Mignone Alice Kabera

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Mignone Alice Kabera is a Rwandan woman who is one of the first Apostle women in Rwanda. She is the co-founder and leader of the Noble Family Church but she is mostly known as the founder of Women Foundation Ministries, an association that focuses on developing Rwandan women in the areas of spirituality and the issues they face in their daily lives, including in the home, at work and beyond.


  • When a child is young you took her/him to the church, to Sunday school, you taught her/him but when she/he grow up, he/she want to know more separately from your parents and it is the same in Godly way, You don't taught children to search for your God that they don't know but you have to teach them to search for their own God so that they can pass through all others people pass through. you need to pray for them, advice them , love them. then some can accept salvation the remaining will accept it later.

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