Nund Rishi

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Shrine of Nund Rishi in Kashmir

Nund Rishi (9 April 1378 – 12 March 1439 AD), also known as Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Noorani and by the honorary title Alamdar-e-Kashmir, was a Kashmiri Sufi saint, mystic, poet and Islamic preacher. Nund Reshi was among the founders of the Rishi order, a Sufi tradition of the region. He influenced many spiritual teachers and saints, including Hamza Makhdoom, Resh Mir Sàeb, and Shamas Faqir.



Generic quotes



  • Adam akay ta byun byun war —
    Ak layi mukhta ta ak layi na har
    Tsandun ti dar, arkhor ti dar
    Arkhor asi na barkhurdar.
    • translation:
  • Man is the same [but] of different qualities;
    One is worth a pearl, another is not worth a shell.
    Sandal is wood, arkhor is wood, [but]
    Arkhor is not of any use. 1
    • The Indian Antiquary, November 1933, p. 216
  • Adana archana karay no me Tas
    Wuni pyom tsetas greki vizi nun.
    • translation:
    • I performed no devotion to Him (God) in my younger days;
      Now, at the moment of boiling (food), I have remembered (to obtain) salt. I.e., too late.
    • The Indian Antiquary, November 1933, p. 216
  • Akis ditut narma ta khasay,
    Akis jandah palas nay,
    Akis ditut barni-nyasay,
    Akis tsur ay doran Lhasay.
    • translation:
    • To one Thou (O God) gavest shawl and linen,
      To another not even a rag quilt.
      To one Thou (O God) gavest (enough for enjoyment) just near his own house door,
      To another thieves came running from (such a long distance as) Lhasa (and stole all he possessed.
    • The Indian Antiquary, November 1933, p. 216
  • Arah-balan naga-rada rov
    Sadha ror tsuran manz
    Muda gharan gora Pandita ror
    Ruza hansa ror kuran manz.

See also

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