The Public Enemy

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The Public Enemy is a 1931 film about two mobsters, Tom Powers and his lifelong friend Matt Doyle and their rise to power in prohibition-era America, based on unpublished novel Beer and Blood by two newspaper journalists John Bright and Kubec Glasmon.

Directed by William A. Wellman and screenplay adapted by Harvey F. Thew.
All his life he took what he wanted...Why not women?taglines

Tom Powers

  • [Young Tom grabs his pants just as his father is about to spank him] How do you want 'em this time, up or down?
  • [Stumbling severely wounded after a gun fight with a rival gang and soaking in heavy rain] ... I ain't so tough. [Then collapses in the gutter]
  • Hey, Stupe, that's got gears. It ain't no Ford.
  • Why that dirty, no good, yellow-bellied stool. I'm gonna give it to him right in the head the first time I see him.
  • That sister of yours ain't getting any bargain in Mike.

Paddy Ryan

  • As far as Paddy Ryan's concerned, there are only two kinds of people - right and wrong. I think you're right. And you'll find out that I am.

Gwen Allen

  • You are different, Tommy. Very different. And I've discovered it isn't only a difference in manner and outward appearances. It's a difference in basic character. The men I know - and I've known dozens of them - oh, they're so nice, so polished, so considerate. Most women like that type. I guess they're afraid of the other kind. I thought I was too, but you're so strong. You don't give, you take. Oh, Tommy, I could love you to death. [Tommy and Gwen embrace and kiss passionately]


Tom Powers: So beer ain't good enough for you, huh?
Mike Powers: Do you think I care if there was just beer in that keg? I know what's in it. I know what you've been doing all this time, how you got those clothes and those new cars. You've been telling Ma that you've gone into politics, that you're on the city payroll. Pat Burke told me everything. You murderers! There's not only beer in that jug. There's beer and blood - blood of men! [He throws the keg into the corner noisily smashing Mrs. Powers' table]
Tom Powers: [Stands] You ain't changed a bit. [He walks away, but turns for the last word] Besides, your hands ain't so clean. You killed and liked it. You didn't get them medals for holding hands with them Germans.

Matt Doyle: Gee, she's a honey. I could go for her myself.
Tom Powers: What do you mean, you could go for her yourself? You could go for an eighty-year-old chick with rheumatism.

Putty Nose: Are you alone?
Tom Powers: I'm always alone when I'm with Matt.

Tom Powers: Hello baby. What are you gonna have?
Kitty: Anything you say, big boy.
Tom Powers: You're a swell dish. I think I'm going to go for you.

Putty Nose: We ain't sore are you, Tom? I've always been your friend.
Tom Powers: Sure, you taught us how to cheat, steal and kill. And then you lambed out on us.
Matt Doyle: Yeah, if it hadn't been for you, we might have been on the level.
Tom Powers: Sure. We might have been ding-dings on a streetcar. Come on...

Tom Powers: [Tom shuffles to the breakfast table in his pajamas. He's just finished a demanding call with Nails Nathan] Ain't you got a drink in the house?
Kitty: Well, not before breakfast, dear.
Tom Powers: [In annoyed tone] ... I didn't ask you for any lip. I asked you if you had a drink.
Kitty: [sheepishly] I know Tom, but I, I wish that...
Tom Powers: ...there you go with that wishin' stuff again. I wish you was a wishing well. So that I could tie a bucket to ya and sink ya.
Kitty: Well, maybe you've found someone you like better. [Enraged and disgusted by her implication. He mercilessly shoves a grapefruit in her face and leaves the table]

Tom Powers: How goes it, babe? Going south?
Gwen Allen: Yes. But, I'm not accustomed with riding with... eh... strangers.
Tom Powers: We're not going to be strangers.

Jane: Let me fix you another drink, Tommy.
Tom Powers: You mean to say you got any of that stuff left?
Jane: Ha-ha-ha. You haven't drank so much.
Tom Powers: Well, I can drink it as long as you can pour it.

Tom Powers: I'm going to hit the hay.
Jane: I thought you'd like a little nightcap, Tommy. You don't need to feel ashamed in front of me, Tommy. Here, let me help you. [She starts to undress Tom]
Tom Powers: I don't need any help.
Jane: Be a good boy and sit down. I'll take your shoes off too. I want to do things for you, Tommy. You don't think I'm old, do you, Tommy?
Tom Powers: No.
Jane: You like me, don't you Tommy?
Tom Powers: Sure... What's the idea?
Jane: Just a good night kiss for a fine boy.
Tom Powers: In your hat.

Jane: Breakfast is all ready, Tommy.
Tom Powers: I ain't hungry. Pour me some coffee, will you, and make it black.
Jane: You aren't sorry are you?
Tom Powers: Sorry? Sorry about what?
Jane: For last night.
Tom Powers: What do you mean? For getting drunk?
Jane: Aren't you the little play actor.
Tom Powers: Wait a minute... Do you mean that... Why you... [He slaps Jane]

Tom Powers: Hiding behind Ma's skirts, like always.
Mike Powers: Better than hiding behind a machine gun.




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