Modupe Ozolua

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Modupe Ozolua

Modupe Ozolua (born on 10th of October 1973, in Benin City, Nigeria) is a Nigerian philanthropist and entrepreneur.


  • I believe we are all here for a purpose, some people will go through life never knowing what their purpose is, while some will. When you are able to identify what your purpose is, it is then you get to enjoy life and live life properly......
  • It’s not easy for any country to maintain IDP or refugee camps because of the many challenges involved, especially financial implications.
  • Hold your head up! There is nothing wrong with working hard for success, but never be desperate for fame.
  • Today, you are famous and you are celebrated by all, tomorrow, it’s going to be someone else. Don’t allow your self- worth to be based on others’ perception of who you are.
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