Open Season 3

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Open Season 3 is a 2010 computer-animated comedy adventure direct-to-video film. It is the third installment to Open Season and the sequel Open Season 2. The film was produced by Sony Pictures Imageworks and released on October 21, 2010.


  • One day to guys' trip!
  • We'll think about you while we're makin' s'mores and talkin' trash!
  • Gisela! Giselita! I was just lookin' for your dad!
  • I guess me and Elliot ain't as tight as I thought we were.
  • You know what I like about you, Dinkleman? You're always there when I need ya! And don't worry, we're gonna have a blast tomorrow! This'll be the best guys' trip ever! You'll see.
  • A place where no one lets ya down!
  • WHOA! Another grizzly in the flesh! You don't know how long I've waited for this day!
  • Yo, you've got some kinda thing growin' outta your neck!
  • Listen, Ursa. I know you've got no reason to believe me, but I gotta tell you the truth. I'm not Doug. I'm Boog.
  • It's like bearvana!
  • Too much chocolate!
  • I appreciate y'all tryin' to rescue me, but I need to talk to Ursa.
  • Punch it in, baby bear!
  • Dinkleman! I didn't know you were a girl!


  • Let's get a move on! Guys' trip waits for no deer!
  • Well, how 'bout a game of... Shrub... Jump? I mean, where we jump into the nearest shrub and, uh... come on, Elvis! I'll show you! [Jumps into nearby bushes, which is really poison ivy, with Elvis]
  • We don't need Uncle Boog. Rabbit fights are way more fun without him anyway!
  • Quiet, Gisela! The slightest sound could wake the bees!
  • The silent treatment! Two can play at that game! Only I'm not playin'!
  • He can stay on guys' trip forever, as far as I'm concerned.
  • Don't you worry, kids! I've got a ton of things planned!
  • Who knows more about gettin' honey than a deer, huh?
  • Who's Russia?
  • Come here, Lil' E.
  • Ursa?! Who's Ursa?
  • Don't mind me. Just another circus dancer.
  • Boog, Boog, Boog! From now on, we will no longer mention his name!
  • I thought you were mad at me! But now I know you weren't 'cause you're not even you!
  • Say hi to your mother for me!
  • I'm so Sorry that I let you Down.
  • You got it, Boogster. BFFs 'til the end.
  • I forgive you! But only because you forgave me first.


  • Man, I can't wait to get back to see Alistair! Back to my own cart, home cookin', 3 meals a day! Mmm!
  • [Being chased by Bob and Bobbie, who think that he's Bigfoot] Aaaaaahhhh!
  • Come on! What are ya waitin' for?!
  • [Posing as Boog; to the wilds] Yeah, it was rough all right. That's why I look terrible and my voice sounds like caca! Now why don't y'all run along and fetch me some goodies?
  • [Running away from the Maslova Family Circus; to Boog] See ya tomorrow night!
  • Finally! I'm the only bear! And all the animals are gonna worship me! Just like they did Boog!
  • What do you want, bear?
  • I'm tellin' you Alistair, one of these days, I'm gonna give that diva [Ursa] a piece of my mind!
  • [To Elliot, who demands what he's done with Boog] He's locked away somewhere you'll never find him! Especially after tonight, when they take him back to Russia!
  • [When he's exposed by the wilds] Who's gonna stop me?
  • The only bear?
  • In a bear minute. We're grizzlies. We gotta look out for each other.
  • [Arriving at the Timberline National Forest] This must be the place: Bearvana!
  • For the last time, it's the wild animal park! There's a difference, you know! Anyway, when I was in the wild animal park, no one treated me like that! All the animals worshipped me! There was one grizzly, one king of the jungle! Me!
  • Hey Alistair! Aren't you glad to be goin' back to Russia?!
  • The what cracker?!
  • [About Elliot, who yelled at him for showing up] That is one seriously messed-up deer!
  • I'm not your servant! I'm king of the jungle!


  • Don't forget to tell Boog you can't go on guys' trip!
  • Kids, keep an eye on your dad.
  • [When Elliot tells her to say hi to her mother for him] I will!
  • [To Doug] Boog would never yell like that, especially at fawns! So who are you?!
  • [Talking to Elliot before she leaves to see her mother] And make sure to apologize to Boog when he gets back. Okay?
  • Have fun, Elliot. And don't forget to keep an eye on Elvis.


