Ozark (TV series)

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Ozark (2017-2022) is a crime drama thriller web television series, released by Netflix, about a Chicago-based financial advisor who secretly relocates his family to the Missouri Ozarks when his dealings with a drug cartel go awry. The show was created by Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams.

Season 1


Sugarwood [1.01]

Marty Byrde: Scratch. Wampum. Dough. Sugar. Clams. Loot. Bills. Bones. Bread. Bucks. Money. That which separates the haves from the have-nots. But what is money? It's everything if you don't have it, right? Half of all American adults have more credit card debt than savings. 25% have no savings at all. And only 15% of the population is on track to fund even one year of retirement. Suggesting what? The middle class is evaporating? Or the American Dream is dead? You wouldn't be sitting there listening to me if the latter were true. You see, I think most people just have a fundamentally flawed view of money. Is it simply an agreed-upon unit of exchange for goods and services? $3.70 for a gallon of milk? Thirty bucks to cut your grass? Or, is it an intangible? Security or happiness - peace of mind. Let me propose a third option. Money as a measuring device. You see, the hard reality is how much money we accumulate in life is not a function of who's president or the economy or bubbles bursting or bad breaks or bosses. It's about the American work ethic. The one that made us the greatest country on Earth. It's about bucking the media's opinion as to what constitutes a good parent. Deciding to miss the ball game, the play, the concert, because you've resolved to work and invest in your family's future. And taking responsibility for the consequences of those actions. Patience. Frugality. Sacrifice. When you boil it down, what do those three things have in common? Those are choices. Money is not peace of mind. Money's not happiness. Money is, at its essence, that measure of a man's choices.

Bruce Liddell: Now be honest, when was the last time you were really truly happy?
Marty Byrde: Oh, come on... come on.
Bruce Liddell: Okay, okay, you got me. You got me. Financial adviser's not my dream job, but I am taking a fucking bite out of the apple.
Marty Byrde: Are ya?
Bruce Liddell: Yeah! [pulls out a brochure] Hey, check this out. Check this out. Liz and I went here last weekend. Amazing. Amazing. Look at this.
Marty Byrde: Lake of the Ozarks?
Bruce Liddell: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lake of the Ozarks. Southern Missouri. The Redneck Riviera, baby.

Marty Byrde: This is an intimidation audit. Yeah? I mean, you think you can just come in here unannounced and rattle some cages, and someone's gonna admit to skimming? I mean, you're fishing. And, I mean, people steal, I get it. But you got a distribution chain downstream that's run by meth heads and drug dealers. That's where you're gonna find your Aunt Carlottas. They're not in here. We've been laundering money for Mr. Navarro for ten years? That's right. The only thing you've done here is you've involved a civilian. All right? And, you know, to be honest, this, uh "Dale Carnegie - Pablo Escobar" ruse? I think that that's beneath you. Come on, Del.

Marty Byrde: [to bankers] If I want to put all $7,945,400 into a hot tub get buck naked and play Scrooge McDuck, that is 100% my business. Now, where's my money?

Blue Cat [1.02]

Marty Byrde: A family is like a small business. And with a small business, at times, there comes...
Wendy Byrde: Transition.
Marty Byrde: A bit of a transition. Thank you, Wendy. And whenever a small business transitions, it's important to stay lean and to not overextend.
Charlotte Byrde: So when did the Marriott become such a stretch?
Wendy Byrde: No, your father, he's just saying we have to prioritize our spending. That's all, Charlotte. That's all.

Wendy Byrde: What's our story for the kids?
Marty Byrde: What do you mean?
Wendy Byrde: Well, they see this... this polite dance that we're doing in front of them. They hear the constant edge in your voice.
Marty Byrde: Well, we could tell them the truth, Wendy. How would that be?
Wendy Byrde: Oh, you know what Marty? Before you get too comfortable up there on your cross and have your pity party, let me just jog your memory for a minute. There was an innocent man, who was murdered. [her voice breaking] Gary... he was a good man! He only did good things in this world, not like Bruce. Gary was a father. He had two grown sons. I never met them, But I... I know he loved them. And... He was thrown off his balcony. For what!? People cheat! They have sex with people who they aren't married to! It happens. It's not unique. I was unhappy. You're not exactly blameless in this.
Marty Byrde: For this house, I want you to find one that's as nice as possible, but as cheap as possible. I want you to think 'starter home', we got $20,000 dollars to our name. Just 20. So please, do not sign anything without talking to me first. [physically shifts round in his seat to face her directly, his tone getting angrier] And we are not husband and wife anymore. We're just business partners, and our job's to raise those kids. But you're absolutely right that I share some blame for this. I should've caught Bruce. I was in charge of the numbers, I should've seen it coming. But my mind was elsewhere Wendy. You know, it's Saturday night, and your... your foxy boxing or your Zumba or whatever the hell it is that cost me a few hundred dollars every single month, it ended two hours ago and there's no Wendy. Why does she get so many texts every night? Why does she have to leave the room to make a call? I wonder who's fucking my wife? So that's my bad. And, no, I, I don't forget Gary. I don't forget how you emptied our bank accounts when you knew I needed that money, Wendy. You knew I needed it. And I doubt very, very much that you did that by yourself, that you did that in a vacuum. So my memory's crystal clear. I was there. For all of it. In fact, the satisfying sound of your lover smacking the pavement is the only thing that gets me to sleep every night.
[Wendy slaps, then punches him in the face, before trying to get out of the car]
Wendy Byrde: Open the goddamn door!

Records Clerk: Tell me again what it is you're doin'.
Marty Byrde: I am an angel investor. I help turn around struggling businesses.
Records Clerk: You intend to make money off of businesses that aren't making any?
Marty Byrde: In a roundabout way.

Wyatt Langmore: [holding out a bible] Manager wanted me to make sure you still had one of these in your room.
Charlotte Byrde: Yeah, we're all set.
Wyatt Langmore: Sure? It's chock-full of, uh clever-sounding, overly-judgmental one-liners.
Charlotte Byrde: Yeah, look, Wyatt, is it? I really don't wanna have to get you fired today, okay?
Wyatt Langmore: Well, if you could, I'd have to thank you. This job's my old man's idea. Something about "calluses and character."

Charlotte Byrde: [pointing at strange man in window of their new home] Who is that?
Wendy Byrde: That is Buddy Dyker.
Charlotte Byrde: Who?
Wendy Byrde: Mr. Dyker will be living in the basement for a year...give or take.
Charlotte Byrde: Mom, what are we doing here?
Wendy Byrde: Your father's laundering money for a Mexican drug cartel. [pause] I shit you not. Hello, Mr. Dyker...

My Dripping Sleep [1.03]

Russ Langmore: A predilection for sour mash doesn't make a man stupid.
Ruth Langmore: Doesn't inspire confidence either.
Russ Langmore: Point taken.

Russ Langmore: You gotta be kidding me.
Ruth Langmore: If I was kidding, I would've said you're witty and handsome.

Marty Byrde: Listen, we need to increase traffic. Um what do we have that no other place does?
Rachel Garrison: Uh, an investor that knows absolutely nothing about the Ozarks.

Ruth Langmore: You know, Wyatt, in our world, it's good to be one of the smart ones. Remember that. Okay?

Roy Petty: Your money's on the table.
Male Prostitute: You got issues, dude.
Roy Petty: So I've been told.

Tonight We Improvise [1.04]

Marty Byrde: [narrating] Okay. Money Laundering 101. Say you come across a suitcase with five million bucks in it. What would you buy? A yacht? A mansion? A sports car? Sorry. The IRS won't let you buy anything of value with it. So you better get that money into the banking system. But here's the problem. That dirty money is too clean. Looks like it just came out of a bank vault. You gotta age it up. Crumple it. Drag it through the dirt. Run it over with your car. Anything to make it look like it's been around the block. Next, you need a cash business. Something pleasant and joyful with books that are easily manipulated. No credit card receipts, etcetera. You mix the five million with the cash from the joyful business. That mixture goes from an American bank to a bank from any country that doesn't have to listen to the IRS. It then goes into a standard checking account and voila. All you need is access to one of over three million terminals, because your work is done. Your money's clean. It's as legitimate as anybody else's.

