You just gotta hang in there. [Puts dollar bill on stairway railing post] Get something to eat. Stay outta that. It's not worth it.
Distant man: Don't talk to me like that!
Harley Quinn: Canary spends the next week settling in to her new job as Roman's personal driver.
Roman Sionis: [Walks to vehicle in fish market] Ew. Okay.
Harley Quinn: What she didn't know is that driving Mr. Face-peely-pants was gonna put her right in the crosshairs of my favorite little piggy.
Renee Montoya: [Approaches Dinah leaving apartment] Dinah Lance?
Dinah Lance: Who the hell are you?
Renee Montoya: I'm Renee Montoya, detective with GCPD. Your predecessor and I had an arrangement.
Dinah Lance: Oh, really?
Renee Montoya: He told me that there was a shipment coming in. A diamond. A very special diamond.
Dinah Lance: Yeah, not interested, lady. Thanks for the coffee. [Starts walking down hallway]
Renee Montoya: Do you know who you're working for?
Dinah Lance: Damn right, I do. He's the man who gave me a job. Took me off the streets. [Starts walking down stairs]
Renee Montoya: Yeah, well, he's also a very dangerous man. A criminal. A murderer. What would your mother think of you working for a guy like that, huh? You have the same power she had. Don't you think she would want you to use it?
Dinah Lance: [Turns and walks back up stairs] The hell do you know about my mother?
Renee Montoya: Back in the day, she used to help the GCPD. She was a good woman.
Dinah Lance: Yeah. She was a damn good woman. The kind of woman who put everyone else's lives before her own. And when she was found dead in the street, where the fuck were you and your boys in blue then? Now you wanna come and knock on my door and ask me to help you out and make the same mistake she did? Yeah. Good luck with that.
Renee Montoya: That's fair enough. And I'm sorry for your loss. For the record, that would never happen on my watch.

Victor: [Reading newspaper at table to Roman] The Sprang Bridge Soldiers capituated.
Roman Sionis: "Capitulated." Of course they did. I told you that Keo scene would send a message.
Victor: It sure did, boss. It sure fucking did. Crossbow killer struck again last night. Rossi and four of his guys.
Roman Sionis: People don't kill people I own without my permission. Why doesn't this crossbow guy know that? You know that!
Victor: I know it. [Gets up to rub Roman's shoulders]
Roman Sionis: Why doesn't this crossbow guy? Why don't I own the crossbow guy?
Victor: You should own him.
Roman Sionis: I mean, I like crossbows. [Dinah enters loft apartment] Oh, good morning. Good morning. Morning. Come in. Come in. We're just finishing up a little business. Look around.
Victor: You're late.
Roman Sionis: It's fine.
Victor: Should she come back another time, 'cause she's late?
Roman Sionis: No. Isn't this stunning? [To Dinah observing African tribal mask] That is a Chokwe mask. I got it when I was embedded with the Mbangani tribe in Congo-Kinshasa. Have you ever been?
Dinah Lance: I've never been. I've heard it's beautiful.
Roman Sionis: Mmm-hmm. It's dirty.
Dinah Lance: Oh... [Roman puts arms around Dinah and leads her aside]
Roman Sionis: Here, look at this. Genuine tsantsa or shrunken head. Shuar of Ecuador. They're amazing people. Surprisingly gentle. I think you might like them.
Dinah Lance: Really?
Roman Sionis: They boil the heads of their enemies and they make these little fellas. Exquisite, aren't they? Look.
Dinah Lance: Mmm-hmm.
Roman Sionis: Look at those little ears. And his little haircut.
Dinah Lance: Ah...
Roman Sionis: Yeah, he's 1,000 years old.
Dinah Lance: Wow.
Roman Sionis: And now he's just an ornament in my living room. Ew!
Dinah Lance: I love it.
Roman Sionis: Yeah? These are ancient acupuncture models. As you can see, they have all the acupuncture points. And we found these buried in the mountains.
Victor: Ace Chemicals got blown sky high last night!
Roman Sionis: All right, all right, let's find the Crossbow killer! I get it!
Dinah Lance: [Referring to statue] Is he an acupuncture model, too?
Roman Sionis: He is not an acupuncture model. This is a statue of me. It was made by a very famous Gotham artist...
Victor: Harley Quinn did it. Some kind of "fuck you" to the Joker. They split.
Roman Sionis: What's wrong with you, Victor? Talk about burying the lede.
Dinah Lance: Yeah.
Roman Sionis: This is spectacular news! [Walks to Victor and whispers] She doesn't belong to him, she belongs to me. Have the boys go find her. Round her up, bring her back. I want her. [To Dinah] You, I have something I want you to pick me up. Something super-duper important, okay?
Dinah Lance: Okay.
Victor: I'll go with you.
Roman Sionis: Yeah, go with Victor. It's just a pickup. No, he's harmless. Do as you're told. Go.

