Ross Macdonald

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Kenneth Millar (December 13, 1915July 11, 1983), who wrote under the pseudonym Ross Macdonald, was an American-Canadian writer of mystery fiction and detective fiction.


  • Nothing wrong with Southern California that a rise in the ocean wouldn't cure.
  • An ugly woman with a gun is a terrible thing.
  • The delicate sensitivity of a frightened rattlesnake.

The Drowning Pool (1952)

  • They had jerrybuilt the beaches from San Diego to the Golden Gate, bulldozed super-highways through mountains, cut down a thousand year of redwood growth, and built an urban wilderness in the desert. They couldn't touch the ocean. They poured their sewage into it, but it couldn't be tainted.

The Galton Case (1959)

  • Deep feeling sounded in her voice. I had no doubt that the feeling was partly sincere. Still, there was something unreal about it. I suspected that she'd been playing tricks with her emotions for a long time, until none of them was quite valid.

The Goodbye Look (1969)

  • "You have a secret passion for justice. Why don't you admit it?"
    "I have a secret passion for mercy. But justice is what keeps happening to people."
  • Money costs too much.
  • The moral beatings that people took from their children, I was thinking, were the hardest to endure and the hardest to escape.
  • When your income passes a certain point you lose touch. All of a sudden the other people look like geeks or gooks, expendables.
  • I knew how it was with drunks. They ran out of generosity, even for themselves.
  • Every witness has his own way of creeping up on the truth.

The Blue Hammer (1976)

  • We went inside and I kissed her. Not only my temperature rose.
  • There are certain families whose members should all live in different towns — different states, if possible — and write each other letters once a year.
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