  • You are making fun.
  • [Noticing Boog's fur, thinking he's Doug] Why is fur dark? [Points]
  • [When Elliot asks Boog who's Ursa] I am.
  • [When Boog tells her to come with him and his friends] Boog, I really want to. But I can't.
  • Not for nothing! You need to be punished for juggling the dog!
  • If just once I could perform the dance. The way it was meant to be. I would never meet a performer again.
  • Doug, why do you always let me down? Circus in 2 days. You could at least pretend to care!
  • [To Boog, who was watching her dance] What are you looking at?!


  • Dad? We need Uncle B-- I mean, we need someone taller to reach a branch that high.
  • Great game, guys!
  • Any sight of Boog?
  • Everyone clear about what to do?
  • Mom always says that when a friend is upset with you, you should try and work things out.
  • When does Uncle Boog get back again?


  • Uh... new game?
  • [Pointing] Uncle Boog is right there!
  • Everyone spread out to try and find Boog! When you see him, go get him!
  • [To a crying Elliot] And you're not a complete failure. You're our dad. We love you no matter what.
  • [Teasing Elvis with the cutthroat gesture] Mom's gonna kill you!
  • [When Elliot and Elvis scratch themselves in poison ivy] That has gotta hurt.
  • Can you just go find our mom? Please? I'll be your best friend!
  • Dad! Let's just play okay?
  • [During the rabbit fight] You're out. [Sing-song voice] Gotcha! You're out!


  • [Sing-song voice] They'll never find me here!
  • Mother! I was attacked by a ferret!
  • Father? It's okay.

Dialogue from movie

Gisela: Everyone clear about what to do?
All: Yes!
Elliot: Uh, what was the middle part again?
Giselita: [Rolls her eyes, annoyed] Dad! Everyone spread out to try and find Boog! When you see him, go get him!
Elliot: All right! Let's move it out!
[Annoyed, Gisela sighs in frustration and shakes her head]

Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen! I'd like to welcome you to the great Maslova Family Circus!

[Ian's antlers get stuck in the ground]
Ian: [To Doug, who is undercover as Boog] Sorry, Boogster! Just a little cramp for my neck!
Doug: [Annoyed] Seriously, six pack, take some pride in your work!
Buddy: Any chance we could take a little break?
Doug: [Undercover as Boog] A break? Y'all just had a break! Like, 6 hours ago!
Giselle: What is going on here?
Ian: Giselle! Thank goodness you're back! [Referring to Doug, who is disguised as Boog] Now you can pat 'im.

[Boog is in the Puni Mart]
Boog: Honey? Now that's more like it!
[He pours the honey on himself]

Elvis: What are we gonna do first? Hmm, father? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Father?
Elliot: Don't worry, kids! I got a ton of things planned!
[Gisela and Giselita sigh]
Giselita: Great.
Gisela: When does Uncle Boog get back again?

Elliot's Shoulder Angel: You knew you were going to miss guys' trip for 2 whole weeks before you told him!
Elliot: Maybe I should go talk to him.
Elliot's Shoulder Devil: Ho-ho-hold it right there, big fella! So you forgot?! If he was a real friend, he'd understand!
[Elvis looks on, confused]
Elliot: You're absolutely right! Boog is a real friend! Your life is a mess without him!
[Elvis giggles quietly]
Elliot: [To his Shoulder Devil] By mess, he means awesome!
Elliot's Shoulder Angel: No! I mean mess!
Elliot's Shoulder Devil: Awesome!
Elliot's Shoulder Angel: Stop that!
Elliot: Enough!
[They disappear]

[Elliot and the fawns are trying to get honey from a beehive]
Gisela: Dad? We need Uncle B-- [Covers her mouth] I mean, we need someone taller to reach a branch that high.
Elliot: Not so. Who knows more about gettin' honey than a deer, huh?

Alistair: Ah! I see you sweating in nervous anticipation!
Boog: What are you talkin' about? I'm not sweatin'!
Alistair: Yes you are! I see a little drop of moisture on your upper brow! Right there! Hello, little sweat!
Boog: Yeah, sweat. Right.

[Alistair is having trouble lifting Doug's cart]
Alistair: A little help, please! No, you're supervising! That's good!
Doug: You want somethin' done, you gotta do it yourself.

[In the Puni Mart, while Mr. Weenie is trying to get the Maslova Family Circus poster, Fifi spots jar of jellybeans]
Fifi: Look! They're colors! Its perfect replacement! I need those!
[He knocks the jar over and it breaks]
Earl: Hey! Stop this!
Mr. Weenie: Aah! We have been discovered!
[Fifi quickly grabs two jellybeans with his mouth and runs off, and then the chase begins]

[Fifi and Roger are flying through the air in the Maslova Family Circus]
Roger: Pretty!
Fifi: Oh no!
[Fifi and Roger go through a ring of fire]

Boog: Ian. Guys' trip?
Ian: No can do, Booger. I got too many... [Glares at two does] responsibilities.
Boog: Ah, no problem.