Marty Byrde: It closed. Forty over asking.
Wendy Byrde: Jonah was born in that house.
Marty Byrde: And Charlotte was born in another one. We sold that, too. You sentimentalize property, you can kiss profits goodbye.
Wendy Byrde: [sighs] I've been thinking about this a lot. And I, I know that we're not in the best...I know that trust isn't at its, you know, zenith.
Marty Byrde: Spit it out, Wendy.
Wendy Byrde: If we were to unsentimentally consider how to protect this little nest egg, for the sake of the kids, given that the Feds have been to our house.
Marty Byrde: Are you saying you wanna put the assets in your name?
Wendy Byrde: Seems like the smart thing to do.
Marty Byrde: That's never gonna happen.
Wendy Byrde: If you get arrested, they can freeze everything.
Marty Byrde: That's not gonna happen, either.
Wendy Byrde: What if I, uh What if we did something with the money? Maybe real estate?
Marty Byrde: Real estate.
Wendy Byrde: As an investment.
Marty Byrde: Wendy, I'm trying to save our fucking lives here, not help your new career.

Jonah Byrde: Does it hurt?
Buddy Dyker: What?
Jonah Byrde: Dying.
Buddy Dyker: [chuckles] Life hurts.
Jonah Byrde: Last year, a 12-year-old kid from my school died. He had cancer.
Buddy Dyker: Well, "We're born astride the grave." [sighs] You know what that means?
Jonah Byrde: No.
Buddy Dyker: Sit down. It means that we're all dying the minute we're born. Goes fast. Don't waste it. Don't waste it.

Camino Del Rio: [on the phone] How's my money, Marty?
Marty Byrde: Um, it's good. Uh, it's better than expected. It's starting to move.
Camino Del Rio: I haven't even seen a million yet. So when you say "It's starting to move," what do you mean, like, it's "Check is in the mail"?
Marty Byrde: Uh, you're gonna have, um, 500 small in 48 hours.
Camino Del Rio: The deal was eight large, okay? This is feeling like a slow trickle.
Marty Byrde: You know, it's not even, uh, Fourth of July.
Camino Del Rio: Ah, American Independence Day.
Marty Byrde: That's right.
Camino Del Rio: You know what else comes in July?
Marty Byrde: Uh, I don't, no.
Camino Del Rio: My birthday. You wanna know what I want for my birthday?
Marty Byrde: No.
Camino Del Rio: I want a good night's sleep a good shit and several million clean from you.
Marty Byrde: I can help with the last.
Camino Del Rio: Just admit it, Marty. You're fucked. We're gonna kill your family, gently, and be done with all this madness.
Marty Byrde: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say to that.
Camino Del Rio: This is your clinical trial. This is your experiment and, truth be told, I don't like experiments. They constipate me.
Marty Byrde: Just trust me.
Camino Del Rio: No, Marty, I used to trust you. [sighs] Now I don't know.

Wendy Byrde: I've been trying to tell you since yesterday about that half-built house on Sunrise Beach.
Marty Byrde: Mm-hmm. What about it?
Wendy Byrde: Well, I used the money from the Chicago house and I bought it. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you can inflate construction costs and launder money through it. And quite frankly, I don't give a shit if you like it or not. 'Cause I feel pretty good about it. It's a good idea, and I did it for our family. What'd you do today - for our family?
Marty Byrde: Bought a strip club.

Ruling Days [1.05]

Buddy Dyker: Don't swim past that red buoy. Boats come out of nowhere, they'll sweep you up in their wake. Take a month to fish out all your tender little bits and pieces. Not that I'd miss you, but if you cost me the last good month of boating in my life, I promise I'll piss on your grave every last day until I die.
Charlotte Byrde: Yeah, well, what makes you think they'd find enough to bury me before you drop dead?

Marty Byrde: Well, obviously, I didn't kill anyone.
Ruth Langmore: I know. If you're a killer, then I'm fucking Snow White. And I don't see any dwarfs around.

Buddy Dyker: [teaching Noah to shoot] Now that's what I love about watermelon. They approximate the water content of a human body. [shoots the watermelon] Not that I advocate that, but... [chuckles]

Jacob Snell: Man cannot tame what God wishes to be wild.

Book of Ruth [1.06]

Russ Langmore: [to Ruth] The fact is, you ain't nothing but a Jheri-curled nancy, just using mind games to fucking buy more time. Fact is we should have never let a little bitch do a man's job.

Wyatt Langmore: You know, they always leave, Charlotte. That's the difference between us and them. And you guess you're one of us now.

Wendy Byrde: Hi, this is Wendy. Leave me a message.
[voicemail beeps]
Marty Byrde: They put up a cross. Jesus fuck! They put up a cross.

Nest Box [1.07]

Charlotte Byrde: I want our old life back.
Wendy Byrde: I'm so sorry. It doesn't exist anymore, sweetheart. We have to stay together as a family.

Charlotte Byrde: I miss my friends.
Wendy Byrde: Your friends are always gonna be your friends, no matter what.
Charlotte Byrde: You don't know that. You made it so that I can't tell them anything. I have to pretend like the worst, scariest, most damaging thing in my life is actually fucking awesome.

Ruth Langmore: They're gonna be fuckin' late on the first day again.
Wyatt Langmore: School's a waste anyway. They read all the wrong shit.
Ruth Langmore: Oh, that'll play great in a job interview.

Mason Young: Peter came to me last night in a dream and told me that this community wants a church.
Marty Byrde: Peter?
Mason Young: Peter, the apostle. The rock on which the church was built.
Marty Byrde: Right.
Mason Young: Well, sewage was so different back then, you know?

Grace Young: We have a child to worry about now.
Mason Young: That God will protect. Just like he did in St. Louis.
Grace Young: Mason...
Mason Young: That bullet was three-tenths of an inch from rupturing my aorta. But it went clean through. That is not a coincidence.
Grace Young: God wasn't protecting you. The kid had shitty aim.

Kaleidoscope [1.08]

[Buddy Holly is singing on the car radio]
Marty Byrde: Here we go. Buddy Holly's a perfect example. Buddy Holly, the day he died, uh...
Wendy Byrde: Yeah, I know, he won a coin flip, or he wouldn't have been on the plane.
Marty Byrde: No, it was actually Valens that won the coin toss. It was Buddy Holly that chartered the plane. Do you wanna know why?
Wendy Byrde: 'Cuz he was tired of riding in shitty buses?
Marty Byrde: No, he was tired of shitty underwear. So he decided that he wanted to get to wherever he was going as quickly as possible, so he could do laundry.
[Wendy Byrde chuckles]
Marty Byrde: It's true.
Wendy Byrde: So you're saying "The Day the Music Died" was because of soiled briefs?
Marty Byrde: Another good example is D-Day. The Nazis knew that we were coming, so they wanted to line the beach with tanks so they could literally blow us out of the water. But Hitler decided that it was a good day for sedatives. So they couldn't wake him up to get the final sign-off for the tanks, and the rest is history.
Wendy Byrde: What the hell are you talking about?
Marty Byrde: I'm talking about decisions.
Wendy Byrde: What, I'm Hitler in this analogy?
Marty Byrde: No.
Wendy Byrde: I would hope not.
Marty Byrde: [chuckles] Uh, I'm just saying that any decision made, big or small, has an impact around the world. It's difficult.
Wendy Byrde: Marty, I just don't need a theoretical analysis right now.
Marty Byrde: I know. I'm just saying this is tough.
Wendy Byrde: I know... Marty, watch out!
[truck hits them]

Bruce Liddell: Marty, you can't blame yourself for what happened.
Marty Byrde: I know.
Bruce Liddell: Do you?
Marty Byrde: Yeah.
Bruce Liddell: I'm serious; there's nothing you could do about it. Like my dad always said, "Everything happens for a reason."
Marty Byrde: Your dad sounds like he was full of shit. With all due respect.
Bruce Liddell: Yeah, well, perhaps.
Marty Byrde: You really believe that? You really think that there's some preordained chart, floating around up in the ether, with our fate all figured out?
Bruce Liddell: I don't know about a preordained chart...
Marty Byrde: That's a bunch of crap. Things happen because human beings make decisions, they commit acts, and that makes things happen. And it creates a snowball effect with the, you know, their world around them, causes other people to make decisions. Cycle continues, snowball keeps rolling. And even when that's not the case, when life's events are not connected to other people's decisions and actions, it's not some bullshit fucking test sent down from the universe to check your resolve, you know.
Bruce Liddell: Okay.
Marty Byrde: I mean, what would the reason be for some healthy five-year-old to get a brain tumor? Or why would a tsunami wipe out a village? You tell those families everything happens for a reason. No, sometimes people make decisions, shit happens, and we gotta act accordingly. Or you can... crawl in a hole and die, you know?
Bruce Liddell: Well, it was a shitty thing for me to say and I'm sorry, bud.

