Atmanirbhar Bharat

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Atmanirbhar Bharat translates to self-reliant India. The phrase was popularized by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The concept as used during the premiership of Narendra Modi has been adapted from previous explanations and usages of the concept in the Indian sub-continent.

Quotes with Atmanirbhar Bharat

  • During Covid-19 pandemic, 130 crore Indians took a pledge to be 'Atmanirbhar Bharat'. When I talk about 'Atmanirbhar Bharat', it is about standing on your own feet.
    • PM Narendra Modi during India's Independence Day speech 2020. (Rediff)

Quotes with self-reliance

  • Self-reliance does not mean that we have everything we need. No country is self-sufficient in all respects... A poor man can be self-reliant while a wealthy person may be dependent on others. Self-reliance means making do with what we have and cutting out what we do not and cannot have.
  • ...our objective is to combine growth not only with social justice but also with self-reliance. We have a long way to go before we can rest content with our achievement on any one of these fronts.
  • India is an old country, but a young nation, we are impatient. I am impatient and I too have a dream of an India— strong, independent, self-reliant...
  • We look for self-reliance, not autarchy.
  • My objective is to make India truly self-reliant.
  • Our vision of a self-reliant economy should be of an economy which can meet all its import requirements through exports, without undue dependence on artificial external props such as foreign aid. I suggest to this august House that this is precisely the vision of self-reliance as bequeathed to us by Jawaharlal Nehru as elaborated in the Third Five Year Plan, and translated to the realities of today’s world.
  • ...we lack the self confidence to see ourselves as a developed nation, self reliant...
  • At least don't buy Ganesha idols from China
  • Under the self-reliant India campaign, the country's goal is to make the nation the world's biggest military power on its own and develop a modern military industry here
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