The Face of Fu Manchu

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The Face of Fu Manchu is a 1965 film in which, after cheating death, master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu returns with a plot to contaminate the River Thames with a powerful toxin extracted from Tibetan poppies.

Directed by Don Sharp. Written by Harry Alan Towers.
Obey Fu Manchu Or Every Living Thing Will Die!  (taglines)

Fu Manchu

  • Are you so foolish as to believe that you can oppose the will of Fu Manchu?
  • Nayland Smith - now the wheel of fate has turned full circle.
  • Very interesting professor - vanity, jealousy. They bring us much that we need.
  • You will obey me now until death.
  • [broadcasting by radio] Attention! Attention! This is Fu Manchu. Stand by for an important message. I repeat, this is Fu Manchu. In a few days time I shall speak again to this country, and through it, to the entire world. What I tell you to do then must get done immediately. Anyone who disobeys will perish. To show you this is no idle threat, I give you this warning: remember Fleetwick. Remember Fleetwick.
  • [broadcasting by radio] Attention! Attention! This is Fu Manchu. Stand by for an important message. I repeat, this is Fu Manchu. You know now that I must be obeyed, that I am all-powerful. In two more days I shall give my commands. They will be carried out at once... or ten thousand shall die. Ten thousand. And one particular man. That is all.
  • The world shall hear from me again... the world shall hear from me again.

Nayland Smith

  • There's a man whom I thought was dead. Now, I believe he's still alive. He's cruel, callous, brilliant, and the most evil and dangerous man in the world. His men killed Mathius. I wanted to know if Professor Müller was working for him. That's why I broke in.


  • Curator: Wait a minute! You can't leave the museum littered with dead Chinese!
  • Chief Magistrate: The prisoner before us, you have been tried and condemned of crimes almost without number. If it had not been for the tireless efforts of the foreigner who is with us today, you might still have escaped our vigilance. Your efforts to build an empire of crime have today brought you to the end you so richly deserve. Let all who envy your thirst for power take note of your fate. Executioner, in the name of Imperial China, death to Fu Manchu.


Nayland Smith: I had a very vivid dream last night, Petrie. I dreamt that Fu Manchu was still alive.
Dr. Petrie: And you're taking that seriously?
Nayland Smith: Well, I've been uneasy all day.
Dr. Petrie: But you've told me a dozen times you saw him executed.
Nayland Smith: Yes... Yes, I know.

Nayland Smith: Haven't you noticed the sudden increase in drug crimes? The number of Orientals involved in gang killings?
Dr. Petrie: Not the yellow peril again! You are overtired! [chuckles]

Sir Charles: I can assure you, sir, that the place is now an impregnable fortress. No Chinaman, or for the matter of that, any other kind of man can break into the Museum. At least not when I'm the Director.
Nayland Smith: I can only repeat, Sir Charles, that Fu Manchu is no ordinary man.

Lin Tang: What is it, father?
Fu Manchu: Why did Nayland Smith leave the seeds here?
[cue the entire monastery blowing up, and with it - Fu Manchu and his minions]


  • Obey Fu Manchu Or Every Living Thing Will Die!
  • The most evil man the world has ever known!


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