Camino Del Rio: Grab what you can while you can.
Marty Byrde: I, just, uh, you know...
Camino Del Rio: What? The risks?
Marty Byrde: Yes.
Camino Del Rio: Well, I understand, but you only really have to worry about the risks if you are careless or dumb. And you're neither.

Camino Del Rio: [to his bookeeper] You see, the feds were snooping around, which caused you to make some piss-poor attempt to cover your tracks. Which allowed a shrewd person like Marty Byrde to identify your shoddy work and thieving ways. Which then inspires me to pursue Mr. Byrde, and this allows me to dispense with you. Isn't that something, huh? The wonderful convergence between cause and effect, and a bit of good luck. Bad luck in your case, Louis. The universe is a funny, funny place with all of its chaos.

Marty Byrde: [having just witnessed a murder and mutilation] Jesus Christ!
Henchman: [holding up eyeballs] What d'you want me to do with 'em?
Camino Del Rio: Save them for a rainy day. [to Marty] You don't know how wonderful it is to have someone on board that I can trust.

Coffee, Black [1.09]

Wendy Byrde: What, Buddy?
Buddy Dyker: Oh, nothing. I was just thinking, if my ex-wife and I had had it out like that, we might still be together. Anyway the two of you are up to your ballsacks in drama, tell you that.

Marty Byrde: How'd that Sam thing go?
Wendy Byrde: We own a funeral home now.
Marty Byrde: Of course we do.

Wendy Byrde: [about their latest cash influx] Skip wrapping it. Just get it out of sight.
Marty Byrde: No, I can't just stack bills in a wall and call it a day. There's rot, and there's termites, there's rats. First year I did this, Bruce lost 300K in two days to squirrels.

The Toll [1.10]

Sheriff Nix: I passed Martin Byrde on the road coming in. So, what sort of business you have with him?
Jacob Snell: He owes us a debt.
Sheriff Nix: How big?
Jacob Snell: Bigger than yours.

Marty Byrde: You know, by shooting him, you basically signed my death warrant.
Buddy Dyker: Well, remind me, next time, I'll let him kill your family.

Agent Trevor Evans: Are you drunk?
Roy Petty: Nope. I'm enlightened.
Agent Trevor Evans: Del Rio's got a clean sheet. That that's why they use him to travel back and forth. We can't touch him.
Roy Petty: Jesus, what fucking box factory are you working in?
Agent Trevor Evans: The same one that'll take away your badge if you try to make a bust without cause.
Roy Petty: You need to stop worrying about the law.
Agent Trevor Evans: That's a joke, right?
Roy Petty: Right now, the only things that matter are leverage and perception.

Jacob Snell: Legend goes that when they flooded my people out to make way for this lake, they swallowed a church up whole. You can still hear the bell from under the water. Certain people believe it's a sign. A call to worship. Others think it's a sign that someone's gonna die. Today, it was both. Next time, it's up to you.

Charlotte Byrde: Look, I know you're just trying to take us somewhere safe, but that place doesn't exist. I mean, we should at least stay together.

Season 2


Reparations [2.01]

Marty Byrde: [dancing and scheming] So where do we live?
Wendy Byrde: Look who's getting ahead of himself.
Marty Byrde: How about Luxembourg?
Wendy Byrde: That's the best you've got? Luxembourg?
Marty Byrde: How about Santorini?
Wendy Byrde: No.
Marty Byrde: No? Some white sand beaches?
Wendy Byrde: Mnh-mnh. Tourists. Steep inclines. Donkeys.

Charles Wilkes: Tell me. How does a casino equate to a more simple family life?
Wendy Byrde: Oh. What we do for a living has absolutely no bearing on how we parent. And I refute anybody who says Christian values and capitalism can't coexist.

Darlene Snell: [calling out from the porch] You buckle up! Drive safe.
Jacob Snell: Things happen. You apologize and you move on.
Marty Byrde: She blew a man's head off.
Jacob Snell: For which she is contrite.
Marty Byrde: Am I supposed to believe that?
Jacob Snell: The woman brought you fresh honey.
Marty Byrde: Mm-hmm.

The Precious Blood of Jesus [2.02]

Devereaux: If you was my daughter, I'd tar the living shit outta you.
Ruth Langmore: And if I was your daughter, I'd slit my throat first.

Once a Langmore... [2.03]


Stag [2.04]

Ruth Langmore: How 'bout if I pop those tits and squeeze out the silicone

Game Day [2.05]

Buddy Dyker: There was a French writer, long time ago - I can't remember his name. Well, I can't remember anybody's name. Anyway, he was old, for those days, and very sick, lungs and ticker all going, and he was stuck in bed. Now, this guy's a loner all his life. But he tells the lady taking care of him that he wants to see his friends, say goodbye. So she sends out word, and all his friends come to his little hovel, gather around his deathbed, telling stories. And you know what happens?
Wendy Byrde: What happens?
Buddy Dyker: He doesn't die.
[Wendy chuckles]
Buddy Dyker: And then after a couple days, the friends, well, they leave. They have lives. And then he dies. Sad, but sweet. Because, when you think you're gonna die yesterday, today is sweet. So, hang in, Wendy. Lose your shit tomorrow. Today's no day to fall apart.

Roy Petty: [trying to intimidate Ruth] You know, Sinatra used to say, "Live every day like it's your last. And one day, you'll be right."

Jacob Snell: Ill-humor in the morning brings about a darkened day.

Darlene Snell: I'd offer you coffee, but I just rinsed the pot.

Wendy Byrde: Well, grow the fuck up, because it's game on. Do you understand?

Outer Darkness [2.06]


One Way Out [2.07]


The Big Sleep [2.08]

Marty Byrde: You know, I used to think that we were, uh, different than them. You know, these people that we work for. And, um...
Wendy Byrde: Hey. We are different from them. You saved my life. Mason would've killed me otherwise. And you are the one who has always said, "People make choices."
Marty Byrde: Mason's wife didn't have a choice. Our kids, they didn't have a choice.

Harry: The funny thing is people are scared of the dead, and they shouldn't be. It's the living who can hurt you.

Roy Petty: So, why are we here, Marty?
Marty Byrde: EMTs found a wire on Rachel. I know she was working with you.
Roy Petty: And?
Marty Byrde: She's worthless to you now.
Roy Petty: It's kind of touching, the way you care about her. I mean, she was trying to put you away.
Marty Byrde: She almost died last night. I'm asking you as a human being to let her go.
Roy Petty: You work for one of the most vicious cartels in the world, and you're talking to me about being human?
Marty Byrde: Rachel isn't a criminal.
Roy Petty: Does your wife know about your feelings for Rachel?
Marty Byrde: Do your superiors know that you were supplying drugs to Rachel?
Roy Petty: Just so we're clear, the drugs she OD'd on came from your business partners. But I might be willing to let her off the hook, if...
Marty Byrde: If?
Roy Petty: I want the Snells' operation.
Marty Byrde: The Snells are our partners in the casino. I'm not aware of an operation.
Roy Petty: We think the Snells poisoned the cartel's dope. Maybe this marriage of convenience became inconvenient. But once the cartel figures it out, it doesn't bode well for their partnership. So... if you really care about Rachel, you're gonna have to choose sides, Marty.

