Shiva Ayyadurai

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V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai (born Vellayappa Ayyadurai Shiva, 2 December 1963) is an Indian-born American scientist and entrepreneur.




  • I was fortunate that my parents were bright, loving people who did everything they could to help me. I’m glad I was able to play baseball and soccer. I’m gratified that I was a smart boy who went to MIT. But looking back, I know there was anger and dislocation. I’m glad I’ve been able to overcome that, as many other immigrant kids have as well. But some haven’t. Some have dysfunctional and destructive families. Some are bitter. Some are blamers. Some are just crazy – call them sociopaths if you prefer — and their alienation has brought out the worst in them. Instead of filing a lawsuit when they felt wronged, as I have done, they bought guns. This is the nation we live in.


  • Thirty-four thousand, four hundred and forty-eight total images: of which seventeen-thousand three-hundred and thirty-two ... three hundred and TWENTY two were duplicates, from seventeen-thouand one-hundred and twenty-six unique voters. This by the way, we'll get to it, was not reported in the report.


  • Dr. Shiva’s team found a sudden surge in duplicate ballots between 11-04-2020 and 11-09-2020. There was no mention of duplicates in the Maricopa Canvass Report. 17,126 voters sent in two or more ballots (duplicates).
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