Yes, Dear

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Yes, Dear (2000–2006) is an American sitcom, which aired on CBS. On March 2006, CBS cancelled the series after 6 seasons.

Season 1


Pilot [1.01]

Gloria: [Kim and Greg has just found Gloria, their babysitter, on their couch with a guy] Oh, I'm sorry... have you met my husband Guillermo?
Kim Warner: No, I don't believe I have.
Gloria: Well, if you do, don't tell him about Lou.

Arm-prins [1.09]

Greg: What's going on?
Blue: Bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow!
Greg: Look. I don't know how the other guy understands you, but I have no idea what you're saying. How do I get outta here?
[Blue leaves a paw print on the screen.]
Greg: I get it. That's how I'll figure it out. I have to find clues. Blue's Clues. I have to find a paw print. That's the first clue. We put it in our notebook, and then what do we do? Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues!
Jimmy: Come on.
Greg: Jimmy, what are you doing here?
Jimmy: Come on. You've lost your mind. Let's get outta here.
Greg: But, I'm about to play Blue's Clues. I have to find the notebook. Where's the notebook?
Jimmy: Let's go.
[Jimmy and Greg both skidoo to the "Yes, Dear" set. Jimmy wakes Greg up with his hand.]
Greg: What?! I'm playing Blue's Clues!
Christine: You use the tape to keep the little guy quite, didn't you.
Greg: Yeah I was, dreaming I was in the show.
Jimmy: Yeah, those tapes will drive you crazy.
Christine: I'll tell you what, Greg. Why don't you get out of the house and, and I'll watch Sammy.

Season 3


Make Every Second Count [3.08]

[first lines]
[Sammy watches The Wiggles on TV. Greg eats ice cream.]
Greg: Hey. Look at you. Watching The Wiggles. Yeah.
Sammy: Dance, Daddy, Dance!
Greg: Oh, no. Daddy doesn't want to dance right now. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ice cream. Okay?
Sammy: Dance, Daddy, Dance!
Greg: You want me to dance? Okay. If you want to do The Wiggles, let's get our arms going. Get your arms moving. Do the monkey. Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah! Do the monkey. Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!
[Sammy steals Greg's ice cream as he runs upstairs.]
Greg: Hey! That's my ice cream! Sammy! Sammy, stop it! Sammy! All right. That's it, mister. I'm telling.
[Greg walks away.]
Greg: Sammy stole my ice cream, again!

Greg Wiggle: And Hoop-Dee-Doo! You know what? For this next song, we're gonna need some volunteers to help us out with some dancing. Yeah!
Christine: You should get Logan up on stage. He loves that.
Jimmy: Oh, Yeah! I can get it on videotape. Hey, buddy. Want to get up on stage?
Logan: Yeah!

Jimmy: Hey buddy, how about 20 bucks to get my kid here up on stage?
Captain Feathersword: I can't take your money, sir. That wouldn't be fair.
Jimmy: Fair? You're a pirate!

The Wiggles: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. We'll travel near and we'll travel far. Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg Wiggle: Jimmy's in the front seat. With a chocolate bar. Jimmy's in the front seat.
The Other Wiggles: Of the Big Red Car.
The Wiggles: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. We'll travel near and we'll travel far. Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. We're gonna ride the whole day long.
[final lines]

Season 5


The New Neighbors [5.07]

Christine Hughes: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Did you guys clean up your toys in there?
Dominic Hughes #2: No.
Christine Hughes: Well, go back in there and pick 'em up. You want your mom to trip on a Power Ranger again and break her other ankle?
Logan Hughes: No, we're sorry.
Kim Warner: Christine, you broke your ankle trying on slutty shoes at the mall.
Christine Hughes: Shh! Knowing their mom's a clumsy tramp isn't going to keep their room clean for the next 6 to 8 weeks.
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