Jacob Snell: It was you, wasn't it? You spiked the product.
[Darlene scoffs]
Darlene Snell: What if I did?
Jacob Snell: You know how many people you've hurt?
Darlene Snell: Ugh! Some junkies who were killing themselves with dope succeeded. So what? This is about respect. The cartel thought they could roll right over us. Well, they don't anymore.
Jacob Snell: I think you misconstrue the situation.
Darlene Snell: I told you not to get involved with them.
Jacob Snell: I don't answer to you, Darlene. I think you misconstrue the situation. They'll come after us. There'll be a war.
Darlene Snell: We've had to fight before. I am not afraid. Are you?
Jacob Snell: Yes, I am. I am afraid. Of you...and your implacable rage. Your rashness. You killed Ash...for no reason. For money, for a casino.
Darlene Snell: I killed him to save you.
Jacob Snell: I guess we just see things differently.

Wendy Byrde: Where have you been? It's late. We've been worried.
Charlotte Byrde: I have something I wanna talk to you about.
Wendy Byrde: What is it?
Charlotte Byrde: I wanna get emancipated.
Wendy Byrde: What are you talking about?
Marty Byrde: What?
Charlotte Byrde: Do you remember Jordan Parks from back home? He did it. He had his own apartment when he was a senior.
Wendy Byrde: That kid's parents are drug addicts. There's a difference there.
Marty Byrde: This is silly. You'd have to pay for rent, food, clothes.
Charlotte Byrde: I'll get a job.
Wendy Byrde: Where? McDonald's? You think minimum wage would pay for all that?
Marty Byrde: Charlotte, I know things have been crazy, but we gotta stay together.
Charlotte Byrde: Why?
Marty Byrde: We're a family.
Charlotte Byrde: What does that even mean? I don't wanna hurt you. I love you, but I can't be a part of this anymore. Everyone lies about everything. It's gone too far. You can fight me on this, or you can help me. I've made up my mind. I want out.

The Badger [2.09]

Jonah Byrde: What's going on?
Wendy Byrde: Your sister is upset.
Jonah Byrde: Upset?
Wendy Byrde: Okay, more than upset. She doesn't wanna be a member of this family anymore.
Jonah Byrde: What are you talking about?
Charlotte Byrde: I'm emancipating.
Marty Byrde: You are not emancipating.
Jonah Byrde: I don't... I don't understand.
Charlotte Byrde: It just means I'll be in charge of my own decisions.
Marty Byrde: We are so close to working out what I admit is a terrible situation. But right now, you are being really fucking selfish.
Wendy Byrde: That's not helpful.
Marty Byrde: [scoffs] Well... We're gonna get through this, okay?
Charlotte Byrde: Oh, is that a cliché or a platitude?
Wendy Byrde: Mmm. I'm trying to see your side here.
Charlotte Byrde: You're scared. You both are. You know I'm right. You're scared, and you should be.
Marty Byrde: So, you understand how this works, right?
Wendy Byrde: That's what you're saying? That's part of the threat?
Marty Byrde: So, you're really gonna get a lawyer who's gonna ask questions? Who's gonna file papers in court stating exactly why you wanna be emancipated? So, I'm just wondering... I'm wondering, what are you gonna say that's gonna keep us from all being arrested? Or killed? Jonah, pass the pancakes.

Marty Byrde: Since when is it prudent to try to off your partners before a deal is even finalized? I must have missed that issue of the Harvard Business Review.
Helen Pierce: I told you, the cartel is gonna do what the cartel is gonna do.
Marty Byrde: Right.
Helen Pierce: Your job was to find a way to make this deal without the Snells.
Marty Byrde: I was in the middle of trying to figure out if that's even possible.
Helen Pierce: I did not say it was done. The Snells poisoned my client's product. My client couldn't allow such brazen disrespect without a proportional response.
Wendy Byrde: We completely understand your client's need for respect.
Marty Byrde: Are you fucking kidding me?
Wendy Byrde: Marty...
Marty Byrde: I mean, your client's little ego trip just completely fucked us. It fucked the casino, and he pissed away $50 million.
Helen Pierce: It wasn't my decision. I wasn't even informed of it.
Wendy Byrde: How do we salvage this?
Helen Pierce: Find a way to immediately cut the Snells out of this deal.
Marty Byrde: We're not salvaging shit.
Helen Pierce: It's the first law of power, Marty. Those who can, shit on others. Those who can't, clean it up.
Marty Byrde: I'm not playing your fucking games anymore.
Helen Pierce: You don't have an option.
Marty Byrde: Neither do you. And neither does your client, if he wants to keep his $50 million. You think I'm the only one over a fucking barrel?
Helen Pierce: Clean up your own shit.
Wendy Byrde: He'll do it.

Marty Byrde: Jacob.
Jacob Snell: Excuse me if I don't shake your hand.
Marty Byrde: I'm fine skipping pleasantries. Let's make this overture brief.
Jacob Snell: The Almighty himself could not convince us to lift our blockade.
Marty Byrde: What about the federal government? You know who I spent the morning with? Your friends over at the power company. I wanted to know how it was that they were able to get your ancestors off of their land so quickly back in 1929.
Jacob Snell: No mystery there. Lies, theft, intimidation.
Marty Byrde: Well, they got an assist from a little thing called riparian rights.
Jacob Snell: Pardon me?
Marty Byrde: Riparian rights are the laws that say who owns the land under a body of water. It's kind of crazy, right? I mean, who ever stops to consider the land under a lake? Or, in this case, the Missouri River. Which last time I checked was a federal waterway. What this means, Jacob, is that the instant you flooded your land and connected it to the Missouri, you ceded all of that flooded land to the US government.
Helen Pierce: Which is how I managed to obtain this written order guaranteeing our workers access to the boat. Now, if you defy this order, we can have the US Marshals escort them.
Jacob Snell: And the land that you need for access roads and parking lots to get the people to your precious boat. We own all of it. What's to stop us from parking guards all around the water's edge?
Marty Byrde: Eminent domain. The feds are gonna give all the surrounding land to our business partners to build shopping malls and hotels and, yes, access roads. Because it's in their financial interest. The tax revenue from said development is gonna be massive, just like it was in 1929. They own it all. Above, around and below.
Jacob Snell: There is a sermon to be had here, but I don't feel much like praying.
Marty Byrde: If you try to fight this, it will cost you a lot more than a bullet in the shoulder.
Jacob Snell: Which is why you asked to meet me alone. You were afraid Darlene wouldn't be quite so receptive. I'll need assurances...if we're expected to stand down, that you will never, ever try and hit me or my wife ever again.
Marty Byrde: You have them, so long as you keep Darlene in line. Jacob...tell Darlene that the casino profits are gonna make you richer than you ever imagined. That you can use them to buy twice the land that you have now.
Jacob Snell: She's the same woman now as when I married her. Same woman that slipped into this booth 45 years ago, took my beating heart in both her hands and took off quicker than a mare. Same woman I've been chasing ever since.
Marty Byrde: They'll kill you, Jacob.
Jacob Snell: What do you do, Martin, when the bride who took your breath away becomes the wife who makes you hold your breath in terror?

Jacob Snell: [walking out on their property] What is it?
Darlene Snell: It's a badger, looks like.
Jacob Snell: Hmm. Best leave it. His family will find it and drag it back to the den. Pups will feed on the worms and eat the corpse. That way its death has meaning. Brings nourishment to the family.

Darlene Snell: Shh. It'll be quick. I promise. Cyanide in your coffee, from ground-up cherry pits.
Jacob Snell: [straining] I never could keep up with you, Darlene.
Darlene Snell: It's okay, baby. Just rest. [kisses him] I love you, Jacob. You just rest. I'll make sure it means something.