Dinah Lance: All right. We can go.
Victor: I'll take that.
Dinah Lance: Mr. S said for me to hold on to it.
Victor: Go get your car.
Harley Quinn: [Voiceover] That rock. That rock's about to become the key to whether or not I live to enjoy my newfound independence.
Dinah Lance: [Thwarts Cassandra's pickpocketing attempt at her vehicle] Get off me. What the hell are you doing here?!
Cassandra Cain: You're not the only one who makes money off of dumb, rich, white people!
Dinah Lance: Well, you know what? One day you're gonna pick the wrong pocket, sis.
Cassandra Cain: Okay. Whatever. [Walks across street]
Dinah Lance: Dumb-ass kids.

Cassandra Cain: I really like your earrings.
Woman: Why, thank you.
Man 1: There's the thief. There's the thief.
Cassandra Cain: Get off of me!
Man 2: That little girl took my watch.
Cassandra Cain: I didn't do nothing.
Victor: Where the fuck's the diamond? I just fucking had it.
Harley Quinn: [Voiceover] In the storytelling business, this dummy swallowing that diamond is called a complication. A complication I didn't exactly need right now. [Multiple police officers approaching her cornered in an alleyway] Parley?
Dinah Lance: We lost the diamond.
Roman Sionis: [Receiving botox injections] What?!
Dinah Lance: We're really sorry, Mr. S. This kid...
Victor: We never even got our hands on it.
Botox injectionist: [Roman grabs his hand tightly and swipes it away] Ow! Help!
Roman Sionis: Get out! Get out of here! [To woman burning sage] You, too! Go! With your fucking sage stinking my place up. Fuck off!
Victor: Here she is. [Hands over a police perp profile paper]
Roman Sionis: [Holds up paper] She's a child!
Dinah Lance: She's just a kid. She's... [To subordinate] What?!
Subordinate: We have Harley Quinn downstairs, as requested.
Roman Sionis: [Crumples up and throws paper] Fuck off! Get out! [Throws pillow on floor] Fucking out! Fuck! These are my things! This diamond is my things!
Victor: Yes.
Roman Sionis: My things! [Throws pillow] Fucking fuck! I don't ask for much, do I?!
Victor: No.
Roman Sionis: Why is this happening to me?! Why?!
Victor: [Restraining Roman] I'm gonna get your diamond back. I promise. Why don't we go downstairs and kill that Harley bitch? Blow off a little steam.
Roman Sionis: Yeah, I have wanted to do that for quite some time. Okay. I'll go get changed. [Walks off]

Cassandra Cain: ["Some Frida Khalo-looking asshole" fires shot at Harley's vehicle waking up Casandra] Whoa.
Harley Quinn: Oh, good. You're awake. Toss that for me, will ya? [Hands ignited dynamite stick to Cassandra who throws it out of vehicle window which detonates the pursuer's vehicle]
Cassandra Cain: What the fuck?! Who did I just blow up?!
Harley Quinn: Either someone who wants me dead, or someone looking to collect the half-million dollar reward on your head.
Cassandra: Half a million dollars?!
Harley Quinn: Yeah.
Cassandra Cain: Do I look like I'm worth half a million dollars?!
Harley Quinn: Not really.
Cassandra Cain: You've got the wrong kid! Now, uncuff me!
Harley Quinn: Oh, sure. As soon as you give me the diamond.
Cassandra Cain: What diamond?! [Harley steers sharply onto an adjacent street jumping a curb nearly missing a pedestrian and stops]
Pedestrian: Fuck you!
Harley Quinn: Look at me!
Cassandra Cain: What?! I don't know nothing about no diamond!
Harley Quinn: The inflection in your voice, the way you can't hold eye contact, and the fact that you're a filthy little thief, all suggest that you do. Now, you can give it to me, or I can give you to the man that diamond belongs to. But trust me when I say, you're not gonna like what he's gonna do to ya. Now, hand it over!
Cassandra Cain: Yeah, not gonna happen.
Harley Quinn: Come again?
Cassandra Cain: I said I can't.
Harley Quinn: One more time.
Cassandra Cain: I can't give it to you.
Harley Quinn: Why not?
Cassandra Cain: Because I ate it, okay?