[Elliot and Elvis are scratching themselves in poison ivy]
Elliot: Well played, Lil' E!
[He throws the stick away]
Elliot: [Scratching his belly] Okay, who's hungry?!

Giselita: Mom's gonna kill you!
[She does the cutthroat gesture]
Elvis: I was attacked by a ferret.
[He crosses his arms]
Giselita: No you weren't!
[She puts her hoof on her hip]
Gisella: Dad, stop telling Elvis to lie. Mom says you're not supposed to do that.

Doug: Wh-what are you doin'?! Don't you see this is our chance?! We get the bear to help us move the carts and outta here!
Alistair: But-- but the circus will miss us! They'll send a search party!
Doug: You're right. I'll go!
Alistair: What?! But you-- but you--
Doug: Trust me. I got it all figured out. [To Boog] Listen, Boog. You and me, we're gonna do all that stuff you talked about. Fishin', campin'...
Boog: Ooh! And rabbit fights?
Doug: Sure. Squirrels, rabbits, whatever you want. So here's what I'm gonna do for you. I'm gonna find a place so we can all be best friends together!
Boog: Really? You'd do that for me?
Doug: In a bear minute. We're grizzlies. We gotta look out for each other. So here's the thing: We gotta swap places so the circus doesn't know I'm gone. But I'll come back tomorrow night, and you, me and Ursa, we'll go on a kinda--
Boog: [Eagerly] Bears' trip?
Doug: Yeah, sure. Bears' trip. Together.
Boog: All right! I'm in!
Doug: Great. Now hold still for just a second. [Messes Boog's fur to look just like him]
Boog: [Giggles]
Doug: Shhhh! Keep it down and stop movin'. [Soon, Boog's fur looks just like Doug's] Oh, yeah. It's gonna work.
Alistair: Now, what about me?
Doug: Hey, like you said, if they figure out you're missin', they'll send a search party. Don't worry. I'll find someone back tomorrow night to swap with you.
[Alistair looks disappointed]

Doug: [Upon seeing Dinkleman, who is in Boog's mouth] Eh, you better hide that doll so nobody gets suspicious.
[Boog takes Dinkleman out of his mouth]
Boog: [Disguised as Doug] What doll?
Doug: That one.
[Boog looks at Dinkleman]
Doug: In your hand.
Boog: You mean Dinkleman? He ain't no doll! He's my bro! My boy! [Fist bumps Dinkleman's head] My BFF! [Does another fist bump]
Doug: [Rolls his eyes] Right. [Turns to leave then turns back to Boog] Hey, and where's that awful only-bear place you were talkin' about? You know, just so I make sure I stay away from it.
Boog: Over the mountain, past the forest, and down by the stream.
Doug: Cool! Thanks! See ya tomorrow night!
[He leaves and starts running into the forest]

Cat #1: You! You must be the new recruits!
Stanley: Yeah. Yeah. That's what we are. Heh.
Cat #1: [Speaks in Russian]
Stanley: Ohh...
Cat #1: Come on. Let's go.

[Doug, Alistair, and the rest of the circus people are traveling back to Russia]
Doug: Hey Alistair! Aren't you glad to be goin' back to Russia?!
Alistair: [Playing his piano] Oh! You said it, amigo! I hope I get to see my girlfriend! [Purrs] Carmen, I'm coming for you!

[In Bob and Bobbie's RV, Roger regurgitates the circus poster he ate earlier in the Puni Mart]
Roger: Oh, Meat Snacks!
[Fifi drops his meat]
Fifi: Excuse me for a moment.
[Fifi runs off, and starts throwing up; Stanley grosses out; Fifi comes back a moment later]
Fifi: I hate cats!
Stanley: So do I.

Boog: [Sighs] I guess me and Elliot ain't as tight as I thought we were.
[Boog then notices Dinkleman]
Boog: Oh, wait! You're not gonna cancel on me too, are ya?
[He picks Dinkleman up]
Boog: Us bears gotta stick together. [Chuckles] You know what I like about you, Dinkleman? You're always there when I need ya! And don't worry. We're gonna have a blast tomorrow! This'll be the best guys trip ever! You'll see.

[In the Maslova Family Circus, Elliot whispers to Stanley during the mission to find Boog]
Elliot: [Whispering] Stanley! Do you see him?
Stanley: I'm not seeing him.