The Gold Coast [2.10]

Ruth Langmore: Holy shit.
Marty Byrde: I know.
Ruth Langmore: How much money is there?
Marty Byrde: Approximately $43 million.
Ruth Langmore: Holy shit.
Marty Byrde: The exact numbers are in here, along with a complete listing of the real accounts, plus their shadows. And the operational account is gonna be active... as soon as we're done with the ceremony, day after tomorrow.
Ruth Langmore: What if I can't do this?
Marty Byrde: It's just like Lickety Splitz, only bigger. You're gonna come here, you're gonna pay respects to Buddy a couple of times a week. You're gonna mix this money with the legit receipts and then you're gonna deposit it. Long as the flow stays steady, no one's gonna bat an eye.
Ruth Langmore: This is crazy. I don't know shit about fuck.
Marty Byrde: Ruth. Which LP is held by Davisville Limited?
Ruth Langmore: Lighthouse Landing.
Marty Byrde: And where are they registered?
Ruth Langmore: Panama City.
Marty Byrde: And they're a shell company for?
Ruth Langmore: Horizon Cove Inc, which is a subsidiary for Byrde Enterprises.
Marty Byrde: If I didn't think you could handle it, I wouldn't be risking my family's lives.

Helen Pierce: I'm not sure you appreciate the historical significance of what it is you're about to pull off. Medellín, Sinaloa, Juárez, every one of them tried to create something like this. Every one of them failed. A legitimate, self-sustaining operation like a casino. This is why crime organizes. Have you given any thought to the next five years?
Marty Byrde: Uh, I'd love to talk about the operational account.
Helen Pierce: Because you're pillars of the community now. You've established a foothold in the gaming industry. You could expand, completely legitimately. Honoring your obligations to my client, obviously.
[Zeke coos]
Wendy Byrde: I am so sorry, but I have to get him home. I mean, it's just been a long time since we've been tied to a nap schedule.
Helen Pierce: It's funny how you forget there was ever a time before they could tell you to go fuck yourself. [chuckles] But not you. No. You wouldn't call up and talk about your father's girlfriend, would you? No.
Marty Byrde: The operational account.
Helen Pierce: What about it?
Marty Byrde: It's not up and running.
Helen Pierce: Once the contracts are signed.
Marty Byrde: That's in two days. I could be working now.
Helen Pierce: Well, is there some kind of rush I'm not aware of?
Marty Byrde: Just trying to be efficient.
Helen Pierce: Well, call us superstitious. On a long road trip, you're most likely to get into an accident a mile from your home.

Darlene Snell: I thought you should know... Jacob passed away this morning.
Wendy Byrde: What? Oh, Darlene. Oh. I'm so sorry.
Darlene Snell: His dying wish was to stop the casino. I intend to honor that.
Wendy Byrde: I don't understand. Jacob was always committed to making the casino work.
Darlene Snell: He had an epiphany.
Wendy Byrde: He passed this morning?
Darlene Snell: That's right.
Wendy Byrde: And you came right here? May I ask how he died?
Darlene Snell: His heart. It failed him.
Wendy Byrde: Just to be clear... Jacob understood that this casino is happening. There's no way for you to win.
Darlene Snell: Did the Viet Cong have to win?
Wendy Byrde: I'm sorry?
Darlene Snell: The gooks. They didn't have to win. They just had to not lose. It's my land.
Darlene Snell: The cartel's already tried to kill you once.
Darlene Snell: Is that a threat?
Wendy Byrde: Just a fact.
Darlene Snell: There might be one solution to honor Jacob's memory. Is that Mason Young's baby in the car? It is, isn't it? Social Services told me you were looking after him until they found a suitable home. Now, you help me adopt him, and I'll stand aside.
Wendy Byrde: You are not fucking touching that baby.
Darlene Snell: I delivered that child.
Wendy Byrde: You need to go.
Darlene Snell: He's not your kin. He's not worth the cost you'll pay.

Ruth Langmore: I need you to listen to me. I know Marty didn't kill your dad...because I did.
Wyatt Langmore: What are you talking about?
Ruth Langmore: I wired the dock. I knew that they were going there, so I wired it, so the second they touched the ladder, they'd get electrocuted.
Wyatt Langmore: You're making this up.
Ruth Langmore: Why would I be doing that?
Wyatt Langmore: You're afraid I won't go to Mizzou if I don't find out what happened to my dad, and now you're just fucking making this up!
Ruth Langmore: I wish I was. I wish to fucking God...I wish it was a lie. Russ was working with the feds. He was trying to get me on a wire.
Wyatt Langmore: No. No way. No fucking way!
Ruth Langmore: You were right about that night. They had the guns. They were gonna kill Marty. I practiced on our dock, with a mouse. At first, I rigged Marty's dock to get him, but then it was fucked up and... things changed, and they were going to the Blue Cat. Say something. [stammers] You can hate me, and I know you will. But I need you to know that you're the...you're the only thing in this world that I'll ever fucking love.

Wendy Byrde: We're not running.
Marty Byrde: What do you mean?
Wendy Byrde: We're not leaving the Ozarks. It's not safe to go.
Marty Byrde: Wendy, it's not safe to stay.
Wendy Byrde: You're not acting out of logic. You're acting out of emotion. And I know I've asked you to be more emotional. I've begged. So, I love you for it, but I am not getting on that plane and neither are the kids.
Marty Byrde: Okay, you're just scared. Don't worry about it. I've got everything under control.
Wendy Byrde: No, you don't.
Marty Byrde: Yes, I do.
Wendy Byrde: Unh-unh. You're running away from Mason's death. You're trying to kidnap Charlotte so she can't leave the family. And you were right all along. We can't make emotional decisions based on other people's choices. So we just have to wake up and make the right choices And right now, that means staying put.
Marty Byrde: You're telling me this now? Here?
Wendy Byrde: I didn't have time to argue. [clears throat] Call the coroner's office.
Marty Byrde: This is not sustainable.
Wendy Byrde: What, and running is? Hiring surrogates? Changing identities? What if this is the Gold Coast?
Marty Byrde: It's not.
Wendy Byrde: Hmm. We only know what it's been. What about what it could be? I mean, you've said so yourself, once the casino is up and running, it's like clockwork. You could go back to just working the numbers. The kids are in school. We have roots. We've sacrificed too fucking much in order to run. We will get that baby away from Darlene. Don't worry.
Marty Byrde: And what about the Kansas City mob? Wendy, I played a game of fucking chicken with them because I knew we were running.
Wendy Byrde: We're not alone here. We have partners who are very grateful for what we've done. Always better to be the person holding the gun than the one running from the gunman.

Season 3


War Time [3.01]

Wendy Byrde: Well, let's, let's cut right to it, shall we Fred? What is it going to take, to put us over the top, and host your convention?
Client: REO Speedwagon.
Wendy Byrde: REO Speedwagon...
Client: Yeah. If you're the kinda place that can get the Wagon, you're gonna have yourself a whole lot'a dentists.