Harley Quinn: [Dumps bottles of laxatives in grocery store with Cassandra] Yes.
Cassandra Cain: What are we even doing here?
Harley Quinn: There are two ways that diamond's coming outta ya. [Holds up laxatives bottle] This way, or this way. [Pulls off and holds up a boxed knife with Cassandra picking up laxatives bottle holding it up for choice] That's what I thought. Also, I'm outta groceries.
Cassandra Cain: So, how long you been a mercenary?
Harley Quinn: Hey, where did you get...
Cassandra Cain: You're so busy looking at my right hand, you haven't even thought about my left...
Harley Quinn: [Holds up right hand] Your left hand is cuffed to mine. [Realizes Cassandra slipped out of handcuffs] I'll have to learn that one.
Cassandra Cain: [Reaches for Marshmallow creme spread] Can we get this? [Puts it in cart]
Harley Quinn: You're not gonna try to run, are you?
Cassandra Cain: Look, if there's really a half mil on my head, I figure I'm better off with the person who's not gonna cut me open.
Harley Quinn: Fine. But if you try to run, I will kill you. I do not care that you're a kid. [Cassandra slips an item into jacket] I saw that.
Cassandra Cain: Seriously though, how'd you get to be here? I mean, shopping at fancy-ass stores, you're making bank, you have your own business. How'd you do it? Come on, tell me. Woman to woman. Being a pickpocket's fine and all, but I got real potential. I mean, how do I be like you? Well, except for the crazy part. But other than that.
Harley Quinn: Number one, no one is like me. If you wanted to even come close, you would have to go to medical school. Become a psychiatrist, work in an asylum. Fall in love with your patient, break said patient out of said asylum. Begin a life of crime. Jump into a vat of chemicals to prove yourself to a madman. Get arrested by the Batman. Go back to jail, get out of jail with a bomb on your neck. Save the world, go back to jail, and break out of jail before breaking up with the aforementioned madman and going out on your own. Number two... Six bucks for tap water with a fucking cucumber stick in it? That's crazy. I'm not shopping at this store. I'm robbing this store. Consider this your first lesson. Paying is for dummies. [Runs with shopping cart to exit]
Grocery store staff: Whoa, whoa, whoa! [Gets knocked down]
Harley Quinn: Move it! [Walks across street with Cassandra]
Cassandra Cain: [Drops item on ground] Whoops. Ah... [Continues walking]
Harley Quinn: This is Doc's [Entering Doc's Taiwanese take-out establishment]. And this is Doc.
Doc: Lotus flower!
Harley Quinn: Hiya, Doc. How are ya? [Hugs him]
Doc: Good.
Harley Quinn: He's the Taiwanese grandpa I never had. He knows everything and everyone. Nothing happens around here, let me tell you, without Doc knowing about it. And he happens to be the only person [Kisses and strokes his cheek] who actually cares about me.
Doc: I do?
Harley Quinn: Yes, you do.
Doc: She's been ordering #32 with extra chili for many years. Lesson number two, you always want extra chili with #32.
Harley Quinn: So you don't have to taste his cooking.
Doc: Lotus flower, you have to get upstairs before someone sees. Everyone's looking for you. And you.
Harley and Cassandra: We know.
Harley Quinn: [Entering her apartment] I'm telling you, if you want boys to respect you, you have to show them that you're serious. Blow something up. shoot someone. Nothing gets a guy's attention like violence. Shut that door. Lock it. Keep your sticky paws to yourself, okay? This place... Well, it ain't much, but it's better than a prison cell.
Cassandra Cain: so fucking dope. Oh, shit. [Referring to Bruce] Is that a hyena in a bathtub?
Harley Quinn: I named him Bruce after that hunky Wayne guy. [Fawning over Bruce] He's my little dumpling, aren't you? Aren't you, my little baby? Aren't you, Brucey? Yes. I love you. [Turns head with sly face] I never said that. I love you both equally. [Referring to taxidermied beaver Cassandra is observing] Who, that? It's Cass. [To Bruce] You're so pretty.
Cassandra Cain: Who's this?
Harley Quinn: It's a beaver.
Cassandra Cain: Hmm. [Puts down taxidermy item]
Harley Quinn: [Uses a licorice candy twizzler to do a Lady and the Tramp cliché with Brucey] Does Brucey want a treat? Does Brucey want a treat?
Cassandra Cain: [Observing drawing on wall with knives on its face] What's this?
Harley Quinn: It's art. Don't touch. [Walks over]
Cassandra Cain: He your ex or something?
Harley Quinn: You don't know who that is? The Joker. The Clown Prince of Crime? My former partner in madness? The Harlequin of Hate? The Jester of Genocide? You've never heard of him?
Cassandra Cain: Well, sounds like a dick.

Black Canary: Hey, nice. What the hell is up with this bow and arrow shtick?
Huntress: It's not a fucking bow and arrow, it's a crossbow! I'm not twelve!
Black Canary: [Chuckles] I love this chick, she's got rage issues.
Harley Quinn: Y'know... psychologically speaking, vengeance rarely brings the catharsis we hope for.
Black Canary: Yeah.
Harley Quinn: Are we ready?




  • Prey for Gotham!
  • Mayhem at its finest!
  • Gotham's worst brings out their best. Meet Harley Quinn, Black Canary, Huntress, Renee Montoya, and Cassandra Cain.

Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn quotes at the Internet Movie Database

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