Alistair: I just want you to know that I am sorry. I really saw Doug with my best friend.
Boog: That's okay. I suck at pickin' best friends, too.
Alistair: Are we good? You and me?
Boog: Yeah. We're good.
Alistair: Excelenté! I promise I will never tell you I'm coming back when I'm not!
Boog: And I promise I'll make time for you, even when I got a bunch of important things goin' on.
Alistair: Amigos?
Boog: Yeah!
[Boog and Alistair do a fist bump]
Boog: Amigos!
Alistair: Ooh, this is nice! Talking like this! We will do this every night! A kind of... guy's chat! Si?
Boog: Guy's chat... I like that!
Alistair: Good!

Boog: [Disguised as Doug] So what are you, some kinda llama?
Alistair: I'm an Argentinian Camelid.
Boog: What's an Argentinian Camelid?
Alistair: It's a kind of llama.

Boog: [Disguised as Doug] Look, Alistair, buddy...
Alistair: Now wait in here until Doug is back at sunset. And everything is gonna be fine!
[He nods his head]
Boog: All right, Alistair. If you say so.
[He leaves; Alistair then droops his ears and is sad]

[There is a giant, homemade chocolate cake with sticks serving as the icing]
Ursa: What is it?
Rosie: It's just a little somethin'-somethin' we set up for you!
Ursa: [Touched] Oh, this is so sweet! Thank you for making me feel welcome!
[Ian, who is the ladies' coach, pops out of the cake and starts dancing]
Ian: All right, ladies, look alive!
[The girls start cheering]
Gisela, Giselita: [Annoyed] Oh, brother.
[They facepalm themselves with both hands]

[Doug is finally in the forest and sees all the woodland creatures there]
Doug: This must be the place! Bearvana! [He gets some mud and puts his fur back with it to try and look like Boog] Finally! I'm the only bear! And all the animals are gonna worship me! Just like they did Boog!
McSquizzy: [Upon seeing Doug, who is disguised as Boog] Boog's back, everybody!
All: Boog! [They walk over to the disguised Boog, welcoming him back]
Doug: Yeah, I know. It's good to finally be here.
McSquizzy: You look terrible. And your voice sounds worse.
Rosie: Yeah! [Whispering to Rosie] Complete caca, girl.
Doug: What are you talkin' about? My voice is as smooth as silk.
McSquizzy: Must've been rough out there!
Doug: [Undercover as Boog] Rough? [Realizes] Yeah. It was rough all right. That's why I look terrible and my voice sounds like caca! Now why don't y'all run along and fetch me some goodies?
Ian: Goodies, schmoodies!

Elvis: Mother! I was attacked by a ferret!

[At the Maslova Family Circus, a dog and a cat see Boog with a red bowtie and hat and think he's Doug]
Dog #1: There is something different about Doug.
Cat #1: Looks like someone got hair brushed for a birthday!

[Mr. Weenie and the other domestics see Doug at the circus on TV and mistake him for Boog]
Mr. Weenie: We have to do something!
Roger: Let's go save him! Oh, I wanna go save him! Oh please, please, please, please!
Mr. Weenie: [Gasps] We must hurry!

Doug: I'm tellin' ya, Alistair. Someday, I'm gonna teach that diva a piece of my mind.
Allistair: I'm sure you will.
Doug: It wasn't like back at...
Alistair: I know! The zoo!
Doug: No, for the last time! [Alistair moves mouth to the words Doug says] It's the wild animal park! There's a difference, you know. Anyway, when I was in the wild animal part, no one treated me like that! All the animals worshipped me! There was one grizzly, one king of the jungle! Me!
Alistair: Oh! Si!
Doug: Just as soon as we get outta here, I'm gonna find a place just like that! And I won't forget your help. I'll be king, and you'll beeee... well, we'll find somethin' for you to be.
Alistair: [Confused] Huh?!
Doug: Okay, here's the plan. You lift the car, and we both squeeze through it. Go on. Give it a try.
Alistair: You want me to pull something?!
Doug: Have I ever done you wrong before?
Alistair: Hmm...
[The scene cuts to a flashback where Doug keeps trying to do stuff, but injures Alistair in the process; cuts back to the present day; Alistair shakes his head]
Alistair: You promise to take me with you?
Doug: Of course I will. You're the yin to my --
Alistair: Yang.
Doug: What? No. What kind of word is "yang"? I was thinking like, "You're the yin to helping me get yout."

