Bimbo Oshin

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Abimbola Oshin (born 24 July 1971) is an actress, writer, producer, and businesswoman from Nigeria.


  • Being a single lady and a mother are two different things. Now I have a family and children looking up to me. There are certain things I could do when I was younger that I cannot do as a mother. When it comes to my job, when I was single I was always on movie sets but as a mother and a wife, I had to balance it; know when to stay at home with my family and when to be at work.
  • I love wearing jeans, I feel so comfortable in it but on occasions when I have to go out, I feel comfortable wearing dresses. I also love native. I feel comfortable in all attire but it is easier to just wear my jeans and move on.
  • My selling point is my face. I have a round face with dimples, so I consider my face as my selling point.
  • I am not bleaching, I have never bleached. There is a way I maintain my skin by toning it.
  • I do not want to be a size 12. I think I will be contented with a size 14. I am no longer a skinny girl although as a youth, I was quite skinny. I feel size 12 will be too small for me. I am currently a size 16 but I will be happy if I can reduce it to a size 14.
  • It looks good on people and I think it is a way they believe they can beautify their body. As for me, I do not really like it, besides there is a part of the Bible that is against it. It is not that I am holy but I just do not like tattoos.
  • Sometimes when I go out and I see my mate, some of them have really become big and they do not care about what they wear but my job entails me to always look good; besides I have people who look up to me. People want to see what I am wearing so that they can copy some of my style. My job has really put me on the right path when it comes to fashion.
  • I met him on the Island in Lagos, at Ikoyi to be precise. We dated for three years before we agreed to settle down.
  • Nothing is more difficult than saying goodbye to a loved one but in everything, I give thanks to God Almighty.
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