Nerilie Abram

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Nerilie Abram in 2014

Nerilie Abram (born June 1977) is an Australian professor at the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Her areas of expertise are in climate change and paleoclimatology, including the climate of Antarctica, the Indian Ocean Dipole, and impacts on the climate of Australia.


  • "My research focuses on how the Earth’s climate has behaved over the last millennium, and what that tells us about the climate changes we are seeing now."
  • "The past climate records that I develop come from corals, caves and ice cores, and I combine these with climate model data to study climate changes."
  • "Ice cores are cylinders of ice drilled out of an ice sheet or glacier. They’re an exceptional record of past climate."
  • "I am a climate scientist who has spent the last two decades studying how our climate is changing and sharing our increasingly urgent and frightening findings with the world."
  • "Climate change is already impacting every inhabited part of our planet."
  • "I spend every day looking at the data that tells us each of those climate extremes will keep getting worse."
  • "Every tonne of carbon dioxide that we emit adds to global warming. And every fraction of a degree of further warming will cause climate impacts to become more frequent and more intense."
  • "I implore you and the Labor Party to govern like every decision, and every year, matters. Because it really, really does."
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