Altered Carbon (TV series)

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Altered Carbon is an American Netflix science fiction.

Season 1


Ep. 2 - "Fallen angel"

Takeshi Kovacs: Peace is an illusion and no matter how tranquil the world seems peace doesn't last long. Peace is a struggle against our very nature. A skin we stretch over the bone, muscle and sinew of our own innate savagery. The instinct of violence curls inside us like a parasite, waiting for a chance to feed on our rage and multiply until it bursts out of us. War is the only thing we really understand.

Takeshi Kovacs: Technology advances, but humans don't. We're smart monkeys and what we want is always the same: food, shelter, sex and in all its forms - escape.

Takeshi Kovacs: I knew I shouldn't go, 'cause when the victors rewrite history, it's just another kind of war, waged after the battlefield killing is done to murder the memory of the defeated.

Ep. 3 - "In a lonely place"

Laurens Bancroft: In this world the only real choice is between being the purchaser and the purchased.

Ep. 6 - "Man with my face"

Takeshi Kovacs: She is not gonna die.
Quellcrist Falconer: That will be a change for you.
Takeshi Kovacs: I won't let it happen. Not this time, not ever again.
Quellcrist Falconer: This is what you do, love. Stride across the centuries, and death follows, churning in your wake.
Takeshi Kovacs: That's poetic.
Quellcrist Falconer: I'm a figment of your tortured psyche, I say what you're thinking.
Takeshi Kovacs: A man who never loves gives no hostage to fortune, to paraphrase a great scientist.
Quellcrist Falconer: A man who doesn't love isn't really a man, to paraphrase you.
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