[After the guys' trip, Boog, Elliot, and the other males are on a hill watching the sun set]
Boog: It doesn't get any better than this. Just me and my best friends in the world, havin' a good time.
Elliot: You got it, Boogster. BFFs 'til the end.
[They do a fist bump]

Giselle: Have fun, Elliot. And don't forget to keep an eye on Elvis.
Elliot: Let's get a move on! Guys' trip waits for no deer.
Elvis: Or buck! [Salutes]
Elliot: That's right, son! [In the background, Gisela puts her hoof on her hip] You're old enough to take part in the sacred tradition that is... guys' trip!

Ringmaster: Please welcome... the Juggling Pugs!
[The camera zooms over to two pugs juggling balls, along with Fifi]
Elliot: [Whispering] Fifi! Do *you* see him?
Fifi: [Not paying attention] Heh heh. Do I see what?

Doug: [Undercover as Boog] I'm not your servant! I'm king of the jungle!
Reilly: Well, technically, the lion is the king of the jungle.
Buddy: And this is the forest.
Ian: The jungle tends to be denser and hotter.
[McSquizzy slaps Ian]
McSquizzy: Deer!
Ian: What? I travel.
Doug: Fine. Then I'm king of the forest! Either way, things are gonna change around here! [To Buddy] You, go get me some nice ripe berries! [To the skunks] And, you two, find me a good waterfall where I can have a nice soak! And, you, Doily --
Reilly: Reilly.
Doug: Whatever! You and your guys go build me a nice comfortable bed up on that hill.
Buddy: Don't you mean your cave?
Doug: Oh... [Realizes] yeah. My cave.
[The animals look at each other in confusion]
Doug: MOVE!
McSquizzy: [Whispering in Ian's ear] Better do what he says! He's gone blarney crackers!
Serge: He's really lost it.
Deni: Oui.
Buddy: He could be stressed.
Ian: It could be Mad Bear Disease.
Rosie: Or Stupid Deer Disease!
Ian: Seriously? Is that spreadin' around?
Buddy: Maybe we took him for granted a little too far.

[When Bob and Bobbie leave]
Roberto: Well, we might as well dig in since all hope is lost.

McSquizzy: [During the quest to search for Boog] We can't miss a 1200-pound fat bear!

Ursa: [To Boog] If just once I could perform the dance. The way it was meant to be. I would never meet a performer again.

Roberto: Aha! The circus! This way!
[Roberto slides off the trailer and screams; a loud thud is heard]
Roberto: I'm okay. I'm okay.

[Mr. Weenie meets Fifi -- who got neutered and no longer hates wild animals -- in Bob and Bobbie's RV]
Mr. Weenie: [Scared] Fuzzy!
Roberto: Yeah.
Mr. Weenie: Nein!
Roberto: Yeah.
Mr. Weenie: Nein!
Roberto: Yeah! You know, some animals are a lot kinder once they've been...
Fifi: Fixed! Oh. Hi. Mr. Weenie. Come and sit with me. We can watch the television together.
Mr. Weenie: [Looking scared] He's not still mad at me, is he?
Roberto: I think his angry days are behind them, if you know what I mean.

Boog: Whoa. Hold up, Elliot. I appreciate y'all tryin' to rescue me, but I need to talk to Ursa.
Elliot: Ursa?! Who's Ursa?
Ursa: I am.
[She and Boog hold paws]
All: [Touched] Ohh!

[A bee buzzes around and lands on Elvis' nose; Elvis is about to sneeze]
Gisela: Uh, Dad?
Elliot: Quiet, Gisela! The slightest sound could wake the bees!
[Elvis sneezes and blows himself away; Elliot hits the beehive, falls, and the beehive lands on his head]
Gisela, Giselita, Elvis: BEES!!!!

[During the mission to save Boog in the Maslova Family Circus, Nate is riding a tricycle and Mr. Weenie is sitting behind him]
Mr. Weenie: Ach! I can't see him from back here! Any sign of Boog?
[Nate barks and sees Boog juggling on a unicycle with Ursa on a tightrope]
Boog: Ursa!
Ursa: You're doing great, Boog!

[After Boog climbs a cliff with Dinkleman in his mouth and spits him out]
Boog: [Referring to the guys' trip] This is gonna be fun!

