Apiorkor Seyiram Ashong-Abbey

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Apiorkor hosting the Breakfast Daily at Citi TV (2021)

Apiorkor Seyiram Ashong-Abbey (born 1 April 1988) is a Ghanaian poet, writer, literary critic. She is also an editorial advisor for The InfluencHER Project, an editorial program and global community seeking to empower and amplify female voices.


  • No single person has monopoly over knowledge, hence it is in my own interest to keep an open mind. To learn from the newborn baby and also from the aged woman on her death bed; from the billionaire and also from the street hawker.
  • I would be doing myself a great disservice if I do not do what I can to empower those who are less fortunate than I am; so that they can also have voices to share their bits of the knowledge pie