Abel Azcona

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Abel Azcona, 2015.

Abel Azcona (1 April 1988) is a controversial Spanish artist, essayist, and political activist.



The Little Buds


Book of biographical stories written by Abel Azcona.

  • Few weapons are more political than the body.
  • As much as I try to isolate death desires from my life, they have accompanied me since I can remember.
  • I was born to be sad. I was born to suffer.
  • When I regained consciousness, I was transferred to a psychiatric clinic. I stayed there for twenty-two days. Against previous diagnoses, which identified a bipolar disorder, I was diagnosed with a personality disorder. Again, I was medicated enough to practically not be able to speak. I remember walking through those halls more dead than alive.
  • Working with pain and the body to the limit, living with wounds and a mental illness, sleeping awake invaded by night terrors, all this entails a spirit of resistance.
  • Life without provocation would be summed up in resignation, skepticism and mental asepsis.
  • My mother is as protagonist of my work as myself. My mother, my work and I are something indissoluble.
  • I will never forget my mother's words when she told us that before giving birth she tried to abort me up to three times. For me it is the greatest act of love that no one will ever do for me.
  • How is it necessary to be born just for the sake of being born? I should never have been born.
  • Losing a mother seems to me one of the cruelest acts of nature. I have lost three.
  • Each of my works is a regression to the past. This way it becomes tangible. Having the ability to expose and revisit it, allows us an update, reconstruction and critical look.
  • I was born on April 1, 1988. Birth certificate 2841329, dated December 2, 1991, proves that I legally did not exist until I was about four years of age.
  • Abortion is one of the greatest measures for child protection.
  • I have always found the unhappiness of people attractive, because if not, I would not trust them.
  • Binarism or God are not concepts to deconstruct, they are concepts to destroy.
  • All my extreme movements, all of them, are allied with madness.
  • I am not as afraid of anything as myself.

Abel Azcona 1988-2018


Anthological book with the whole of Abel Azcona's work and life.

  • My life and work feed back to such an extent that creating is living, and living is not possible without creating.
  • I fervently believe that art must be a tool with which the artist and the visitor or spectator must be intimate. In some occasions, with the approval of the visitor and in others, without it. It is the artist's responsibility to transform the viewer who visits an exhibition of his in a museum or gallery. It would be a total irresponsibility to allow the visitor to leave the museum, the exhibition or the performative experience in the same way that he has entered.
  • I don't currently have any kind of family and I have had to learn to live each of my artistic and vital processes in total solitude.
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