Wendy Byrde: So, listen...I know how concerned you are about security. And...I just want you to know I've been thinking a lot about it, too. About safety... and our future.
Marty Byrde: Okay.
Wendy Byrde: I've been reading about the cartel war. Navarro's lost 61 men in the last five weeks alone.
Marty Byrde: Hmm. What's that got to do with us?
Wendy Byrde: There's a saying in politics. "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Marty Byrde: And?
Wendy Byrde: And...Helen's coming into town. I know, you're expecting the worst, but let's...let's preempt that. Pitch her on the idea of expansion.
Marty Byrde: What does that mean?
Wendy Byrde: Hotels. Casinos, but we keep the daily operations legitimate. We sell the idea to Navarro as a safety net. We put his share in a trust...for his kids. Untouchable. That way, if the cartel war goes south, then he has a whole new revenue stream. Completely legal. Well? What do you think?
Marty Byrde: Well, I just...I think that's batshit crazy.
Wendy Byrde: It's not.
Marty Byrde: No?
Wendy Byrde: No. It's not. And actually, it was Helen's idea. She talked to us about expansion. There is a...hotel and casino on the Kansas border in St. Joe's. Its infrastructure is old. It's getting killed by a casino across the river. And all it needs is an influx of cash to upgrade, and they would crush their competition, but their margins are too low. It's a win-win.
Marty Byrde: No.
Wendy Byrde: Just like that?
Marty Byrde: Just like that.
Wendy Byrde: Jesus. [scoffs] Of course.
Marty Byrde: I'm trying to keep us safe, Wendy.
Wendy Byrde: Yeah, well, so am I.
Marty Byrde: I mean, how much more fucking stress do you wanna take on?
Wendy BYrde: This would all be legitimate.
Marty Byrde: Except for the seed money from the drug lord, which, by definition, is not legitimate?
Wendy Byrde: We are pre-approved by the gaming commission. No one would question the initial investment. We have Navarro's gratitude. This would only increase it. Don't you understand? We're in.
Marty Byrde: We're alive. Big difference. You want to know what a good outcome from this cartel war would be? Navarro getting blown off the face of the Earth, and you and I being out from underneath this.
Wendy Byrde: But what if that doesn't happen? Expansion makes us a political player. It insulates us, and that keeps us safe. We could be the very legitimate, very public face of Missouri gaming. [chuckles] We'd be too big to fail.
Marty Byrde: Wendy, I did not agree to stay here to start raising red flag after red flag.
Wendy Byrde: It's the smart play.
Marty Byrde: Stop. I'm here. Take the fucking victory, okay? And do not tell me what is smart and what is not smart. You blew through that stop sign six months ago.
Wendy Byrde: Do you know what I did today? I talked to a woman about her toe ring stand. I have the time. We have the clout. I can do this. Just think-- think about the things we could build. Why should the Charles Wilkeses of the world have a stranglehold on this state? We could have the money and the influence. We could control every political lever in Missouri. We could give millions to the causes that we care about. We could run this goddamn place.
Marty Byrde: Do you even hear yourself?
Wendy Byrde: I do. Do you hear me?

Marty Byrde: I understand you're upset.
Helen Pierce: Oh, really? Do I seem upset? My client, on the other hand...
Marty Byrde: We've been over all this.
Helen Pierce: Yes, we have.
Marty Byrde: Considering the amount of hires that we had to make, there's no way--
Helen Pierce: Yes, you don't know who might've infiltrated, so you don't wanna launder. I understand. Just as I'm sure you understand that I didn't ask to drive to the Ozarks today, but we all have to do things that are outside our comfort zone, don't we?
Marty Byrde: They think that we killed a fed. Agent Petty’s DNA was all over Cade Langmore’s truck.
Helen Pierce: They know you didn’t kill him.
Marty Byrde: But you know what I mean. I think what none of us can account for is the emotional component for the FBI. We can't be sure what level of resources they'll invest.
Helen Pierce: So, is it a tougher hand? Sure. But the reality is, it doesn't matter if they think that you hired Cade to get rid of Petty and then got rid of him. You've always known the laundering would have to be done right under the FBI's nose.
Marty Byrde: And it will. I just need some time before I start moving tens of millions of dollars through that building.
Helen Pierce: You're supposed to be the best. That's why you were hired.
Marty Byrde: Well, then listen to me, okay? People as individuals are completely unpredictable. One person making one bet, there's no way I could possibly know which way he or she is gonna go, but the law of large numbers--
Helen Pierce: Yeah, you're mistaking this for a discussion. Look, I was sent here for a simple reason, to deliver one simple message in person, despite my own various shit-shows, which I guarantee stack up quite nicely against your own. Launder the fucking money. Starting tomorrow. Are we good, or are we in our feelings?
Marty Byrde: We're good.
Helen Pierce: Good.

Trevor Evans: This is the point where I'm ethically obligated to tell you that you can make a deal.
Marty Byrde: I've got no reason to make a deal.
Trevor Evans: I'm not sure you comprehend how poorly the cartel war is going for Navarro, but it won't be long before all his hacks and all the petty criminals working for you start looking for ways out. Do you think they'll be loyal to you? I find comfort in the idea of you waiting every day for that one slip-up... or betrayal. That one wild card.

Frank Cosgrove Jr.: You embarrassed me.
Ruth Langmore: How the fuck did you get back in here?
Frank Cosgrove Jr.: It's a poker game. People talk shit.
Ruth Langmore: This time, you're gonna get the fuck out, and you're gonna stay the fuck out. Sit tight.
Frank Cosgrove Jr.: Do you know what your problem is?
Ruth Langmore: Gee, tell me.
Frank Cosgrove Jr.: Your problem is you're just playing dress-up. And you know it.
Ruth Langmore: I put this game together all by myself, and you fucked it up because you can't bluff well enough to pretend like you belong.
Frank Cosgrove Jr.: You're a fucking bitch.
Ruth Langmore: And you're a low-rent daddy's boy who can't even pay to get respect.
Frank Cosgrove Jr.: I should fucking kill you.
Ruth Langmore: Come get you some.

Civil Union [3.02]

Frank Cosgrove: We got issues, Marty. We got issues of trust. We got issues of respect. Hell, we got issues of understanding the basic fucking rules.
Marty Byrde: That's why we're here. That's why you're hearing about this from us first, and it's why we're offering you an extra 10% on top of what we're already paying you. We want to make this right.
Frank Cosgrove: You got any idea what my boy has been begging me...to let him do to her? What he's got every right to do. You know what "untouchable" means?
Marty Byrde: I do. We do.
Frank Cosgrove: Then why do you think you can fix this by throwing a couple of coins at my feet like I'm a fucking beggar?
Marty Byrde: It's not a couple of coins. It's an extra 10%.
Frank Cosgrove: [points at Ruth] I want her fired. Then we talk money.
Marty Byrde: I understand that you're pissed. I'd be pissed off too, but we are not the only ones at fault.
Frank Cosgrove: So someone else went head-first off the top deck?
Marty Byrde: Your son threatened to rat us out.
Frank Cosgrove Jr.: That's bullshit.
Marty Byrde: He threatened to give up our operation.
Frank Cosgrove Jr.: He's fucking lying, Dad.
Marty Byrde: Frank, I respect your code.
Frank Cosgrove: [to Ruth] Is this true?
Ruth Langmore: He said, "You really want to do this with everything I know about you?"
Frank Cosgrove Jr.: You're not gonna take her word over mine.
Marty Byrde: Frank, you're absolutely right about trust, which is why we are willing to trust that Frank Jr. was just joking, if you are willing to trust that Ruth will not make the same mistake twice.
Frank Cosgrove: 15%.
[They shake hands]
Marty Byrde: She's untouchable, too.

Marty Byrde: Um, what's this? Did you-- You bought a new casino and a new house without talking to me?
Wendy Byrde: Those are rental properties...for Helen.
Marty Byrde: Helen's moving here?
Wendy Byrde: For the summer.
Marty Byrde: That's just fucking perfect.
Wendy Byrde: No, it's a good thing. It's a good thing. She's on our side.
Marty Byrde: Jesus Christ. Until she's not. This is exactly what I was worried about. If we'd just kept our heads down, Wendy--
Wendy Byrde: There's nothing we can do about that now.
Marty Byrde: Maybe there is. I've had time to think through some of it.
Wendy Byrde: You said yourself on the phone, we're committed.
Marty Byrde: Well, deals go bad, you know? Good plans go wrong all the time. And Navarro's a businessman, he'll understand that. As long as we don't spend a cent of his money, as long as he's whole, we can get out of this before it even begins.
Wendy Byrde: We're not getting out of this.
Marty Byrde: You're saying that because you don't want to. I want you to admit something. Admit this is all about you and has nothing to do with what is best for the family.
Wendy Byrde: This is about me making sure you don't have to launder for the rest of your life. This is about me finding our only real way out of this! So, you can either be a part of that solution, or...
Marty Byrde: Part of the problem. That sounds like her.