Gisela: Uh, Dad? I thought you were going to apologize.
Elliot: Ha! Apologize?! If anyone should apologize, it's him. [Points to Doug, who is disguised as Boog] To me. For... for... [Points to himself and has rash all over himself from also scratching himself in poison ivy] This! [Picks up Elvis' arm and Elvis also has rash on himself] And this! And this!
[Elliot coughs and bees fly out of his mouth; pause]
Elliot: Well?!
Doug: Uhh...
Elliot: Oh! The silent treatment! Well, two can play at that game! Only I'm not playin'! Oh, sure, I was tied to the hood of a car...
Giselita: [As Elliot is starting to rant; to Doug, who is undercover as Boog] Sorry, Uncle Boog. Dad hasn't been the same since you've been gone.
Elliot: ... Now look at me. A pathetic shell. And all because of YOU!
Doug: Uhh...
Elliot: It's too late now, Boog. This deer has sailed. [Walks off]
Gisela: Sorry, Uncle Boog. I hope you guys can work things out. [She and Giselita walk off]
Giselita: We're all glad you're back, Uncle Boog.
Doug: [Referring to Elliot] That is one seriously messed up deer!

[After Bob and Bobbie leave to go look for Bigfoot]
Roberto: Wow. Is she always like this?
Mr. Weenie: Yeah, but it's not so bad. Mein friends! It's so good to see you all!
Stanley: And you, too.
Roberto: Ya look great!
Roger: Weenie! It's been ages! [Sniffs his foot; makes a disgusted groan] Stinky foot!
[Roger puts his foot to Stanley's face]
Stanley: [In disgust] Whoo! Whoo! Why?!
Mr. Weenie: [Notices a sheepdog] Who's our new friend?
Roberto: I'd like you to meet Nate. Nate, meet Mr. Weenie.
[Nate pants and barks]
Roberto: He's the strong, silent type.

[During Elliot and his kids' rabbit fight, Elvis is seen sitting on a branch holding a rabbit]
Elvis: [Sing-song voice] They'll never find me he-ere!

[After the males tell Boog that they won't be able to go on the upcoming guys' trip tomorrow]
Boog: Then that's okay. At least I've got Elliot. He won't let me down. It'll be like old times! Me and E, the original partners!

Boog: [After seeing a "Hooty-os" cereal box in the Puni Mart] Hooty-os? Hoot, hoot!

Boog: See, I was with Ursa and, well, you know how it is when you're all caught up and--
[Alistair turns his back to Boog]
Alistair: Hmph.
Boog: Look, Alistair. [As he turns to talk to Alistair, he keeps turning his head away from Boog] Sometimes it's hard to find time for everything a-- and everyone that's important to you.
[Alistair blows a raspberry at Boog]
Boog: Alistair.
Alistair: Mm-hmm?
[Boog sighs]
Boog: Alistair?
Alistair: Hmm?
Boog: You're right. I've been a bad friend. You might not believe this, but... I know exactly how you feel right now. And I'm sorry.
Alistair: It's okay! I forgive you!
Boog: Seriously?
Alistair: That's what friends do. Right?
Boog: Yeah! Amigos!

[After the Puni Mart's window gets smashed by Bob and Bobbie's RV's tire]
Gas Station Attendant: I'm calling it a day.

[In Bob and Bobbie's trailer, Mr. Weenie and his domestic friends are all looking at the Maslova Family Circus poster]
Fifi: I've seen those lights before.
[He runs over to the window]
Mr. Weenie: Wait. You mean ze circus is just behind zose trees?
Fifi: Yes, my new old friend! Boog is closer than we ever imagined!

[Boog is dressed in a red hat and bowtie and walks out of Doug's wagon]
Alistair: No need to worry! You gonna knock her out with the real you! She'll be like, "Doug?! Who is Doug?! I'm all about Boog, baby!"

Roberto: The circus is coming!
Fifi: How can the circus be coming?! THE CIRCUS IS A TENT!! WITH POSTS!! STUCK IN THE GROUND!!! This is a highway!
Roger: Group hug! [knocks the other pets off the highway]

[That night, Bob and Bobbie are driving on the road]
Bobbie: Maybe we'll get some answers, Bob. Like if Mr. Weenie was probed or not.
Mr. Weenie: [Terrified; wide-eyed] Nein!

[The pets are in the back of a balloon truck that stopped at a gas station near the Puni Mart]
Stanley: How could you have been so wrong?!
Roberto: I don't know. Maybe it's allergies.

[After the rabbit fight between Elliot and his children]
Gisela: So, what do you wanna play next?
Elliot: Well, let's play a game of... Shrub. Jump. Diving, where we jump into the nearest shrub and, uh...
[Runs with Elvis]
Elliot: Come on, Elvis. I'll show you.
[Elliot and Elvis jump into bushes]
Gisela, Giselita: Dad! No!
Gisela: That's poison ivy!

