Wendy Yvonne Nomathemba Luhabe

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Flickr - World Economic Forum - Brende, Luhabe and Isdell - World Economic Forum on Africa 2008



Wendy Yvonne Nomathemba Luhabe is a Prominent South African Business woman and Economic Activist. She was the Founding Chairperson of South Africas International Marketing Council.


  • "Africa must cultivate a culture of social entrepreneurship and dedicate resources to single mindedly pursue this vision."*
  • "We cannot build our respective countries whilst we depend on aid on the one hand and create welfare states to buy political patronage on the other hand."*
  • "I am convinced that Africa must let the women lead and we will witness a miracle that will astound the world."*
  • Democracy without responsible and accountable leadership is not sufficient to improve the quality of life for those who were previously excluded, exploited and marginalised."*
  • Africa must take responsibility for her destiny. It’s in their hands, they can and they must."*
    • [2]by London Speaker Bureau 2016, Retrieved 11 November 2023[Luhabe]
  • “I want to be remembered as someone who touched lives, made a difference and gave back to society.”[1]
  • “Mentorship is the blueprint. We give and we receive.”[2]
  • “Young people need to be taught financial management. My mother taught me to live within my means and never depend on debt.”[3]
  • “Let philosophers argue over why life works as it does. Our duty is to focus on how we live it. The choices we make and to be mindful of the consequences of our choices.”[4]
  • “Let us see more in others than they see in themselves, there is no greater gift to give one another.”[5]
  • “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every moment with love, grace, integrity, and gratitude”[3]
  • “The question we each have to settle is not what we’d do if we had the means, time, influence and educational advantages, but what we will do with the things we have right now…because we each hold a unique gift for the world.”[4]