Wendy Byrde: So, you think this house will work?
Helen Pierce: Um, at least it's three months I don't have to deal with Gene. Ugh, he attacks and attacks and attacks. He has no idea what I've endured just to keep him alive. Not that I want him dead, obviously. I mean, I do want my kids to have a father, but do I fantasize now and then about him getting the shit kicked out of him? Losing a few of those teeth he spent a small fortune capping? [clicks tongue] You betcha. I don't mean to dwell on Gene.
Wendy Byrde: You're not.
Helen Pierce: It's just, you know, when things get so hostile so fast, you think, "How'd I manage to fuck that up so badly?" That painting has no intention. How is it that all these years, I was trying to protect my family, and actually, I was just doing the opposite?
Wendy Byrde: For all you know, things could have been much worse, and you're the reason they're not.
Helen Pierce: Maybe he sensed that I was keeping things from him and withdrew. I don't know. Maybe it is all my fault. Maybe if I'd told him everything, we'd still be together. I don't know.
Wendy Byrde: That just trades one set of problems for another. Ask our therapist. [laughs] We're very careful.
Helen Pierce: Hmm.
Wendy Byrde: Maybe that's the only way to truly make a marriage last. Make it impossible to blow up without the shock wave swallowing everyone.
Helen Pierce: Mutually assured destruction.

Helen Pierce: What do you think happened at that casino last night?
Marty Byrde: Boy, I mean, your guess is as good as mine.
Helen Pierce: So, why did Wendy look like she thought maybe you did know?
Marty Byrde: I don't know. Where's this coming from?
Helen Pierce: Where it's coming from is that I'm starting to sense that you two aren't exactly on the same page about this expansion plan.
Marty Byrde: Hmm. As you know, I don't like to take on unnecessary risk.
Helen Pierce: I'm not talking about philosophical differences. I'm talking about something deeper. In case you hadn't noticed, this plan now involves more than just the two of you. So, when you have problems, they become my problems.
Marty Byrde: I think you should be having this conversation with the both of us.
Helen Pierce: Wendy isn't the issue here. Just be thankful that she and Ruth have got us back on track. [pause] You didn't know.
Marty Byrde: Of course I knew. I'm surprised that, uh...that you did so soon. Good.

Marty Byrde: [calls Ruth] What are you doing?
Ruth Langmore: What do you mean?
Marty Byrde: I mean, right now, tell me what you're doing.
Ruth Langmore: I'm using the slot scam I told you about on Big Muddy, forcing them back to the negotiating table.
Marty Byrde: No, no, no!
Ruth Langmore: Why?
Marty Byrde: You have to stop that.
Ruth Langmore: [stammers] What? I can't. It's already done.
Marty Byrde: Why didn't you tell me that you were gonna do that, Ruth?
Ruth Langmore: You-- You made a big deal about how I'm not supposed to be bringing problems, how I'm supposed to be solving them. I'm just doing what you fucking wanted.
Marty Byrde: Okay, but you're not. You're completely screwing us.
Ruth Langmore: By getting you another casino when no one else could figure out how the fuck to do it? Are you fucking kidding me, Marty? How about a little gratitude? I mean, your wife seems pretty fucking grateful.
Marty Byrde: Wendy has absolutely no idea what is good for us.
Ruth Langmore: Is that my fault? Is that my fault that you can't communicate for shit with your wife?
Marty Byrde: All right, Ruth, listen to me.
Ruth Langmore: No, no. How's about instead of shitting on me, you get your own house in order? And until you do, how's about you fuck off? All righty? [hangs up]

Kevin Cronin Was Here [3.03]

Wendy Byrde: How is your ex? Is he still in the hospital?
Helen Pierce: He is, and doing about as well as he should be. How are you and Marty?
Wendy Byrde: We're okay. We're-- We're good. We're just... We're a little disconnected at the moment.
Helen Pierce: Ah. Same thing happened to us. When I started eclipsing him professionally, he was no longer interested in me sexually.
Wendy Byrde: Oh, I'd hardly say I'm eclipsing him.
Helen Pierce: Oh, please!
Wendy Byrde: No, we can't do any of this without him.
Helen Pierce: Few people get my client's attention the way you have.
Wendy Byrde: And should I be worried about that?
Helen Pierce: What, his attention?
Wendy Byrde: Mm-hmm.
Helen Pierce: Only if you fuck up.

Marty Byrde: I'm just asking for your help.
Wendy Byrde: Actually, you're not. You're going behind my back to expressly do what you know we are not allowed to do.
Marty Byrde: Because you won't help. Do you not see a pattern here?
Wendy Byrde: You've done nothing but fight me on this. And now, now you want unfettered access to the very thing you've tried to undermine since the very beginning.
Marty Byrde: I don't want-- I need access, Wendy. We need access.
Wendy Byrde: We have made promises to our shareholders about this casino, and I don't think-- I don't think we want to annoy our shareholders.
Marty Byrde: What would you have me do?
Wendy Byrde: I don't feel very compelled to help you right now. I just had a very interesting conversation with Frank. From Kansas City.
Marty Byrde: Oh, yeah?
Wendy Byrde: Hmm. And you do...you do realize what a magnificently stupid and dangerous thing it was that you did in Kansas, right?
Marty Byrde: I pleaded with you, "Please don't do this. Please do not get us further in on this." Remember that?
Wendy Byrde: Yeah. And because you didn't get your way, you went behind my back to sabotage me.
Marty Byrde: I was trying to protect our family, Wendy. That's it.
Wendy Byrde: That is such-- That is such a tired...
Marty Byrde: Is it? Okay.
Wendy Byrde: ...tired excuse. Yeah. You know what you like to do? You like to control your family.
Marty Byrde: I'm asking you for fucking help on a problem that you created, and you're not helping. That's the whole story.
Wendy Byrde: To you.

Marriage Counselor: Marty, what would it look like to achieve your objectives without interfering with Wendy's project?
Marty Byrde: I think that that would look like death.
Marriage Counselor: But what would it really look like?
Marty Byrde: Really, death.
Marriage Counselor: Okay. Marty, my mother had a saying. Just as a pie is only as good as it's crust, a marriage is only as good as it's trust. Going behind Wendy's back on a project that is obviously meaningful to her violates that trust. Wendy is a powerful woman, and it's your responsibility to nurture that, Marty. Not stifle it.
Marty Byrde: What the hell was that? Hey, Sue! What the hell was that?
Marriage Counselor: You told me to let her win a couple.
Marty Byrde: Small things. Small.
Marriage Counselor: I thought she was right.
Marty Byrde: I don't give a fuck.
Marriage Counselor: You're yelling at me.
Marty Byrde: Well, I'm angry, okay?
Marriage Counselor: Yes, Marty, you are. There is something deeper at play here. And I believe that you and Wendy can be happy...if you let me help you.
Marty Byrde: Save it. I'm not bribing you to make us happy.

Omar Navarro: [on the phone] Well, you closed down the new casino, Wendy.
Wendy Byrde: I have a plan.
Omar Navarro: Plan. Yeah. Well, your plan is bleeding my money every day.
Wendy Byrde: You've trusted me so far.
Omar Navarro: I don't trust you. I trust my opinion of you. So, please, the next time we talk, I want to hear that you closed this deal, and, Wendy... Well, if you can't get what you want with reason, then...
Wendy Byrde: Yes.
Omar Navarro: [inhales] ...you'll have to get it with force.

Helen Pierce: You don't ask this man the same question twice.
Marty Byrde: Well, Helen, I'm not asking a question. I'm telling you, as the person who directs these finances, we need to look for a short-term solution for our laundering problems.
Helen Pierce: And I am telling you, as his attorney, my client wants his new business clean. You're gonna have to find another way.
Marty Byrde: Tell me, is it your client's wish, or is it Wendy's?
Helen Pierce: Why would you ask that?
Marty Byrde: Well, because I don't think you understand how invested she is with your client.
Helen Pierce: Meaning what, precisely?
Marty Byrde: The only reason we can't move money through the Missouri Belle now is because of an audit that she brought down on us. Okay? Maybe she should talk to Navarro.
Helen Pierce: No.
Marty Byrde: Her obsession with expansion, it's fucked us.
Helen Pierce: No, no, no, no. You fucked us, Marty. I've seen the warrant. Wendy didn't cause this audit. You did, when you decided to blow up a casino. Let's be plain. You played, you lost. I have no interest in looking at that any further. My interest is in moving forward as a team. Now, I assume that's not gonna be a problem. Is that gonna be a problem?
Marty Byrde: No.