Doug: [After he fails to guess Elliot's name] Oh, whatever. It doesn't matter what his name is. All that matters is that I'm a grizzly. And I'm king of the jungle.
Giselle: First of all, this is a forest.
Buddy: I tried to tell him.
Giselle: And second of all, what have you done with Boog?
All: Yeah!
[They all start demanding where Boog is]
Doug: [Angered] What difference does it make?! You'll ALL do what I said! I'M your Boog now!
Elliot: [Stops hugging Giselle] Boog, now that we're friends again, what do you say we go on guys' trip? Just the two of us.
[Someone tosses an acorn at Elliot]
Elliot: Ow!
[The acorn bounces off Elliot's antler and onto Doug, revealing his spikes and his identity all together]
Doug: Oops.
Elliot: [Gasps] You're not Boog! That's not Boog! Oh! Thank goodness! I thought you were mad at me! But now I know that you weren't 'cause you're not even you! [Laughs] What a relief!
Giselle: Elliot.
Elliot: Yes dear?
Giselle: Elliot!
Elliot: Oh right. [To Doug] What have you done with Boog?!
Doug: He's locked away somewhere you'll never find him! Especially after tonight when they take him back to Russia.
Elliot: [Gasps] Russia?! [To the others] Who's Russia?
Doug: It's not a who, it's a where. And believe me, you could walk for the rest of yo life and never get there!
McSquizzy: You won't get away with this you hockeytune!
Doug: No? Who's gonna stop me?
[Soon, Doug's paws are tied up and the animals start beating him, while Ian sits on his head]
Doug: Okay, I'm ready to talk!
Elliot: I'm listening.
Doug: He's at the circus! Just follow the searchlights and you'll find him!
Elliot: Ha! That's a good one! What searchlights?
[Right on cue, the searchlights beam over the forest and Elliot sees them]
Elliot: Ohh! Now let's go save Boog! 'Cause I owe him a big apology!
Elliot: And because we miss him and want him to come home before they ship him off to Russia!
All: Yeah!
[They all leave, but Gisela and Giselita stop in their tracks and they turn to Doug]
Giselita: Impostor.
[They then run off with the others]
Doug: Sorry.
Doug: That Boog sure is one lucky guy. I wish I had a friend like that.
[Doug gets loose from the ropes that the wilds tied his paws with and they land in mud; then a grapefruit falls from a tree and lands on the ground, making it splash in Doug's face]
Doug: [Comes to a realization] Wait. I do have a friend like that.

[Giselita is trying to find Boog in the Maslova Family Circus and is disguised as a human kid; she sighs in frustration]
Giselita: Where are you, Uncle Boog?

Alistair: [Crying] The only... lonely bear!

Elliot: So, is it breakfast time again? Lunch? Dinner? Play time?
[ Holds up to Elvis]'
Elliot: Is it a doe problem?
Giselita: What's a doe problem?
Elliot:Nothing. What's up?
Gisela': Mom always says that, if a friend is upset with you, you should try things to work out.
[Elliot's face frowned]
Elliot: You're upset with me?
Elliot: Oh, you're right! I've been a complete failure! [Gets down on his knees] How can you ever forgive me?!
[He falls down and begins crying]
Giselita: Uh... we were talking about you and Uncle Boog?
Gisela: You should go talk to him.
[Elliot starts sucking on his thumb and is still crying]
Giselita: [Rests her hoof on her hip] Or maybe we should go and get Uncle Boog and bring him here.
[She and Gisela start to leave, but stop]
Giselita: And you're not a complete failure. You're our dad. We love you no matter what.
[They then turn around and leave]
Elvis: Father?
[He pats his dad on the head]
Elvis: It's okay.

Elliot: [Mimicking Boog] "That's okay, E! Don't sweat it! You've got family obligations! And sometimes, you've got it cancelled!"
Boog: Sometimes?! Don't ya mean "always"?!

McSquizzy: Must have been rough out there.

Gas Station Attendant: [Cleaning the Puni Mart window] There ya go, baby. Just like new.

Boog: [Upon seeing Doug] WHOA! Another grizzly in the flesh! You don't know how long I've waited for this day! [sees Allistair]

[Elliot is disguised as one of the circus dancers in the Maslova Family Circus]
Elliot: Don't mind me. Just another circus dancer.

Ringmaster: [As he and the other circus performers go to bed] Rehearsal's over!

[The pets are falling down and screaming; Fifi's metal balls are also falling]
Fifi: No! No!
[He manages to grab them]
Fifi: Thank you.