Boss Fight [3.04]


It Came from Michoacán [3.05]

Ruth Langmore: Shit. [sighing]
Ben Davis: Breakfast?
Ruth Langmore: Look, I know I kissed you last night, but I thought I was gonna fucking die.
Ben Davis: This isn't about a kiss. I didn't see you eat for five days straight. And I was serious last night. My family shouldn't have dragged you into this.
Ruth Langmore: I've only known you for five fucking minutes. I was a criminal long before Marty Byrde showed up with a bag full of cartel cash. So spare me your fucking pity. [gets in the car]
Ben Davis: It's not pity. I just think you deserve better. I think you're pretty spectacular, to be honest. Now eat your burrito.
[pause, then Ruth lowers her window]
Ruth Langmore: I prefer French toast sticks.

Omar Navarro: [on the phone] Wendy. How are you?
Wendy Byrde: Better. Thank you.
Omar Navarro: It's been a very difficult time, I know, and I'm sorry that you had to go through it.
Wendy Byrde: I appreciate that.
Omar Navarro: I think you're going to be very pleased because I have been thinking about the question you asked. "What's next?" Do you know what a charro is, Wendy?
Wendy Byrde: Uh, cowboy?
Omar Navarro: A Mexican cowboy. And my grandfather, well...he was a charro, and nothing would impress him more to know that I was the proud owner of an American horse farm. And it would make a beautiful piece in the legitimate empire that you are building.
Wendy Byrde: We can certainly start to look into that right away.
Omar Navarro: I have one in mind already. The best one in Kentucky. They're expecting a visit from you this afternoon, and, Wendy...uh, this is the one I want, so...you and Marty, you must get it for me. ¿Sí?
Wendy Byrde: Of course.
Omar Navarro: Something is wrong. You're not happy.
Wendy Byrde: No, I am. Very. I just-- I just have... I just want to know... Why did you let Marty come home?
Omar Navarro: Do you not want your husband back?
Wendy Byrde: No, of course I did. We all did. It's just...We didn't pass your test.
Omar Navarro: Marty passed. I didn't know him, now I do, and you're very lucky, because he's just like me.
Wendy Byrde: How so?
Omar Navarro: He wants to win.

Ruth Langmore: [after threatening him] Any questions?
Frank Cosgrove Jr.: No.
Ruth Langmore: Good. Now quit parkin' in the crippled spot. What you got ain't a disability. Just poor fuckin' judgment...

Wendy Byrde: Are you really okay? This doesn't feel like something you'd get over in a day.
Marty Byrde: Well, it was-- it was hell. I wasn't lying, and I-- I told the kids that, but, um... Wendy, this might have been the best thing that could have ever happened. I spent a decade afraid of something, and when it finally arrived, it wasn't at all what I thought it would be. And I wasn't who I thought I would be.
Wendy Byrde: What does that mean?
Marty Byrde: It means you were right. Me burying my head in the sand wasn't gonna keep us safe, but I figured out what is.
Wendy Byrde: What's that?
Marty Byrde: I'm gonna turn Agent Miller. I'm gonna put her in our pocket. That's what I told Navarro. That's what got me out.
Wendy Byrde: The warrant is gonna expire in a couple of weeks. If we just wait it out, she'll be gone.
Marty Byrde: They're gonna keep coming back. That's what Maya said, that this is gonna be a long play for them.
Wendy Byrde: "Maya"?
Marty Byrde: Yeah. Yeah, that's what she said. Years. We'll never know when the hammer's gonna fall, and she's very... she's very good. [laughs] I don't know if I can stay in front of her. But if we own her... all the anxiety goes away. Wendy, if you want safety, if you want to get the kids out, this is it. You hear me?
Wendy Byrde: People...People don't just turn an FBI agent.
Marty Byrde: Right.
Wendy Byrde: So why don't we just...take a breath...
Marty Byrde: What are you doing?
Wendy Byrde: ...be still.
Marty Byrde: Don't do that. You asked me to get involved, and this is what it looks like. This is me supporting you, Wendy.

Wendy Byrde: [on the phone] Why didn't you tell me you wanted to butcher a horse?
Omar Navarro: How did you get this number, Wendy?
Wendy Byrde: This was supposed to be a legitimate expansion. A legitimate business and you've just ruined it.
Omar Navarro: The horse is still alive. I own the farm. Everything about this is legitimate.
Wendy Byrde: The horse is gravely damaged. The owner here is devastated. You've just undermined everything we've been working on. We're supposed to be partners.
Omar Navarro: Partners? No, no, no. You exist for me to use! What did you think, huh? That because you are American, you are not gonna get your hands dirty? Wendy, if I am at war, you're at war! We're not partners. I own you! And if you call me again like this, I will make sure that you remember that.

Su Casa Es Mi Casa [3.06]

Marty Byrde: [about the kids] Do you think, uh, grounding works? As a principle?
Wendy Byrde: Not as well as prison does.

Marty Byrde: Remember in Chicago when they were like 10 and 7, and they wanted to know what murder was?
Wendy Byrde: Vaguely.
Marty Byrde: And Jonah asked, if someone's driving and they hit somebody who was walking, was that murder?
Wendy Byrde: And I said no, it was manslaughter.
Marty Byrde: He kept saying it over and over again. Manslaughter. Manslaughter...
Wendy Byrde: Why are you remembering this now?
Marty Byrde: And Charlotte realized it was "mans laughter". It was funny.

In Case of Emergency [3.07]


BFF [3.08]


Fire Pink [3.09]

Ben Davis: I have that feeling like when you just quit a job. Tell your boss to get fucked, walk out to your car and just drive away. It's a good feeling, man. [laughs] I've never been a fan of the routine. I've never been a person other people can force into a thing. I mean, I'm peaceful, I'm loving, but I'm not like the others. I'm not. I'm not like the others, and I will not fall in line with the others. When they're saying "This is normal, what you walked into is normal, what we built here is normal, and your reaction to it is wrong. That's not normal." No. No. Mmm-mm. [pause, notices an American flag emblem on the dashboard] You serve in the military? [The taxi driver says nothing.] I get it, I get it. Thank you. I can never do that, thank you for your service. Did you ever wake up in the middle of the night and play out the worst possible scenario? Like you're driving your car, and a kid comes out of nowhere on a bike or one of them scooters, and you smack into that kid, and...the kid dies. The good part of your life is over. I wake up, I'll just flash to that. Me, not you. In my warm bed, roof over my head. [singsongs] In my warm bed, roof over my head. Food in the fridge—fridge in the first place, I'll wake up, I'll just start thinking about the guy by the gun store who lives in a tarp. And the city just keeps fucking with him, and he's just a guy. He's just a guy, he's just a guy, he's just a guy out of his mind. He's probably a marine, because he has that look, much like yourself. He has that look much like yourself and he's just trying to get it all...you know, he's just trying to get by, but he can't, 'cause he can't, 'cause he can't, 'cause he can't get...[tears up] but he can't...find the click anymore, the...the...the key. Can't get it all...put together again. But there are days, I would imagine, there are days when, when it's like...when it's close. When it's, like, this close to, like..."Oh...I remember. I remember what my mind was, before the thing happened that ruined my mind. I remember who I am now, and I don't gotta sleep on the sidewalk by the gun store in order to not to kill myself, or kill my wife." But then...[exhales] he loses it. Another day goes by, I'll lie in my bed, cry about...killing the kid on the scooter, or...the homeless marine, or my father dying. And my father was not a good person, but...I imagine him there at the end. I just want to hold him. You know? That's kind of always been a problem of mine, I'll go deep into another person's shit, or I spin out on a thing that hasn't happened yet. It might not happen. But I worry. I just worry. Like Tom Petty. What a shame. [inhales] My day's been going good, man. How's your day been going?

All In [3.10]



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