[Ursa is dancing and sees Boog and shrieks from getting startled]
Ursa: What are you looking at?!
Boog: Nothin'. I was-- well, you were... that was beautiful.
Ursa: You are making fun.
Boog: No. No, really. Uh... listen, Ursa. I know you've got no reason to believe me. But I gotta tell you the truth. I'm not Doug. I'm Boog. [Smiles]
Ursa: You are right! I have no reason to believe you!
Boog: Look. I never should've come here. I know that now. This was all a big mistake.
Ursa: [Looks at Boog's fur] Why is fur dark?
Boog: Like I told you, I'm not Doug. I'm Boog! I was just, you know, lookin' for a place where I belong. So if you'll just give me a hand movin' one of the carts, I'll be outta your hair.
Ursa: Oh! Now I see through! You want me to help you escape and ruin circus!
Boog: No!
Ursa: You are pathetic, Doug!
Boog: No, Ursa! Seriously!
[Ursa leaves and goes back into her cart]
Boog: I just--
[Ursa slams the door shut; Boog then droops down and has a sad look on his face; a performer in the background is eavesdropping]

[In the dumpster to take cover from the severe thunderstorm]
Boog: Who am I kidding? This whole thing was a bad idea. It's not a guy's trip with only one guy. [eats a Woohoo bar] I mean, it's not like I changed. He's the one that changed! He's the ones that flakes all the time!
Boog's Shoulder Angel: But he's got a family. You should be more understanding.
Boog: Yeah.
Boog's Shoulder Devil: Understanding my butt! You're better without that independable, broken-horn plan-canceller!
Boog's Shoulder Angel: But you guys are partners.
Boog's Shoulder Devil: Partners?! [laughs] We're bears, baby! That deer's got nothin' on us!
Boog: Yeah! You know, you're right! And do you know what would sound good right now? Another Woohoo bar. And I know just the place.

Elliot: [Grabs a rabbit and gives some more rabbits to his children] Come on! Who's up for a RABBIT FIGHT?!
Gisela: Can't we wait for Uncle Boog to get back? He was supposed to be home last night.
Giselita: Yeah. Do you think he's still mad at you for ditching him on guys' trip?
Elliot: He can stay on guys' trip forever as far as I'm concerned. [Laughs] What does he think?! That he just, you know, leave the kids alone [Gisela raises an eyebrow, while Giselita angrily rolls her eyes] while Giselle visits the mother-in-law of doom?!

[Repeated line]
Roger: Meat Snacks!

[At the Maslova Family Circus, it is nighttime and Boog and Alistair are sticking their heads out of their carts]
Alistair: He's not coming back.
Boog: Give him a chance. It's still early. And besides, he's a grizzly. We're family.
Alistair: It's all a lie! There is no Bearvana!
Boog: Oh, come on, Alistair. He'll be back.
Alistair: Grizzlies hate each other! It's in their genes!
Boog: What are you talkin' about? Grizzlies don't hate each other.
Alistair: The mens do! They are muy macho! Doug lied so you can help him escape! And I... I was a partner in crime! IN CRRIIIIIIIIIMME!!! [cries] OH, WHAT HAVE I BECOME?!?
Boog: Doug's not coming back. And Ursa won't talk to me? What am I doin' here?

[In Bob and Bobbie's trailer, Mr. Weenie sees Doug and TV and mistakes him for Boog]
Mr. Weenie: Hey, zat's Boog!
Roberto: I don't remember Boog's fur bein' so light and spiky like that.
Mr. Weenie: Listen! I know Boog and zat guy's Boog!
Stanley: Whoa. That is Boog. He sure looks terrible.
Fifi: Of course he looks terrible! They're trying to KILL HIM!!!

Fifi: I hate dogs!

[In the forest, the rabbit kisses Dinkleman]
Boog: [Shocked] Dinkleman! I didn't know you were a girl!

[The pets are trying to get out of the RV, when Nate picks them up and throws them out]
Fifi: Aah! My stitches! Aaaahh!

[In the Puni Mart, Mr. Weenie and the domestics are trying to get the Maslova Family Circus poster, when Roger sees a jar of Meat Snacks]
Roger: Ooh! Meat Snacks!

Gisela, Giselita, and Elvis: BEES!
Gisela: At least getting stung will get his mind off the itching.
Giselita: Yeah.

Ian: So, come here often?
Giselle: Don't even think about it.

Voice cast



  • Boog And Elliot Are Back And The Fur Is Going To Fly!
  • The Circus Goes "Wild" In Boog And Elliot's Newest Comedy Adventure!
  • Those Funny, Furry, Forest Friends Are Back With Another Great Adventure.
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